

VerifyCard comprises two services: Zero Auth and BIN Query.


Zero Auth is a service that identifies whether a card is valid or not, through an operation similar to an authorization, but with a value of R$0.00.

Zero Auth simulates an authorization without affecting the credit limit or alerting the cardholder to the test.

Fluxo ZeroAuth

Notice: Zero Auth transactions are subject to the rules established in Card Brands Retry Program. Fees may be charged due to excessive attempts. Please refer to Card Brands Retry Program for details.

BIN Query is a service available exclusively to Cielo customers that returns card information based on the BIN (first six digits of the card):

Consulta BIN

Benefits of VerifyCard

VerifyCard’s responses on expiration and card information allows your store to create customizations in your application and/or checkout. See usage examples:

Using VerifyCard with Cartão Protegido

VerifyCard can be used in conjunction with the card tokenization service (Cartão Protegido).

In this case, the VerifyCard API first receives the Zero Auth service request and validates it with the acquirer, which responds whether the card is valid or not. The VerifyCard API then sends this return to the store, which can choose whether or not to request tokenization of the card to the Protected Card API.

See below the representation of this transactional flow, using VerifyCard in conjunction with Cartão Protegido:

VerifyCard com Cartão Protegido

VerifyCard in sandbox

Zero Auth programmed responses

It is possible to test the VerifyCard (Zero Auth) returns in a sandbox environment using the “Simulado” provider. For this, you can use the test cards in the table below to simulate the scenarios of authorized, unauthorized and operation failure.

Card number Status Returns Message
4929751832037988 0 70 Not authorized
4485845528427499 99 BP900 Operation failure
4556839012717881 1 4 Authorized

Programmed Responses BIN Query

In the simulation of the BIN Query in a sandbox environment, each of the first six digits will return a simulated result. It is possible to set up a test card numbering and observe the expected return according to different scenarios.

Digit Meaning Returns
1st digit Brand. If it’s ‘3’, it returns “AMEX
If it’s ‘5’, it returns “MASTERCARD
If it’s ‘6’, it returns “DISCOVER
Any other number returns “VISA”.
2nd digit Card type. If it’s ‘3’, it returns “Debit
If it’s ‘5’, it returns “Credit
If it’s ‘7’, it returns “Credit” and returns the Prepaid field as “true
Any other number returns “Multiple”.
3rd digit Card nationality. If ‘1’ returns “true” (domestic card)
Any number other than ‘1’ returns “false” (international card).
4th digit Whether the card is corporate or not. If it’s ‘1’, it returns “true” (it’s a corporate card)
Any number other than ‘1’ returns “false” (it’s not a corporate card).
5th digit Analysis return. If it is ‘2’ it returns “01 - Flag not supported
If it is ‘3’ it returns “02 - Voucher - Not supported in the bin query
Any other number returns “00 - Analysis authorized
6th digit Issuer bank. If it’s ‘1’, it returns “104” and “Cashier
If it’s ‘2’, it returns “001” and “Bank do Brasil
Any other number returns “237” and “Bradesco


Environment Transactional URL Basis
Sandbox https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/
Production https://api.braspag.com.br/


To query a card, send a request using the HTTP POST verb to the VerifyCard service, following the examples in this manual. The VerifyCard query can be done by card number or token.

In the request to VerifyCard, you will send the Provider together with the card data (number or tokenized card).

In the response, the ZeroAuth check will be displayed on the Status, ProviderReturnCode and ProviderReturnMessage properties. O retorno da Consulta BIN estará nas propriedades do nó BinData.

VerifyCard by card number

       "CardNumber": "999999******9999",
       "Holder": "Joao da Silva",
       "ExpirationDate": "03/2026",
       "SecurityCode": "***",
       "Brand": "Visa",
       "Type": "CreditCard"
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/verifycard"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
   "Provider": "Cielo30",
   "Card" :
       "CardNumber": "999999******9999",
       "Holder": "Joao da Silva",
       "ExpirationDate": "03/2026",
       "SecurityCode": "***",
       "Brand": "Visa",
       "Type": "CreditCard"
Property Description Type Size Required
MerchantId Braspag store identifier. Guid 36 Yes
MerchantKey Public key for double authentication on Braspag. Text 40 Yes
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Card.CardNumber Shopper’s card number for Zero Auth and BIN Query. If it is just a BIN Query request, send only the BIN (6 or 9 digits). Text 16 Yes
Card.Holder Shopper’s name printed on card. Text 25 Yes
Card.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in MM/YYYY format. Text 7 Yes
Card.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes (No, if authorized by the purchaser)
Card.Brand Card brand. Text 10 No
Card.Type Type of card to be consulted (“CreditCard” / “DebitCard”). This field is particularly important due to cards with multiple functions. Text 10 Yes


