Risk Notification Integration Guide

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Risk Notification API was developed by Braspag’s Risk team for clients to consult fraud alerts, chargebacks, submit files for chargeback contestation and accept chargebacks.

The API is based on REST architecture, which exchange data in JSON format following authorization flows defined by the OAuth 2 protocol, where all standards are widely used by the industry and supported by the technical communities.

To learn more about OAuth 2, see https://oauth.net/2/


The purpose of this documentation is to guide the developer on how to integrate with the Risk Notification API by describing the operations available with examples of requests and responses.

To perform an operation, combine the base endpoint of the environment with the endpoint of the desired operation and send using the HTTP VERB as described in the operation.


BraspagAuth API

Ambiente URL
Sandbox https://authsandbox.braspag.com.br/
Produção https://auth.braspag.com.br/

Chargeback API Braspag

Ambiente URL
Sandbox https://risknotificationsandbox.braspag.com.br/
Produção https://risknotification.braspag.com.br/


Access Token

Risk Notification API Braspag uses the industry standard OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize access to its environment-specific resources, which are: Sandbox and Production.

This session describes the flow required for client applications to obtain valid access tokens for use in the API.

Obtaining the access token

The access token is obtained through the oauth client_credentials. The diagram below illustrates, in chronological order, the communication between Client Application, BraspagAuth API and Risk Notification API.

  1. The Client Application, informs the BraspagAuth API your credential.

  2. The BraspagAuth API validates the credential received. If valid, returns the access token for Client Application.

  3. The Client Application informs the access token in the header of the HTTP requests made to the Risk Notification API.

  4. If the access token is valid, the request is processed and the data is returned to the Client Application

Request a credential by opening a ticket through our support tool, sending the exit IP (s) of your homologation and production servers.
Support Braspag

How to get the token

Once in possession of the credential, you will need to “encrypt” it in Base64, using the client_id:client_secret convention, and send the result in the header through the Authorization field.



Parâmetros no cabeçalho (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization Basic YnJhc3BhZ3Rlc3RlczoxcTJ3M2U0cg==

Parâmetros no corpo (Body)

Key Value
scope Chargeback
grant_type client_credentials


  "access_token": "faSYkjfiod8ddJxFTU3vti_ ... _xD0i0jqcw",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 599

Parameters in the body (Body)

Parameter Description
access_token The access token requested. The application can use this token to authenticate itself to the protected resource, in this case the Antifraud Gateway API
token_type Indicates the value of the token type
expires_in Expiry of the access token, in seconds
The token when it expires, it is necessary to get a new one

Simulating Chargeback

Through this option you will be able to create chargeback for transactions only in the sandbox environment. To do this, perform a POST according to the guidelines below.


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent
    "ChargebackBrandGroups": [{
        "Brand": "Visa",
        "Details": [{
            "Acquirer": "Cielo",
            "AcquirerCaseNumber": "2020052301",
            "AcquirerTransactionId": "0523103051968",
            "Amount": 100,
            "AuthorizationCode": "433946",
            "CardHolder": "Teste Holder",
            "EstablishmentCode": "TestAffiliation",
            "MaskedCardNumber": "402400******2931",
            "ReasonCode": "101",
            "ReasonMessage": "Responsabilidade EMV - Falsifcação",
            "SaleDate": "2020-05-23",
            "TransactionAmount": 100,
            "ProofOfSale": "3051968"
        "Brand": "Master",
        "Details": [{
            "Acquirer": "Cielo",
            "AcquirerCaseNumber": "2020052302",
            "AcquirerTransactionId": "0523103114691",
            "Amount": 100,
            "AuthorizationCode": "722134",
            "CardHolder": "Teste Holder",
            "EstablishmentCode": "TestAffiliation",
            "MaskedCardNumber": "402400******2931",
            "ReasonCode": "101",
            "ReasonMessage": "Responsabilidade EMV - Falsifcação",
            "SaleDate": "2020-05-23",
            "TransactionAmount": 100,
            "ProofOfSale": "3114691"
Parameter Description Type Required Size
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Brand Brand
Informar o mesmo valor informado no campo Payment.CreditCard.Brand na criação da transação
string yes 32
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].Acquirer Acquirer identifier
Send fixed Cielo
string yes 16
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].AcquirerCaseNumber Chargeback case number
This value will be used to carry out the Acceptance and Contestation operations
string yes 10
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].AcquirerTransactionId Acquirer transaction ID
If a transaction was created using Pagador Braspag API, inform the same value received in the field Payment.AcquirerTransactionId of the response
If a transaction was created using the Cielo 3.0 API or the Split Braspag API, inform the same value received in the Payment.Tid field of the response
string yes 20
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].Amount Chargeback amount in cents
Ex: 123456 = r$ 1.234,56
long yes -
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].AuthorizationCode Acquirer authorization code
Inform the same value received in the Payment.AuthorizationCode field of the response of the creation of the transaction
string yes 8
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].CardHolder Card holder
Inform the same value informed in the field Payment.CrediCard.Holder when creating the transaction
In production, this field may be empty or may contain information other than the card holder
string no 100
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].EstablishmentCode Establishment code or affiliation code
Inform the same value informed in the field Payment.Credentials.Code when creating the transaction
string yes 10
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].MaskedCardNumber Masked card number
Inform the same value received in the Payment.CreditCard.Number field of the response of the creation of the transaction
string yes 16
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].ReasonCode Chargeback reason code
Inform the code according to the table XXXXXXX
string yes 5
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].ReasonMessage Chargeback reason nessage
Inform the message according to the table XXXXXXX
string yes 128
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].SaleDate Acquirer authorization date
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
date yes 10
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].TransactionAmount Transaction amount in cents
Inform the same value informed in the field Payment.Amount when creating the transaction
Ex: 123456 = r$ 1.234,56
long yes -
ChargebackBrandGroups[n].Details[n].ProofOfSale Acquirer unique sequential number (NSU)
Inform the same value received in the Payment.ProofOfSale field of the response of the creation of the transaction
string yes 20


Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 200 OK


Accepting a chargeback


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "CaseNumber": "000001",
    "Status": 2,
    "StatusDescription": "AcceptedByMerchant"

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 200 OK

Parameters in the body (Body)

Key Value
CaseNumber Chargeback case number
Status Chargeback status - Table 3 - Chargebacks{n}.Status
StatusDescription Chargeback status description

Accepting a nonexistent chargeback


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Code": "ChargebackNotFounded",
    "Message": "Chargeback not found"

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 404 Not Found

Parameters in the body (Body)

Key Value
Code Code that chargeback was not found
Message Message that chargeback was not found

Accepting a previously accepted or contested chargeback


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Code": "ChargebackAlreadyUpdated",
    "Message": "Chargeback already updated"

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 400 Bad Request

Parameters in the body (Body)

Key Value
Code Code that chargeback was previously accepted or contested
Message Message that chargeback was previously accepted or contested


Contesting a chargeback

        "FileName": "file1.png",
        "Content": "asdfghjkle ********** lkjhgfdsa"
        "FileName": "file2.jpg",
        "Content": "zxcvbnmasd ********** qwertyuio"
        "FileName": "file3.jpg",
        "Content": "qwertyuiop ********** asdfghjkl"


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes

Parameters in the body (Body)

Parameter Description Type Required Size  
Files[n].FileName File name with extension
File extension jpeg, jpg or png
Note: All files must add up to a maximum of 7mb in size
The deadline to submit the appeal is 7 calendar days, ie. chargeback from 2019-02-13 is possible to send the contestation until 2019-02-19
string yes 100
Files[n].Content Base64 file content string yes -  


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 200 OK

Contesting a nonexistent chargeback


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Code": "ChargebackNotFounded",
    "Message": "Chargeback not found"

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 404 Not Found

Parameters in the body (Body)

Key Value
Code Code that chargeback was not found
Message Message that chargeback was not found

Contesting a previously contested or accepted chargeback


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Code": "ChargebackAlreadyUpdated",
    "Message": "Chargeback already updated"

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 400 Bad Request

Parameters in the body (Body)

Key Value
Code Code that chargeback was previously contested or accepted
Message Message that chargeback was previously contested or accepted

Contesting a chargeback and not sending the contestation files


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Message": "The request is invalid.",
    "ModelState": {
        "contestationRequest.Files[0].FileName": [
        "FileName can not be null or empty."
    "contestationRequest.Files[0].Content": [
        "Content can not be null or empty."

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 400 Bad Request

Parameters in the body (Body)

Key Value
Code Code that contestation file was not sent
Message Message that contestation file was not sent
Parameter Description
Message Message stating that the request is invalid
Message.ModelState.ContestationRequest.Files[n].FileName Message stating that the file name was not sent
Message.ModelState.ContestationRequest.Files[n].Content Message stating that the content file was not sent

Contesting a chargeback by submitting the contestation file with an extension different than jpeg, jpg or png


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Message": "The request is invalid.",
    "ModelState": {
    "contestationRequest.Files[0].FileName": [
        "The file extension must be sent. The accepted extensions are: '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'"

Parâmetros no cabeçalho (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 400 Bad Request

Parâmetros no body (Corpo)

Parameter Description
Message Message stating that the request is invalid
Message.ModelState.ContestationRequest.Files[n].FileName Message stating that the file was sent with an invalid extension

Contesting a chargeback by submitting contest files larger than 7mb


Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Establishment Code
Note: If this Key was not sent, MerchantId must be sent
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm MerchantID
Note: If this Key was not sent, EstablishmentCode must be sent

Parameters in the route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Message": "File(s) file1.png, file2.png has length bigger than the size limit of 7MB."

Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 400 Bad Request

Parâmetros no body (Corpo)

Parameter Description
Message Message stating which file (s) are larger than 7mb

Contesting a chargeback by sending files and the sum of the size of all is greater than 7mb


Parâmetros no cabeçalho (Header)

Key Value Descrição Obrigatório
Content-Type application/json Tipo do conteúdo da requisição sim
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Tipo da autorização sim
EstablishmentCode xxxxxxxxxx Número do estabelecimento ou afiliação na adquirente
Obs.: Caso esta Key não seja enviada, obrigatoriamente a MerchantId deverá ser enviada
MerchantId mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm Id da loja na Braspag
Obs.: Caso esta Key não seja enviada, obrigatoriamente a EstablishmentCode deverá ser enviada

Parâmetros na route

Parameter Description Required
CaseNumber Chargeback related case number yes


    "Message": "Files has length bigger than the size limit of 7MB.",

Parâmetros no cabeçalho (Header)

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Status 400 Bad Request

Parâmetros no body (Corpo)

Parameter Description
Message Message stating that all files sent by adding their sizes is greater than 7mb



Parameters in the header (Header)

Key Value Description Required
Content-Type application/json Request content type yes
Authorization Bearer {access_token} Authorization type yes

Parameters in the querystring

Parameter Description Required
StartDate Query start date sim
EndDate Quer end date sim
PageIndex Page number yes
PageSize Number of items per page
Maximum 250 items
MerchantIds MerchantId(s) to be used in the query
Note: If not submitted, the query will be performed taking into account the MerchantId(s) associated with ClientId
EstablishmentCodes Establishment code(s) to be used in the query
Note: If not submitted, the query will be performed taking into account the Establishment code(s) associated with ClientId
CaseNumber Chargeback case number no
AcquirerTransactionId Acquirer transaction ID (TID) no
BraspagTransactionId Pagador transaction ID or PaymentId (Cielo 3.0) no


    "PageIndex": 1,
    "PageSize": 250,
    "Total": 500,
            "Id": "fd14e3fb-cf2a-4228-b690-1338660afc54",
            "CreatedDate": "2018-09-01 09:51:25",
            "Date": "2018-08-30",
            "CaseNumber": "000001",
            "Amount": 10000,
            "ReasonCode": "28",
            "ReasonMessage": "Consumidor nao reconhece a compra",
            "Status": "Received",
            "Comment": "Cliente enviou documentos inválidos",
            "IsFraud": true,
                "AcquirerType": "Cielo",
                "EstablishmentCode": "1234567890",
                "MerchantOrderId": "abc123efg",
                "Tid": "1234567890BA2018XPTO",
                "Nsu": "258654",
                "AuthorizationCode": "T85245",
                "SaleDate": "2018-08-15",
                "PagadorMerchantId": "a1052460-92b2-49c3-a929-fc985df0ba2f",
                "BraspagTransactionId": "bb33b5c5-82fe-4254-9f1d-b9c97297b0d5",
                "Amount": 10000,
                "RawData": "JOAO D COUVES",
                "MaskedCardNumber": "453906******8385",
                "Brand": "Visa",
                "AntifraudMerchantId": "4b1b017a-a8b5-4e83-ae36-19c69f11845e",
                "AntifraudTransactionId": "9f6ec028-b55d-4605-b655-164ce62aeaef",
                "AntifraudSourceApplication": "Gateway",
                "ProviderTransactionId": "5446494501496896403073",
                "NegativeValues": [
                "ProviderChargebackMarkingEvent": {
                    "Id": "5446495589216876903021",
                    "Status": "ACCEPT",
                    "Code": "100",
Parameter Description Type
Id Chargeback ID at Risk Notification API guid
CreatedDate Chargeback creation date at Risk Notification API
Ex.: 2018-09-01 09:51:25
Date Chargeback date
Ex.: 2018-08-30
CaseNumber Chargeback case number string
Amount Chargeback amount in cents
Ex: 123456 = r$ 1.234,56
ReasonCode Chargeback reason code string
ReasonMessage Chargeback reason nessage string
Status Chargeback status at Risk Notification API - Table 3 string
Comment Comment associated with chargeback
If Cybersource transaction chargeback, this comment will be visible on Cybersource backoffice
IsFraud Identifies if chargeback is fraud bool
Transaction.AcquirerType Acquirer identifier string
Transaction.EstablishmentCode Establishment code string
Transaction.MerchantOrderId Order ID string
Transaction.Tid Acquirer transaction ID string
Transaction.Nsu Acquirer unique sequential number (NSU) string
Transaction.AuthorizationCode Acquirer authorization code string
Transaction.SaleDate Acquirer authorization date
Ex.: 2018-08-15
Transaction.PagadorMerchantId Merchant ID at Pagador or Cielo 3.0 guid
Transaction.BraspagTransactionId Transaction ID at Pagador or Cielo 3.0 (PaymentId) guid
Transaction.Amount Transaction amount in cents
Ex: 123456 = r$ 1.234,56
Transaction.RawData Data sent by acquirer and may be the card holder or other message string
Transaction.MaskedCardNumber Masked card number string
Transaction.Brand Brand string
Transaction.AntifraudMerchantId Merchant ID at Antifraud guid
Transaction.AntifraudTransactionId Transaction Id at Antifraud guid
Transaction.AntifraudSourceApplication Origin of the antifraud platform - Table 6 string
Transaction.ProviderTransactionId Transaction ID at antifraud provider  
Transaction.NegativeValues Parameters that were included in negative list when antifraud transaction for Cybersource
Parameters are concatenated using the character ,
Ex.: CustomerDocumentNumber, ShippingStreet
- Table 1
Transaction.ProviderChargebackMarkingEvent.Id ID of the chargeback transaction markup event. Cybersource only string
Transaction.ProviderChargebackMarkingEvent.Status Status of the chargeback transaction markup event. Cybersource only - Table 4 string
Transaction.ProviderChargebackMarkingEvent.Code Code of the chargeback transaction markup event. Cybersource only - Table 5 string


