API Rest Integration Guide

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Introduction to Pagador API

The purpose of this documentation is to guide the developer on how to integrate with the Pagador API, Braspag’s payment gateway, describing all available services using request and response examples.

Below is the representation of a standard transactional flow, followed by a short description of the main parties involved:

Fluxo Transacional

Attributes of the Solution

The Pagador API solution (refer to this article in Portuguese for more details) was developed with the market reference REST technology, which works regardless of the technology used by our customers. Therefore, it is possible to integrate using various programming languages, such as: ASP, ASP.Net, Java, PHP, Ruby and Python.

Here are some of the main benefits of using Braspag’s e-commerce platform:

Integration Architecture

The model used in the integration of the APIs is simple. It is based in the use of two URLs:

To perform an operation:

  1. Combine the environment base URL with the desired operation endpoint. E.g.: https://api.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/.
  2. Submit a request to that URL using the correct HTTP method.
HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieves existing resources, e.g.: a transaction query.
POST Creates new resources, e.g.: creating a transaction.
PUT Updates existing resources, e.g.: capturing or canceling a previously authorized transaction.

All operations require the access credentials “Merchant ID” and “Merchant Key” to be sent through the request header.
Each request operation will return an HTTP Status code, indicating whether it was successfully completed or not.

Test and Production Environments

Use our Sandbox environment to test our products and services before bringing your solution into the Production environment.

Sandbox Environment

Create an account in our sandbox and try out our APIs during your testing phase, with no commitment.

Information Description
Access credentials MerchantId and MerchantKey received after your test account creation in Sandbox Registration.
Base URL for transactions https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/
Base URL for query services https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/

Production Environment

Once you are done running your tests and ready for go-live, you can implement your solution in the production environment.

Information Description
Access credentials MerchantId and MerchantKey provided by Braspag. If you need more information, please contact Braspag Suppport Service.
Base URL for transactions https://api.braspag.com.br/
Base URL for query services https://apiquery.braspag.com.br/

Transactional Terms

In order for you to better enjoy the features available in our API, it is important to first understand some of the concepts involved in the process of a credit card transaction:

Step Description
Authorization Makes the process of a credit card sale possible. The authorization (also called pre-authorization) only earmarks the customer’s fund, not yet releasing it from their account.
Capture Moves the transaction out of the pending state, so that the charging can take effect. The time limit for capturing a pre-authorized transaction varies between acquirers, reaching up to 5 days after the pre-authorization date.
Automatic Capture Authorizes and captures the transaction at the same time, exempting the merchant from sending a confirmation.
Cancellation Cancels the sale on the same day of its authorization/capture. In case of an authorized transaction, the cancellation will release the limit of the card that has been earmarked. If the transaction has already been captured, the cancellation will undo the sale, but only if executed on the same day.
Refund Cancels de sale on the day after its capture. The transaction will be submitted to the chargeback process by the acquirer.

Some of the important features that we offer for your transactions are listed below:

Term Description
Antifraude A feature which consists in a fraud prevention platform, that provides a detailed risk analysis of online purchases. The process is fully transparent to the cardholder. According to a pre-established criteria, the request can be automatically accepted, rejected or redirected for manual review. For further information, refer to the Antifraude integration guide.
Autenticação A process which allows the transaction to pass through the card issuing bank authentication process, bringing more security to the sale as it transfers the risk of fraud to the issuer. For further information, refer to the 3DS 2.0 Authentication documentation.
Cartão Protegido A platform that offers secure storage of sensitive credit card data. This data is transformed into an encrypted code called “token”, which can be stored in a database. With this platform, the store is able to offer features such as “1-Click Purchase” and “Transaction Submission Retry”, while preserving the integrity and confidentiality of that data. For further information, refer to the Cartão Protegido integration guide.

Braspag Support Service

You can access our web support tool here: Zendesk and check our Atendimento Braspag article, in Portuguese, for further information about our support service.

Payment Methods

The Pagador API works with transactions made with the following payment methods: credit card, debit card, boleto bill, electronic transfer, e-wallet and voucher.

To prevent duplicate orders from occurring during a transaction, Pagador has the option of blocking duplicate orders which, when enabled, returns the “302” error code, informing that the MerchantOrderId sent is duplicated. For more details on the feature, you can refer to this article, in Portuguese.

Credit and Debit Cards

Creating a Credit Transaction

When requesting authorization for a credit transaction, it is necessary to follow the contract below. The details related to your affiliation are sent within the Payment.Credentials node, and must be sent whenever a new authorization request is submitted for approval.

If your store uses Retry or Loadbalance services, affiliations must be registered by the customer support team. To request the registration of affiliations, click here and send your request.

The parameters contained within the Address and DeliveryAddress nodes are required when the transaction is submitted to the Antifraude or Velocity analysis. These parameters are marked with an * in the required column of the table below.

Mastercard and Hipercard credit card transactions with stored credentials: Mastercard and Hipercard brands require the Transaction Initiator Indicator for credit and debit card transactions using stored card data. The goal is to indicate if the transaction was initiated by the cardholder or by the merchant. In this scenario, the node InitiatedTransactionIndicator must be sent with the parameters Category and SubCategory for Mastercard and Hipercard transactions, within the Payment node. Please check the complete list of categories in the Category parameter description and the subcategories tables in Transaction Initiator Indicator.