    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
    "BinData": {
        "Provider": "Master",
        "CardType": "Crédito",
        "ForeignCard": false,
        "Code": "00",
        "Message": "Analise autorizada",
        "CorporateCard": false,
        "Issuer": "Banco da Praça",
        "IssuerCode": "001",
        "CardBin": "999999",
        "CardLast4Digits": "9999",
        "Prepaid": false
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
    "BinData": {
        "Provider": "Master",
        "CardType": "Crédito",
        "ForeignCard": false,
        "Code": "00",
        "Message": "Analise autorizada",
        "CorporateCard": false,
        "Issuer": "Banco da Praça",
        "IssuerCode": "001",
        "CardBin": "999999",
        "CardLast4Digits": "9999",
        "Prepaid": false
Property Description Type Size Format
Status Zero Auth Status. Number 1 “0” - Zero Auth query failed
“1” - Zero Auth query was successful
“99” - Query was successful, but the card status is inconclusive
ProviderReturnCode Zero Auth query code returned by the provider. Number 2 This is the same code returned by the provider during a standard authorization. Ex.: “82” - invalid card (for Cielo30 provider)
ProviderReturnMessage Zero Auth query message returned by provider. Text 512 Eg.: “Transacao Autorizada” (Authorized Transaction)
BinData.Provider Service provider. Text 15 Eg.: “Cielo30”
BinData.CardType Card type returned from the BIN Query. Text 15 Eg.: “Crédito” / “Débito” / “Múltiplo” (Credit / Debit / Multiple)
BinData.ForeignCard Indicates whether it is a card issued outside Brazil. Boolean Eg.: true/false
BinData.Code BIN Query return code. Number 2 Ex.: “00” - successful query (for Cielo30 provider)
BinData.Message BIN Query return message. Text 512 Ex.: “Analise autorizada” (Analysis authorized) - query performed successfully (for Cielo30 provider)
BinData.CorporateCard Indicates whether the card is corporate. Boolean Eg.: true/false
BinData.Issuer Card issuer name. Text 512 Eg.: “Banco da Praça” (subject to mapping by the acquirer)
BinData.IssuerCode Card issuer code. Number 3 Eg.: “000” (subject to acquirer mapping)
BinData.CardBin The first six digits of the card. Number 6 Eg.: “999999”
BinData.CardLast4Digits Last 4 digits of the card number. Number 4 Eg.: “9999”
BinData.Prepaid Indicates whether the card is prepaid or not Boolean Eg.: “000” (subject to acquirer mapping)

VerifyCard by card token

    "Provider": "Cielo30",
    "Card": {
        "CardToken": "af1ffa95-e4a6-4ed9-9270-a9cb4c586c4a",
        "SecurityCode": "939",
        "Brand": "Visa",
        "Type": "CreditCard"
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/verifycard"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
   "Provider": "Cielo30",
   "Card" :
       "CardToken": "af1ffa95-e4a6-4ed9-9270-a9cb4c586c4a",
        "SecurityCode": "939",
        "Brand": "Visa",
        "Type": "CreditCard"
Property Description Type Size Required
MerchantId Braspag store identifier. Guid 36 Yes
MerchantKey Public key for double authentication on Braspag. Text 40 Yes
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Card.CardToken Token on the Cartão Protegido that represents card data. Text 16 Yes
Card.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
Card.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
Card.Type Type of card to be queried (“CreditCard”/”DebitCard”). This field is particularly important due to cards with multiple functions. Text 10 Yes


    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
    "BinData": {
        "Provider": "Master",
        "CardType": "Crédito",
        "ForeignCard": false,
        "Code": "00",
        "Message": "Analise autorizada",
        "CorporateCard": false,
        "Issuer": "Banco da Praça",
        "IssuerCode": "001",
        "CardBin": "999999",
        "CardLast4Digits": "9999",
        "Prepaid": false
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transacao autorizada",
    "BinData": {
        "Provider": "Master",
        "CardType": "Crédito",
        "ForeignCard": false,
        "Code": "00",
        "Message": "Analise autorizada",
        "CorporateCard": false,
        "Issuer": "Banco da Praça",
        "IssuerCode": "001",
        "CardBin": "999999",
        "CardLast4Digits": "9999",
        "Prepaid": false
Property Description Type Size Format
Status Zero Auth Status. Number 1 “0” - Zero Auth query failed
“1” - Zero Auth query was successful
“99” - Query was successful, but the card status is inconclusive
ProviderReturnCode Zero Auth query code returned by the provider. Number 2 This is the same code returned by the provider during a standard authorization. Ex.: “82” - invalid card (for Cielo30 provider)
ProviderReturnMessage Zero Auth query message returned by provider. Text 512 Eg.: “Transacao Autorizada” (Authorized Transaction)
BinData.Provider Service provider. Text 15 Eg.: “Cielo30”
BinData.CardType Card type returned from the BIN Query. Text 15 Eg.: “Crédito” / “Débito” / “Múltiplo” (Credit / Debit / Multiple)
BinData.ForeignCard Indicates whether it is a card issued outside Brazil. Boolean Eg.: true/false
BinData.Code BIN Query return code. Number 2 Ex.: “00” - successful query (for Cielo30 provider)
BinData.Message BIN Query return message. Text 512 Ex.: “Analise autorizada” (Analysis authorized) - query performed successfully (for Cielo30 provider)
BinData.CorporateCard Indicates whether the card is corporate. Boolean Eg.: true/false
BinData.Issuer Card issuer name. Text 512 Eg.: “Banco da Praça” (subject to mapping by the acquirer)
BinData.IssuerCode Card issuer code. Number 3 Eg.: “000” (subject to acquirer mapping)
BinData.CardBin The first six digits of the card. Number 6 Eg.: “999999”
BinData.CardLast4Digits Last 4 digits of the card number. Number 4 Eg.: “9999”
BinData.Prepaid Indicates whether the card is prepaid or not Boolean Eg.: “000” (subject to acquirer mapping)