Table 1 - Chargebacks[n].NegativeValues

Possible values to be entered in the negative list in Cybersource

Value Description
CustomerDocumentNumber Customer document number: CPF or CNPJ
CustomerIpAddress Customer IP address
CustomerPhone Customer phonenumber
ShippingStreet Shipping address street
DeviceFingerprintSmartId Customer device fingerprint

Table 2 - Result.ProcessingStatus

Possible returns of the sent chargeback

Value Description
AlreadyExist Transaction already marked with chargeback previously
Remand Chargeback to be resent
NotFound Transaction found in database for values sent in Transaction node fields

Table 3 - Chargebacks[n].Status

Possible chargeback values

Value Description
Received Chargeback received from acquirer
AcceptedByMerchant Chargeback accepted by merchant. In this case the store understands that it has indeed suffered a chargeback and will not hold the dispute
ContestedByMerchant Chargeback contested by merchant. In this case the store has sent the necessary documents to try to reverse the chargeback

Table 4 - Chargebacks[n].Transaction.ProviderChargebackMarkingEvent.Status

Value Description Provider
ACCEPT Chargeback markup accepted on provider Cybersource
REJECT Chargeback markup rejected on provider Cybersource

Table 5 - Chargebacks[n].Transaction.ProviderChargebackMarkingEvent.Code

Value Description Provider
100 Operation successfully performed Cybersource
150 Internal Error
Possible Action: Wait a few minutes and try resubmitting the chargeback tag
151 The chargeback flag was received, but timeout occurred on the server. This error does not include client-server time-out
Possible Action: Please wait a few minutes and try resubmitting
152 Chargeback markup received, but timeout occurred
Possible action: Please wait a few minutes and try resubmitting
234 Cybersource Store Configuration Issue
Possible Action: Contact support to fix configuration issue