Here are request and response examples on how to create a credit transaction:


       "Name":"Shopper Name",
       "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27th floor",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27th floor",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
             "Usage": "Used",
       "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
           "Category": "C1",
           "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
       "Name": "shopper Name",
       "Identity": "12345678909",
       "IdentityType": "CPF",
       "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27th floor",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27th floor",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
             "Usage": "Used",
       "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
           "Category": "C1",
           "Subcategory": "Standingorder"

If your transaction is undergoing fraud analysis, the property sizes may differ. Please refer to Payments with Fraud Analysis.

Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId Store identifier at Braspag. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication at Braspag. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Yes
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 255 Yes
Customer.Identity Customer’s ID number. Text 14 No
Customer.IdentityType Customer’s ID document type (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 No
Customer.Email Customer’s email address. Text 255 No
Customer.Birthdate Customer’s date of birth in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Date 10 No
Customer.IpAddress Customer’s IP address. IPv4 and IPv6 support. Text 45 No
Customer.Address.Street Customer’s address street. Text 255 No*
Customer.Address.Number Customer’s contact address number. Text 15 No*
Customer.Address.Complement Customer’s contact address additional information. Text 50 No*
Customer.Address.ZipCode Customer’s contact address zip code. Text 9 No*
Customer.Address.City Customer’s contact address city. Text 50 No*
Customer.Address.State Customer’s contact address state. Text 2 No*
Customer.Address.Country Customer’s contact address country. Text 35 No*
Customer.Address.District Customer’s neighborhood. Text 50 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Delivery address street. Text 255 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Delivery address number. Text 15 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Delivery address additional information. Text 50 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Delivery address zip code. Text 9 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Delivery address city. Text 50 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Delivery address state. Text 2 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Delivery address country. Text 35 No*
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Delivery address neighborhood. Text 50 No*
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount Applicable for airlines only. Value of the amount of the authorization to be allocated to the service charge. Note: This value is not added to the authorization value. Number 15 No
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made (BRL / USD / MXN / COP / CLP / ARS / PEN / EUR / PYN / UYU / VEB / VEF / GBP). Text 3 No
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text 3 No
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.Interest Installment type - Store (“ByMerchant”) or Issuer (“ByIssuer”). Text 10 No
Payment.Capture Indicates whether the authorization will use automatic capture (“true”) or not (“false”). Please check with acquirer about the availability of this feature. Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.Authenticate Indicates whether the transaction will be authenticated (“true”) or not (“false”). Please check with acquirer about the availability of this feature. Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.Recurrent Indicates whether the transaction is of recurring type (“true”) or not (“false”). The “true” value will not set a new recurrence, it will only allow the execution of a transaction without the need to send CVV. Authenticate must be “false” when Recurrent is “true”. For Cielo, Cielo 30 and Rede2 transactions only. Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.SoftDescriptor Text to be printed on bearer’s invoice. Text 13 No
Payment.DoSplit Indicates whether the transaction will be split between multiple accounts (“true”) or not (“false”). Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.Tip Tipping is a type of transaction available for credit or debit card, tokenized or not. If “true”, the transaction is identified as a tip, otherwise send Tip as “false”. Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Name Name of the extra data field. Text 50 No
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Value Value of the extra data field. Text 1024 No
Payment.Credentials.Code Affiliation generated by acquirer. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Credentials.Key Affiliation key/token generated by acquirer. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Credentials.Username Username generated on credential process with the Getnet acquirer (field must be submitted if transaction is directed to Getnet). Text 50 No
Payment.Credentials.Password Password generated on credential process with the Getnet acquirer (field must be submitted if transaction is directed to Getnet). Text 50 No
Payment.Credentials.Signature Submission of the TerminalID for Global Payments (applicable to merchants affiliated with this acquirer). E.g.: “001”. For Safra, send establishment name, city and state concatenated with a semicolon (;), e.g.: “EstablishmentName;SaoPaulo;SP”. Text 3 No
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.EstablishmentCode Facilitator establishment code. “Facilitator ID” (Facilitator register with card network).
Applicable to Provider Cielo30 or Rede2.
Number 11 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.EstablishmentCode Sub-merchant’s establishment code. “Sub-Merchant ID” (Sub-accredited register with facilitator).
Applicable to Provider Cielo30 or Rede2.
Number 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.Mcc Sub-merchant’s MCC.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Number 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.Address Sub-merchant’s address.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.City Sub-merchant’s city.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.State Sub-merchant’s state.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.PostalCode Sub-merchant’s postal code.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.PhoneNumber Sub-merchant’s telephone number.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.Identity Sub-merchant’s CNPJ or CPF.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.CountryCode Sub-merchant’s country code based on ISO 3166.
Applicable to Provider Cielo30, Rede2 or PagSeguro.
Text 15 Yes for facilitators
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.CompanyName Sub-merchant’s Company Name. text* 60 Only for PagSeguro
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.AddressNumber Sub-merchant’s address number. text* 60 Only for PagSeguro
Payment.PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment.District Sub-merchant’s neighborhood. text* 60 Only for PagSeguro
Payment.CreditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 19 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card. Text 7 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.SaveCard Indicates whether the card will be saved to generate the token (CardToken). Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.CreditCard.Alias Name given by merchant to card saved as CardToken. Text 64 No
Payment.CreditCard.CardOnFile.Usage “First” if the card has been stored and it is your first use.
“Used” if the card has been stored and it has been used previously in another transaction.
Applicable to Provider Cielo only.
Text - No
Payment.CreditCard.CardOnFile.Reason Indicates the purpose of the card storage, in case the Usage field is “Used”.
“Recurring” - Scheduled recurring purchase (e.g.: subscription services).
“Unscheduled” - Unscheduled recurring purchase (e.g.: services apps).
“Installments” - Installment through recurrence.
Applicable to Provider Cielo only.
Text - Conditional


