Split Payments - Onboarding


Split Payments provides an API to manage Subordinates on the platform. The Master must provide Subordinate information in order to use it during the Onboarding process.

Just like the Master, Subordinates also need to go through the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. It is necessary to validate the Subordinate and some documentation is required.

This KYC process is a required action by financial regulatory agencies.

The Subordinate’s onboarding process has the following steps:

  1. Master requests Subordinate’s enrollment.
  2. The Subordinate will be created in our system with status “Under Analysis”. That means the Subordinate cannot participate in the transaction until the KYC process is finished.
  3. After the analysis, Master will be notified about the result of the KYC process and the Subordinate ID.



Onboarding API: https://splitonboardingsandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br


Onboarding API: https://splitonboarding.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br

Subordinate’s Enrollment

To enroll a Subordinate, Master should make a request with the Subordinate’s information.

There are two ways to establish agreements between Master and its Subordinates with Split Payments:

  1. Setting the MDR (Merchant Discount Rate) to be charged for each transaction by Payment Arrangements and installments range.
  2. If Master do not set the MDR for each Payment Arrangement and installments range, Split Payments will get the same agreements between Master and Acquirer and copy the values to the agreements between Master and Subordinate.

**Example: **

MDR from Master to Subordinate: 4%

Agreement Acquirer vs. Master Visa Master Elo Diners Amex Hiper
Debit 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%      
Credit 1x 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
Credit 2x to 6x 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00%
Credit 7x to 12x 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%
Agreement Master vs. Subordinate Visa Master Elo Diners Amex Hiper
Debit 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%      
Credit 1x 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
Credit 2x to 6x 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
Credit 7x to 12x 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%


Setting the MDR by Payment Arrangements and installments range

--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
    "CorporateName":"Subordinate Corp.",
    "FancyName":"Subordinate Fancy Name",
    "ContactName":"George Silva",
    "BankAccount": {
        "Street":"Jhon st",
        "Complement":"Rm 701",
        "City":"New York",
        "State" : "NY",
        "ZipCode": "10038"
        "Fee" : 10,
        "MerchantDiscountRates": [{
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "DebitCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "Percent" : 1.5
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "CreditCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "Percent" : 2.0
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "CreditCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 2,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 6,
            "Percent" : 3.0
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "CreditCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 7,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 12,
            "Percent" : 4.0
    "Notification": {
        "Url": "https://endpoint.com.br/api/subordinates",
        "Headers": [{
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1"
            "Key": "key2",
            "Value": "value2"
    "Attachments": [{
        "AttachmentType": "ProofOfBankDomicile",
        "File": {
            "Name": "evidence",
            "FileType": "png",
            "Data": "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"
Property Type Size Required Description
CorporateName Guid 36 Yes Corporate Name
FancyName String 50 Yes Fancy Name
DocumentNumber String 14 Yes Document number (digits only)
DocumentType String - Yes Document Type. Valid values: Cpf, Cnpj
MerchantCategoryCode String 4 Yes A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number listed in ISO 18245 for retail financial services. MCC is used to classify the business by the type of goods or services it provides. List of MCC codes
ContactName String 100 Yes Name of the Merchant representative
ContactPhone String 11 Yes Merchant Representative’s phone number (digits only)
MailAddress String 50 Yes e-mail address
Website String 200 No Website address
BankAccount.Bank String 3 Yes Bank code. Bank codes in Brazil
BankAccount.BankAccountType String - Yes Account type. Accepted values: CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount
BankAccount.Number String 20 Yes Account Number
BankAccount.Operation String 10 No Operation code. Some bank institutions have a special code to identify the profile of its client
BankAccount.VerifierDigit Char 1 Yes Check digit of the account number
BankAccount.AgencyNumber String 15 Yes Agency number
BankAccount.AgencyDigit Char 1 Yes Check digit of agency number. Set 0 when n/a
BankAccount.DocumentNumber String 14 Yes Account holder document number (digits only)
BankAccount.DocumentType String - Yes Account holder document type. Valid values: Cpf, Cnpj
Address.Street String 100 Yes Street name
Address.Number String 15 Yes The number from street address
Address.Complement String 80 No Additional information of the address
Address.Neighborhood String 50 Yes Neighborhood
Address.City String 50 Yes City
Address.State String 2 Yes State postal abbreviation
Address.ZipCode String 9 Yes Zip code (digits only)
Agreement.Fee Int - Yes Fixed fee for each transaction. Value in cents. Ex: BRL 1.00 = "Fee" : 100
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].PaymentArrangement.Product String - Yes Payment arrangement product of subordinate MDR. Accepted values: CreditCard, DebitCard
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].PaymentArrangement.Brand String - Yes Payment arrangement brand of subordinate MDR. Accepted values: Visa, Master, Amex, Elo, Diners, and Hipercard
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].InitialInstallmentNumber Int - Yes The start number of the installments range of subordinate MDR. This number must be **between 1 and 12 (>0 and 0 and 0 and 0 and 0 and 0 and GET {split-onboarding-api}/api/subordinates/{subordinate-merchant-id}</aside>