Table 6 - Chargebacks[n].Transaction.AntifraudSourceApplication

Value Description Provider
Gateway Gateway Antifraud  
Legacy Legacy Antifraud  


Matrix 1 - Documents

Segment\Reason Standard Documents Bearer Does Not Recognize Transaction Product Not Received Services Not Provided Product Defective/Does not Check Unprocessed Credit Duplicate Processing/Payments by Other Methods
Rental Company 1) Copy of Proof of Sale
2) Cardholder Registration (name of cardholder, name registered on the website, Social Security Number, email, address, landline / mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Duly signed rental agreement stating insurance policy
5) Signature document on file (debit authorization)
6) Notification of paid traffic violation (if any)
7) Disclaimer (future damage)
8) Event report (if any)
9) Three accident and vehicle repair budgets (if any)
10 ) Notice to the bearer of damage / penalty charges
- 6) Proof of checkout - 6) Cancellation policy 6) Two or more vouchers proving that there have been two or more transactions, inform the authorization code of the two transactions
Hotels 1) Copy of proof of sale
2) Holder’s registration (cardholder name, website name, social security number, email, address, landline / mobile phone)
3) Invoice
4) File signature document (debit authorization)
5) Description of services provided (chekin and checkout) - 5) Description of services provided (chekin and checkout) - 5) cancellation (no show) with a copy of the cancellation option screen on the website by the carrier proving the date 5) Two or more vouchers proving that there were two or more transactions, inform the authorization code of the two transactions
Tourist Agency 1) Copy of proof of sale
2) Holder’s registration (Cardholder Name, Website Name, Social Security Number, Email, Address, Landline / Mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Travel Service Agreement (if any)
5) Official document certifying bearer’s identity (double-sided)
6) Signature document on file (debit authorization) )
- 5) Copy of issued tickets / voucher’s - 5) Cancellation policy 5) Two or more vouchers showing that there have been two or more transactions, inform the authorization code of the two transactions
Cias Aereas 1) Copy of proof of sale
2) Cardholder registration (name of cardholder, name registered on the website, social security number, email, address, landline / mobile phone)
3 ) Invoice
4) Travel service agreement (if any)
5) Official document certifying bearer’s identity (double-sided)
6) Signature document on file (debit authorization)
- 5) Copy of issued tickets / voucher’s
6) Checkin (if any)
- 5) Cancellation policy 5) Two or more vouchers showing that there have been two or more transactions, enter authorization code of the two transactions
Data Processing Service
Online Services
1) Copy of Proof of Sale
2) Cardholder Registration (name of cardholder, name registered on the website, Social Security Number, email, address, phone number) fixed / mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Debit authorization
5) Purchase order for internet transactions
6) Copy of payment details screen
7) Description of the Services Provided
8) Cardholder Registration (Name of cardholder, Name registered on the website, Social Security number, Email, Address, Landline / Mobile
- 7) Contract with details of the provision of services
8) Protocol on services provided
- - -
Supermarket or Retail 1) Copy of Proof of Sale
2) Cardholder Registration (Cardholder’s Name, Website Name, Social Security Number, Email, Address, Landline / Mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Debit authorization
5) Purchase order for internet transactions
6) Copy of payment details screen 7) Description of services provided
7) Proof of delivery of product and / or signed protocol
8) Electronic acceptance (if any)
7) Contract with details of service provision
8) Protocol of services provided
7) Return policy and exchange with electronic acceptance (if any) 7) Cancellation policy 7) Two or more vouchers proving that there have been two or more transactions, inform the authorization code of the two transactions    
Tickets 1) Copy of Proof of Sale
2) Cardholder Registration (Cardholder’s Name, Website Name, Social Security Number, Email, Address, Landline / Mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Debit Authorization
5) Purchase Order for Internet Transactions
6) Copy of Means of Payment Screen
- 7) Proof of Product Delivery and / or signed protocol
8) Electronic accept (if any)
- 7) Return and exchange policy with electronic accept (if any) - -
Publisher or Bookstore 1) Copy of Proof of Sale
2) Cardholder Registration (Cardholder’s Name, Website Name, Social Security Number, Email, Address, Landline / Mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Debit Authorization
5) Purchase Order for Internet Transactions
6) Copy of Means of Payment Screen
- 7) Proof of Delivery product and / or signed protocol
8) Electronic accept (if any)
- 7) Return and exchange policy with electronic accept (if any) - -
Insurance Companies 1) Copy of proof of sale
2) Cardholder registration (name of cardholder, name registered on the website, social security number, email, address, landline / mobile)
3) Invoice
4) Debit authorization
5) Purchase order for internet transactions
6) Copy of payment method screen
- - 7) return and exchange with electronic acceptance (if any) - -  
Other Segments 1) Copy of proof of sale
2) Cardholder registration (name of cardholder, name registered on the website, social security number, email, address, landline / mobile)
3 ) Invoice
4) Debit Authorization
5) Purchase Order for Internet Transactions
6) Copy of Means of Payment Screen
7) Proof of Product Delivery and / or signed protocol
8) Letter from the true bearer acknowledging the expense
7) Proof of delivery of the product and / or signed protocol
8) Electronic acceptance (if any)
7) Contract with delivery details Services
8) Service Protocol
7) Return and Exchange Policy with Electronic Acceptance (if any) 7) Cancellation Policy 7) Two or more vouchers showing that there were two or more transactions, enter code of authorization of the two transactions