            "Name":"Shopper Name",
            "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
                "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
                "Complement":"27th floor",
                "City":"São Paulo",
                "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
                "Complement":"27th floor",
                "City":"São Paulo",
        "Payment": {
            "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
                "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
                "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
                "Alias": "",
                "Usage": "Used",
          "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
              "Category": "C1",
              "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
            "ProofOfSale": "20170510053219433",
            "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510053219433",
            "AuthorizationCode": "936403",
            "VelocityAnalysis": {
                "Id": "c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925",
                "ResultMessage": "Accept",
                "Score": 0
            "PaymentId": "c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925",
            "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
            "CapturedAmount": 10000,
            "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
            "ExtraDataCollection": [{
            "ReasonCode": 0,
            "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
            "Status": 2,
            "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
            "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
            "Links": [{
                    "Method": "GET",
                    "Rel": "self",
                    "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925"
                    "Method": "PUT",
                    "Rel": "void",
                    "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925/void"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
            "Name":"Shopper Name",
            "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
                "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
                "Complement":"27th floor",
                "City":"São Paulo",
                "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
                "Complement":"27th floor",
                "City":"São Paulo",
            "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
                "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
                "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
                "Alias": "",
                "Usage": "Used",
          "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
              "Category": "C1",
              "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
            "ProofOfSale": "20170510053219433",
            "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510053219433",
            "AuthorizationCode": "936403",
            "VelocityAnalysis": {
                "Id": "c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925",
                "ResultMessage": "Accept",
                "Score": 0
            "PaymentId": "c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925",
            "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
            "CapturedAmount": 10000,
            "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
            "ExtraDataCollection": [{
            "ReasonCode": 0,
            "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
            "Status": 2,
            "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
            "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
            "Links": [{
                    "Method": "GET",
                    "Rel": "self",
                    "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925"
                    "Method": "PUT",
                    "Rel": "void",
                    "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925/void"
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID at payment provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
CapturedDate Date the transaction was captured. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
CapturedAmount Captured amount in cents. Number 15 100 equivalent to R$ 1,00
ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator. Represents the authentication result. Text 2 E.g.: 5
ReasonCode Return code from operation. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Return message from operation. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. See our Transaction Status table. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved

Creating a Debit Transaction

A debit card transaction is carried out in the same way as a credit card transaction. It is mandatory, however, to submit it to the authentication process.

All debit transactions must be authenticated as required by the issuing banks and brands, in order to promote greater security. To authenticate a debit transaction, we use the EMV 3DS 2.0 protocol. This protocol is a script integrated into the e-commerce website that verifies the identity of the cardholder while maintaining a good shopping experience and reducing the risk of fraud.

To integrate the authentication method, check the 3DS 2.0 documentation.

See below the representation of a standard transactional flow in the creation of a debit transaction, with the authentication and authorization steps: 3DS 2.0 Flow

Mastercard and Hipercard debit card transactions with stored credentials: Mastercard and Hipercard brand requires the Transaction Initiator Indicator for credit and debit card transactions using stored card data. The goal is to indicate whether the transaction was initiated by the cardholder or by the merchant. In this scenario, the node InitiatedTransactionIndicator must be sent with the parameters Category and SubCategory for Mastercard and Hipercard transactions, within the Payment node. Please check the complete list of categories in the Category parameter description and the subcategories tables in Transaction Initiator Indicator.


       "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27 andar",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27 andar",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Holder":"NOME DO TITULAR DO CARTÃO",
          "Brand":"Master"      },
          "ReferenceId":"a24a5d87-b1a1-4aef-a37b-2f30b91274e6"      },
           "Category": "C1",
           "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
       "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27 andar",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
          "Complement":"27 andar",
          "City":"São Paulo",
          "Holder":"NOME DO TITULAR DO CARTÃO",
          "Brand":"Master"      },
          "ReferenceId":"a24a5d87-b1a1-4aef-a37b-2f30b91274e6"      },
       "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
           "Category": "C1",
           "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. In this case, “DebitCard”. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.ReturnUrl URL to which the user will be redirected at the end of the payment. Text 1024 Yes
Payment.Tip Tipping is a type of transaction available for credit or debit card, tokenized or not. If “true”, the transaction is identified as a tip, otherwise send Tip as “false”. Boolean No (default “false”)
Payment.DebitCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 16 Yes
Payment.DebitCard.Holder Name of the cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
Payment.DebitCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in the MM/YYYY format. Text 7 Yes
Payment.DebitCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
Payment.DebitCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
Payment.DebitCard.CardOnFile.Usage “First” if the card has been stored and it is your first use.
“Used” if the card has been stored and it has been used previously in another transaction.
Applicable to Provider Cielo only.
Text - No
Payment.DebitCard.CardOnFile.Reason Indicates the purpose of the card storage, in case the Usage field is “Used”.
“Recurring” - Scheduled recurring purchase (e.g.: subscription services).
“Unscheduled” - Unscheduled recurring purchase (e.g.: services apps).
“Installments” - Installment through recurrence.
Applicable to Provider Cielo only.
Text - Conditional
Payment.Authenticate Defines whether the buyer will be directed to the issuer for card authentication. Boolean (“true” / “false”) - Yes, if the authentication is validated.
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.ReturnUrl Callback URL only applicable if version is “1”. Alphanumeric 1024 Yes.
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Cavv Signature returned in authentication success scenarios. Text 28 Yes, if authentication is validated.
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Xid XID returned in the authentication process. Text 28 Yes, when the 3DS version is “1”.
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Eci Electronic Commerce Indicator returned in the authentication process. Number 1 Yes.
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Version 3DS version used in the authentication process. Alphanumeric 1 position Yes, when the 3DS version is “2”.
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.ReferenceId RequestID returned in the authentication process. GUID 36 Yes, when the 3DS version is “2”.
Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Category Transaction Initiator Indicator category. Valid for brands Mastercard and Hipercard.
Possible values:
- “C1”: transaction initiated by the cardholder;
- “M1”: recurring payment or installment initiated by the merchant
- “M2”: transaction initiated by the merchant.
string 2 Conditional. Required for Mastercard and Hipercard.
Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Subcategory Indicator subcategory. Valid for brands Mastercard and Hipercard.
Possible values:
If InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Category = “C1” or “M1”
If InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Category = “M2”
Please refer to Transaction Initiator Indicator tables for the full list.
string - Conditional. Required for Mastercard and Hipercard.