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
    "MasterMerchantId": "665a33c5-0022-4a40-a0bd-daad04eb3236",
    "MerchantId": "b8ccc729-a874-4b51-a5a9-ffeb5bd98878",
    "CorporateName":"Subordinate Corp.",
    "FancyName":"Subordinate Fancy Name",
    "ContactName":"George Silva",
    "Blocked": false,
    "Analysis": {
        "Status": "Approved",
        "Score": 89,
        "DenialReason": null
    "BankAccount": {
        "Street":"Jhon st",
        "Complement":"Rm 701",
        "City":"New York",
        "State" : "NY",
        "ZipCode": "10038"
        "Fee" : 10,
        "MerchantDiscountRates": [{
            "MerchantDiscountRateId": "662e340f-07f2-4827-816d-b1878eb03eae",
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "DebitCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "Percent" : 1.5
            "MerchantDiscountRateId": "eb9d6357-7ad1-4fe0-90fe-364cff7ff0fd",
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "CreditCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 1,
            "Percent" : 2.0
            "MerchantDiscountRateId": "d09fe9d3-98c7-4c37-9bd3-7c1c91ee15de",
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "CreditCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 2,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 6,
            "Percent" : 3.0
            "MerchantDiscountRateId": "e2515c24-fd73-4b8e-92ad-cfe2b95239de",
            "PaymentArrangement": {
                "Product": "CreditCard",
                "Brand": "Master"
            "InitialInstallmentNumber" : 7,
            "FinalInstallmentNumber" : 12,
            "Percent" : 4.0
    "Notification": {
        "Url": "https://endpoint.com.br/api/subordinates",
        "Headers": [{
            "Key": "key1",
            "Value": "value1"
            "Key": "key2",
            "Value": "value2"
    "Attachments": [{
        "AttachmentType": "ProofOfBankDomicile",
        "File": {
            "Name": "evidence",
            "FileType": "png"
Property Type Size Required Description
MasterMerchantId Guid 36 Yes ID of Subordinate’s master
MerchantId Guid 36 Yes Subordinate ID
CorporateName Guid 36 Yes Corporate Name
FancyName String 50 Yes Fancy Name
DocumentNumber String 14 Yes Document number
DocumentType String - Yes Document Type. Valid values: Cpf, Cnpj
MerchantCategoryCode String 4 Yes A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is a four-digit number listed in ISO 18245 for retail financial services. MCC is used to classify the business by the type of goods or services it provides. List of MCC codes
ContactName String 100 Yes Name of the Merchant representative
ContactPhone String 11 Yes Merchant Representative’s phone number (digits only)
MailAddress String 50 Yes e-mail address
Website String 200 No Website address
Blocked Boolean - Yes A flag to indicate if the Subordinate is blocked to participate in the transaction
Analysis.Status String - Yes KYC process status. Values may be: Approved, ApprovedWithRestriction, Rejected
Analysis.Score Int - No KYC process analysis score. Range from 1 to 100
Analysis.DenialReason String - No Reason why Subordinate has failed in the KYC process, when applicable
BankAccount.Bank String 3 Yes Bank code. Bank codes in Brazil
BankAccount.BankAccountType String - Yes Account type. Accepted values: CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount
BankAccount.Number String 20 Yes Account Number
BankAccount.Operation String 10 No Operation code. Some bank institutions have a special code to identify the profile of its client
BankAccount.VerifierDigit Char 1 Yes Check digit of the account number
BankAccount.AgencyNumber String 15 Yes Agency number
BankAccount.AgencyDigit Char 1 Yes Check digit of agency number. Set 0 when n/a
BankAccount.DocumentNumber String 14 Yes Account holder document number (digits only)
BankAccount.DocumentType String - Yes Account holder document type. Valid values: Cpf, Cnpj
Address.Street String 100 Yes Street name
Address.Number String 15 Yes The number from street address
Address.Complement String 80 No Additional information of the address
Address.Neighborhood String 50 Yes Neighborhood
Address.City String 50 Yes City
Address.State String 2 Yes State postal abbreviation
Address.ZipCode String 9 Yes Zip code
Agreement.Fee Int - Yes Fixed fee for each transaction. Value in cents. Ex: BRL 1.00 = "Fee" : 100
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].MerchantDiscountRateId Guid 36 Yes MDR ID
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].PaymentArrangement.Product String - Yes Payment arrangement product of subordinate MDR. Accepted values: CreditCard, DebitCard
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].PaymentArrangement.Brand String - Yes Payment arrangement brand of subordinate MDR. Accepted values: Visa, Master, Amex, Elo, Diners, Discover, Hipercard
Agreement.MerchantDiscountRates[].InitialInstallmentNumber Int - Yes The start number of the installments range of subordinate MDR. This number must be **between 1 and 12 (>0 and 0 and POST {notification-url}</aside>
    "MerchantId": "b8ccc729-a874-4b51-a5a9-ffeb5bd98878",
    "Status": "Approved",
    "Score": 89,
    "DenialReason": null
Property Type Size Required Description
MerchantId Guid 36 Yes Subordinate ID
Analysis.Status String - Yes KYC process status. Values may be: Approved, ApprovedWithRestriction, Rejected
Analysis.Score Int - No KYC process analysis score. Range from 1 to 100
Analysis.DenialReason String - No Reason why Subordinate has failed in the KYC process, when applicable