    "MerchantOrderId": "2017051002",
    "Customer": {
       "Name": "Nome do Comprador",
       "Identity": "12345678909",
       "IdentityType": "CPF",
       "Email": "comprador@braspag.com.br",
       "Birthdate": "1991-01-02",
       "Address": {
          "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
          "Number": "512",
          "Complement": "27 andar",
          "ZipCode": "12345987",
          "City": "São Paulo",
          "State": "SP",
          "Country": "BRA",
          "District": "Alphaville"
       "DeliveryAddress": {
          "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
          "Number": "512",
          "Complement": "27 andar",
          "ZipCode": "12345987",
          "City": "São Paulo",
          "State": "SP",
          "Country": "BRA",
          "District": "Alphaville"
    "Payment": {
       "DebitCard": {
          "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
          "Holder": "NOME DO TITULAR DO CARTÃO",
          "ExpirationDate": "12/2031",
          "SaveCard": false,
          "Brand": "Visa"     },
         "ReferenceId":"a24a5d87-b1a1-4aef-a37b-2f30b91274e6"      },
      "ReceivedDate":"2023-01-09 16:24:14",
      "CapturedDate":"2023-01-09 16:24:15",
            "Value":"ValorDoCampo"         }
      "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
          "Category": "C1",
          "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
            "Href":"https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925"         },
            "Href":"https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925/void"         }
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "MerchantOrderId": "2017051002",
    "Customer": {
       "Name": "Nome do Comprador",
       "Identity": "12345678909",
       "IdentityType": "CPF",
       "Email": "comprador@braspag.com.br",
       "Birthdate": "1991-01-02",
       "Address": {
          "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
          "Number": "512",
          "Complement": "27 andar",
          "ZipCode": "12345987",
          "City": "São Paulo",
          "State": "SP",
          "Country": "BRA",
          "District": "Alphaville"
       "DeliveryAddress": {
          "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
          "Number": "512",
          "Complement": "27 andar",
          "ZipCode": "12345987",
          "City": "São Paulo",
          "State": "SP",
          "Country": "BRA",
          "District": "Alphaville"
    "Payment": {
       "DebitCard": {
          "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
          "Holder": "NOME DO TITULAR DO CARTÃO",
          "ExpirationDate": "12/2031",
          "SaveCard": false,
          "Brand": "Visa"     },
         "ReferenceId":"a24a5d87-b1a1-4aef-a37b-2f30b91274e6"      },
      "ReceivedDate":"2023-01-09 16:24:14",
      "CapturedDate":"2023-01-09 16:24:15",
            "Value":"ValorDoCampo"         }
      "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
          "Category": "C1",
          "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
            "Href":"https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925"         },
            "Href":"https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925/void"         }
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction Status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved
Payment.MerchantAdviceCode Flag return code that defines period for retry. Valid for brands Mastercard and Hipercard. Text 2 Numeric
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Cavv Cavv value submitted in the authorization request. Text 28 kBMaEAEAbV3FcwnExrXh4phhmpIj
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Xid Xid value submitted in the authorization request. Text 28 ZGUzNzgwYzQxM2ZlMWMxMzVkMjc=
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Eci ECI value submitted in the authorization request. Number 1 Ex. 5
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.Version 3DS version used in the authentication process. Alphanumeric 1 Ex: 2
Payment.ExternalAuthentication.ReferenceId RequestID returned in the authentication process. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Creating a Debit Transaction with no Authentication

It is possible to process a debit card without having to submit your customer to the authentication process. You will find more details in the Débito sem Senha article, written in Portuguese.
That is the case with the “Coronavoucher” emergency aid, provided by the government, which can be consumed through the Caixa Econômica Federal virtual debit card. In such case, the request must follow the Debit Card pattern, only with no authentication, according to the example below.


      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
      "Payment": {
         "Provider": "Cielo30",
         "Type": "DebitCard",
         "Amount": 10000,
         "Currency": "BRL",
         "Country": "BRA",
         "Installments": 1,
         "Capture": true,
         "Authenticate": false,
            "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Cielo30",
      "Type": "DebitCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Installments": 1,
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. Applicable to “Cielo30” only. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. In this case, “DebitCard”. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. For this type, always use “1”. Number 2 Yes
DeditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 16 Yes
DeditCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
DebitCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in the MM/YYYY format. Text 7 Yes
DebitCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
DebitCard.Brand Card brand. For this type, always use “Elo”. Text 10 Yes
DebitCard.CardOnFile.Usage “First” if the card has been stored and it is your first use.
“Used” if the card has been stored and it has been used previously in another transaction.
Applicable to Provider Cielo only.
Text - No
DebitCard.CardOnFile.Reason Indicates the purpose of the card storage, in case the Usage field is “Used”.
“Recurring” - Scheduled recurring purchase (e.g.: subscription services).
“Unscheduled” - Unscheduled recurring purchase (e.g.: services apps).
“Installments” - Installment through recurrence.
Applicable to Provider Cielo only.
Text - Conditional


  "Payment": {
    "DebitCard": {
      "CardNumber": "506722******0001",
      "Holder": "Nome do Portador",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Elo"
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "10069930690009D366FA",
    "PaymentId": "21423fa4-6bcf-448a-97e0-e683fa2581ba",
    "Type": "DebitCard",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 15:19:58",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA",
    "Provider": "Cielo30",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 2,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "Payment": {
    "DebitCard": {
      "CardNumber": "506722******0001",
      "Holder": "Nome do Portador",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Elo"
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "10069930690009D366FA",
    "PaymentId": "21423fa4-6bcf-448a-97e0-e683fa2581ba",
    "Type": "DebitCard",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 15:19:58",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA",
    "Provider": "Cielo30",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 2,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved

3D Secure Authentication

With the authentication process, it is possible to carry out a risk analysis considering a greater amount of user and seller data, thus helping in the online purchase validation process. When validated correctly, the risk of chargeback (disputing a purchase made by credit or debit card) of the transaction is passed on to the issuer; that is, the merchant will not receive disputes.

The most current authenticator standard is 3DS 2.0, and the 3DS 1.0 version has been discontinued.

In addition to being compatible with different types of devices (desktop, tablet or smartphone), the 3DS 2.0 version has features that provide a better online shopping experience for your customer.

During the transaction flow, the authorization step can be performed separately or together with authentication. To learn more about the second flow, check out the documentation for Authorization with Authentication from 3DS 2.0.

Transaction Initiator Indicator

The following tables apply to Mastercard and Hipercard credit and debit transactions with stored credentials. The objective is to identify whether the transaction was initiated by the cardholder or by the merchant:

The transaction initiator indicator must be sent in the node Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator, within parameters Category and Subcategory. Please refer to the following request example and tables for more information:


    "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
        "Category": "C1",
        "Subcategory": "Standingorder"
    "InitiatedTransactionIndicator": {
        "Category": "C1",
        "Subcategory": "Standingorder"

For the full request example see Creating a credit card transaction or Creating a debit transaction.

Property Type Size Required Description
Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Category string 2 Conditional. Required for Mastercard and Hipercard. Transaction Initiator Indicator category. Valid for brands Mastercard and Hipercard.
Possible values:
- “C1”: transaction initiated by the cardholder;
- “M1”: recurring payment or installment initiated by the merchant
- “M2”: transaction initiated by the merchant.
Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Subcategory string - Conditional. Required for Mastercard and Hipercard. Transaction Initiator Indicator subcategory. Valid for brands Mastercard and Hipercard. Please refer to the Transaction Initiator Indicator tables for the full list.


The response will be the default response for the credit or debit transaction, returning the node Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator as sent in the request.

Mastercard and Hipercard transaction initiator tables

CIT and MIT categories

The categories (C1, M1 or M2) must be sent in parameter Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Category.

Category Transaction initiator Description
C1 Cardholder-initiated transaction (CIT). The transaction is initiated by the cardholder. The cardholder provides card data and agrees with the merchant storing payment credentials or makes a purchase using previously stored payment credentials. The subcategory will indicate the reason for the purchase or for storing card data.
M1 Merchant-initiated transaction (MIT). The merchant has stored the payment credentials in the past (tokenized and with cardholder consent) and is authorized to initiate one or more transactions in the future for recurrent payments or installments.
M2 Merchant-initiated transaction (MIT). The merchant has stored the payment credentials in the past (tokenized and with cardholder consent) and is authorized to initiate one or more transactions in the future in order to charge for partial deliveries, related/delayed expenses, no-show fees and retry/resubmission.
CIT and MIT subcategories

The subcategories must be sent in parameter Payment.InitiatedTransactionIndicator.Subcategory.

Initiator category Initiator subcategory Meaning Example
C1 CredentialsOnFile Cardholder-initiated transaction in which the cardholder provides card data and agrees with the merchant storing payment credentials or makes a purchase using previously stored payment credentials. The cardholder initiates the purchase and the merchant is authorized to save card data for future purchases initiated by the cardholder, such as one-click-buy.
C1 StandingOrder Cardholder-initiated transaction in which the cardholder provides card data and agrees with the merchant storing payment credentials for future payments of fixed amount and variable frequency. Initial transaction to store card data for utility bills monthly payments.
C1 Subscription Cardholder-initiated transaction in which the cardholder provides card data and agrees with the merchant storing payment credentials for recurrent payments of fixed amount and frequency. Initial transaction to store card data for a monthly subscription (e.g .newspapers and magazines).
C1 Installment Cardholder-initiated transaction in which the cardholder initiates the first installment and authorizes the merchant to save card data for the next installments. Initial transaction to store card data for installment buying
M1 CredentialsOnFile Merchant-initiated unscheduled transaction of fixed or variable amount. When the cardholder agrees with transactions for toll charges when the balance in their account is below a certain amount (auto-recharge).
M1 StandingOrder Merchant-initiated transaction of variable amount and fixed frequency. Utility bills monthy payments.
M1 Subscription Merchant-initiated transaction of fixed amount and fixed frequency. Monthly subscription or fixed monthly service payment.
M1 Installment Merchant-initiated transaction of known amount and defined period. If a shopper buys a TV for $600 and chooses to pay in three $200 installments; in this situation, the first transaction is initiated by the cardholder and the following two transactions are initiated by the merchant.
M2 PartialShipment Merchant-initiated transaction when the order will be delivered in more than one shipping. Partial shipment may occur when the amount of purchased goods in the e-commerce is not available for shipping in the time of purchase. Each shipping is a separate transaction.
M2 RelatedOrDelayedCharge Merchant-initiated transaction for additional expenses, i.e., additional charges after providing initial services and processing the payment. A hotel minibar fridge charges after cardholder check-out.
M2 NoShow Merchant-initiated transaction for no-show charges according to the merchant cancellation policy. The cancellation of a reservation by the cardholder without adequate prior notice to the merchant.
M2 Resubmission Merchant-initiated transaction for retrying previously denied transactions. The previous attempt to submit a transaction was denied, but the issuer response does not prohibit the merchant to retry, such as insufficient funds/response above credit limit.

Important: Card data is stored in encrypted format.

Capturing a Transaction

When a transaction is submitted with the Payment.Capture parameter as “false”, there is the need of a later request for capturing the transaction, in order for it to be confirmed.

An authorization that is not captured by the deadline is automatically released by the acquirer. Merchants may have specific negotiations with the acquirers to change their capturing deadline. For further information about capture deadlines and refund, you can refer to this article, in Portuguese.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}/capture?amount=xxx&serviceTaxAmount=xxx"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId Store identifier in the API. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in the API. Text 40 Yes (through header)  
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 Yes (through endpoint)
Amount Amount to be captured, in cents. The support for partial capture must be verified with the acquirer. Number 15 No
ServiceTaxAmount Applicable to airlines. Amount of the authorization to be allocated to the service charge. Note: This value is not added to the authorization value. Number 15 No


    "Status": 2,
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}"
            "Method": "PUT",
            "Rel": "void",
            "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}/void"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Status": 2,
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}"
            "Method": "PUT",
            "Rel": "void",
            "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}/void"
Property Description Type Size Format
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ReasonCode Acquirer return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Acquirer return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric

Canceling/Refunding a Transaction

The availability of the refunding service varies depending on the acquirer. Each acquirer has its own deadlines to allow the refund of a transaction. In this article, written in Portuguese, you can check each of them.

To cancel a credit card transaction, you must send an HTTP message through the PUT method to the Payment resource, as in the example:


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}/void?amount=xxx"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId Store identifier in the API. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in the API. Text 40 Sim (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 Yes (through endpoint)
Amount Amount to be canceled/refunded, in cents. Note: 1. Check if your acquirer supports the cancelling or refunding of operations.
2. If the value for Amount is “0” (zero), or if Amount is not sent, the refund will consider the total captured amount.
Number 15 No (through endpoint)


    "Status": 10,
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "ProviderReturnCode": "9",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}"
    "Status": 10,
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "ProviderReturnCode": "9",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}"
Property Description Type Size Format
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ReturnCode Acquirer’s return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Acquirer’s return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric

Analyzing with Velocity Check

Velocity Check is a fraud-fighting tool that prevents massive bursts of transactions with repeated payment data. It analyzes the frequency of traceability elements such as Card Number, Social Security Number, Zip Code, among others, and blocks suspicious transactions.

The functionality must be contracted separately and then enabled in your store via dashboard. When Velocity is active, the transaction response brings in the Velocity node, with details of the analysis.

In case of a Velocity rule rejection, ProviderReasonCode will be “BP 171 - Rejected by fraud risk” (Velocity, with “ReasonCode 16 - AbortedByFraud”).


    "VelocityAnalysis": {
        "Id": "2d5e0463-47be-4964-b8ac-622a16a2b6c4",
        "ResultMessage": "Reject",
        "Score": 100,
        "RejectReasons": [
            "RuleId": 49,
            "Message": "Blocked by the CardNumber rule. Name: Maximum 3 Card Hits in 1 day. HitsQuantity: 3. HitsTimeRangeInSeconds: 1440. ExpirationBlockTimeInSeconds: 1440"
    "VelocityAnalysis": {
        "Id": "2d5e0463-47be-4964-b8ac-622a16a2b6c4",
        "ResultMessage": "Reject",
        "Score": 100,
        "RejectReasons": [
            "RuleId": 49,
            "Message": "Blocked by the CardNumber rule. Name: Maximum 3 Card Hits in 1 day. HitsQuantity: 3. HitsTimeRangeInSeconds: 1440. ExpirationBlockTimeInSeconds: 1440"
Property Description Type Size Format
VelocityAnalysis.Id Identification of the analysis performed. GUID 36  
VelocityAnalysis.ResultMessage Analysis result (“Accept” / “Reject”). Text 25  
VelocityAnalysis.Score Number of points given to the operation. E.g.: 100. Number 10  

Using DCC (Currency Converter)

The Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a currency converter from the Global Payments acquirer that allows a foreign cardholder to choose between paying in reais or in their local currency, converting the order amount at the time of purchase with full transparency for the customer. The solution is suitable for establishments such as hotels, inns, shopping centers and tourist shops, that receive payments with cards issued abroad.

When the establishment has DCC product enabled, the authorization process is performed in the 3 steps described below:

STEP 1 - Authorization

In the first step, when applying for an authorization with an international card, Global Payments identifies the card’s country and applies the currency conversion following the brand-specific calculations, and then returns the conversion information.


There is no difference between a standard authorization request and a DCC authorization request.

        "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
            "CardNumber": "123412******1234",
            "Holder": "Shopper Test",
            "ExpirationDate": "12/2022",
        "ReturnUrl": "http://www.braspag.com.br/",
        "PaymentId": "fa0c3119-c730-433a-123a-a3b6dfaaad67",
        "Amount": 100,
        "ReceivedDate": "2018-08-23 10:46:25",
        "Provider": "GlobalPayments",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 12,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Authorized Transaction",
        "CurrencyExchangeData": {
            "Id": "fab6f3a752d700af1d50fdd19987b95df497652b",
            "CurrencyExchanges": [{
                    "Currency": "EUR",
                    "ConvertedAmount": 31,
                    "ConversionRate": 3.218626,
                    "ClosingDate": "2017-03-09T00:00:00"
                    "ConvertedAmount": 100
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
            "CardNumber": "123412******1234",
            "Holder": "Shopper Test",
            "ExpirationDate": "12/2022",
        "ReturnUrl": "http://www.braspag.com.br/",
        "PaymentId": "fa0c3119-c730-433a-123a-a3b6dfaaad67",
        "Amount": 100,
        "ReceivedDate": "2018-08-23 10:46:25",
        "Provider": "GlobalPayments",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 12,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Authorized Transaction",
        "CurrencyExchangeData": {
            "Id": "fab6f3a752d700af1d50fdd19987b95df497652b",
            "CurrencyExchanges": [{
                    "Currency": "EUR",
                    "ConvertedAmount": 31,
                    "ConversionRate": 3.218626,
                    "ClosingDate": "2017-03-09T00:00:00"
                    "ConvertedAmount": 100
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale number. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code. Text 300 Alphanumeric
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 12
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved
CurrencyExchangeData.Id ID of the currency exchange action. Text 50 1b05456446c116374005602dcbaf8db8879515a0
CurrencyExchangeData.CurrencyExchanges.Currency Customer’s local currency/credit card. Numeric 4 EUR
CurrencyExchangeData.CurrencyExchanges.ConvertedAmount Converted value. Numeric 12 23
CurrencyExchangeData.CurrencyExchanges.ConversionRate Conversion rate. Numeric 9 3.218626
CurrencyExchangeData.CurrencyExchanges.ClosingDate Transaction end date. Texto 19 AAAA-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
CurrencyExchangeData.CurrencyExchanges.Currency Real currency code. Text 3 BRA
CurrencyExchangeData.CurrencyExchanges.ConvertedAmount Order value in reais. Numeric 12 100

STEP 2 - Payment Options

In the second step, the store system will present the customer with the options of paying in reais or in their country’s currency (credit card currency), following the best practices requested by the brand. The text is presented in English and the website layout does not need to be changed, as long as the currency selection options follow the same font, color and dimension characteristics.

In Global Payments, the payment options (in reais or in the card currency) are displayed on the screen, right beside a summary of the purchase.

STEP 3 - Confirmation

In the third step, the store system sends the transaction confirmation with the information of the currency chosen by the customer. At this point, the authorization response is returned.

  "Id": "1b05456446c116374005602dcbaf8db8879515a0",
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "Amount": 23
--request POST " https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}/confirm"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "Id": "1b05456446c116374005602dcbaf8db8879515a0",
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "Amount": 23
Property Description Type Size Required?
Id ID of the currency exchange action. Text 50 Yes
Currency Customer’s selected currency. Numeric 4 Yes
Amount Converted value. Numeric 12 Yes
        "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
        "Capture": false,
            "CardNumber": "123412******1234",
            "Holder": "TestDcc",
            "ExpirationDate": "12/2022",
            "SecurityCode": "***",
        "ProofOfSale": "20170510053219433",
        "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510053219433",
        "AuthorizationCode": "936403",
        "PaymentId": "fa0c3119-c730-433a-123a-a3b6dfaaad67",
        "Amount": 23,
        "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
        "CapturedAmount": 23,
        "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
        "Provider": "GlobalPayments",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 2,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
        "Capture": false,
            "CardNumber": "123412******1234",
            "Holder": "TestDcc",
            "ExpirationDate": "12/2022",
            "SecurityCode": "***",
        "ProofOfSale": "20170510053219433",
        "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510053219433",
        "AuthorizationCode": "936403",
        "PaymentId": "fa0c3119-c730-433a-123a-a3b6dfaaad67",
        "Amount": 23,
        "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
        "CapturedAmount": 23,
        "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
        "Provider": "GlobalPayments",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 2,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale number. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code. Text 300 Alphanumeric
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 12
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved


In Pix, the transmission of the payment order and the availability of funds to the receiving user takes place in real time, 24 hours a day and without the need for intermediates. Thus, it is a type of payment method that enables fast payments with lower transaction costs.

The life cycle of a Pix transaction:

1 Store Generates the QR Code. 12 - Pending
2 Shopper Pays QR Code. 2 - Paid
3 Store Receives payment confirmation notification. 2 - Paid
4 Store Queries the transaction status. 2 - Paid
5 Store Releases order. 2 - Paid
6 Store If necessary, requests refund of the Pix transaction (similar to card refund). 2 - Paid
7 Store Receives refund confirmation notification. 11 - Refunded
* Store Queries the transaction status. 11 - Refunded

Creating a transaction with QR code Pix

You can generate a Pix QR code through the API Pagador by simply perform the integration as specified below.

Among the required request fields, two stand out: Type, which must be sent as “Pix”; and `Provider’, which must be “Cielo30” or “Bradesco2”. The response for the request will return the base64 encoded QR Code Pix image, which must be made available to the shopper.

See below the representation of the transactional flow in QR code Pix generation: Fluxo Geração QR Code Pix

The shopper then performs the QR code reading through one of the Pix payment enabled applications and makes the payment. In this step, there is no participation of the store or Braspag, as shown below: Fluxo Pagamento QR Code Pix

Here are examples of a request and response for generating the QR code Pix:


      "Name":"Nome do Pagador",
--request POST "https://(...)/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Pagador",
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Yes
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 255 Yes
Customer.Identity Customer’s CPF or CNPJ number. Text 14 Yes
Customer.IdentityType Customer’s ID document type (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. In this case, “Pix”. Text - Yes
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. In this case, “Cielo30”, “Bradesco2”. Text - Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount, in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.QrCodeExpiration QR Code expiration time, in seconds.
Provider Cielo30: QR Code expiration time is two hours and cannot be configured.
Provider Bradesco2: QR Code expiration time can be configured at Bradesco Shopfácil or in the authorization request through parameter Payment.QrCodeExpiration, in seconds (e.g.: 24 hours = 86400).
Number 3600 No


        "Name": "Luis Henrique",
        "Identity": "21844718933",
        "IdentityType": "CPF"
      "QrCodeString":"00020101021226880014br.gov.bcb.pix2566qrcodes-h.cielo.com.br/pix-qr/d05b1a34-ec52-4201-ba1e-d3cc2a43162552040000530398654041.005802BR5918Merchant Teste HML6009Sao Paulo62120508000101296304031C",
      "QrCodeExpiration": 86400,
      "ReceivedDate":"2020-10-15 18:53:20",
      "ProviderReturnMessage":"Pix gerado com sucesso",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "Name": "Luis Henrique",
        "Identity": "21844718933",
        "IdentityType": "CPF"
      "QrCodeString":"00020101021226880014br.gov.bcb.pix2566qrcodes-h.cielo.com.br/pix-qr/d05b1a34-ec52-4201-ba1e-d3cc2a43162552040000530398654041.005802BR5918Merchant Teste HML6009Sao Paulo62120508000101296304031C",
      "QrCodeExpiration": 86400,
      "ReceivedDate":"2020-10-15 18:53:20",
      "ProviderReturnMessage":"Pix gerado com sucesso",
Payment.PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 40 Text
Payment.AcquirerTransactionId Transaction identifier at the acquirer. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Payment.ProofOfSale NSU Pix. Text 20 Alphanumeric text
Payment.SentOrderId Number sent to Pix issuer representing the order number. The Payment.SentOrderId is used for financial reconciliation. Number 8 10045146
Payment.QrcodeBase64Image Base64 encoded QR code image. Text - Text
Payment.QrCodeString Coded text for the shopper to “copy” and “paste” in the internet banking correspondent field for payments made in mobile environment. Text Variable Alphanumeric text
Payment.Status Transaction Status. If transaction is a success, the initial status is “12” (Pending). Click here to view status list. Number - 12
Payment.ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the acquirer. Text 32 0
Payment.ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the acquirer. Text 512 “Pix generated successfully”

Requesting a Pix Refund

If the merchant needs to “cancel” a Pix transfer, it is possible to perform an operation called a “refund”. It is important to note that the refund is not an instant operation, and can be complied with or not by the Pix provider. When a refund is accepted, the store receives a notification.

Fluxo Cancelamento Pix


--request PUT "https://(...)/sales/{PaymentId}/void?Amount=xxx"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in the API. Text 40 Yes
RequestId Store-defined request identifier, used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 Yes
Amount Amount to be cancelled/refunded, in cents. Check whether the contracted acquirer supports the cancellation or refund operation. Number 15 No


   "Status": 12,
   "ReasonCode": 0,
   "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
   "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
   "ProviderReturnMessage": "Reembolso solicitado com sucesso",
   "Links": [
         "Method": "GET",
         "Rel": "self",
         "Href": "https://(...)/sales/{PaymentId}"
   "Status": 12,
   "ReasonCode": 0,
   "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
   "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
   "ProviderReturnMessage": "Reembolso solicitado com sucesso",
   "Links": [
         "Method": "GET",
         "Rel": "self",
         "Href": "https://(...)/sales/{PaymentId}"
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 Ex.: “1”
ReasonCode Acquirer’s return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric text
ReasonMessage Acquirer’s return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric text

PIX code Bradesco

Below are the Bradesco Pix codes:

0 Operation carried out successfully.  
120 Unpaid Status informing that the payment by Pix has not yet been made.
121 Paid Status informing that the payment by Pix was successful.
124 Expired Status informing that the time for payment by Pix has expired.
125 Canceled Status informing that the payment by Pix has been canceled.
126 Completely returned Status informing that the payment by Pix had the amount paid returned in its entirety.
127 Partially returned Status informing that the payment by Pix had a fraction of the amount paid returned.
130 PIX Removed by SPS Status informing that the QRCode/Payload is expired and has been removed by the bank from the list of available Pix.

QR Code Transaction

To create a QR code transaction you must submit a request using the POST method as shown below. This request will create the transaction, which will receive the Pending status in Braspag, and generate the QR code for the payment. The customer makes the payment through one of the supported applications and the transaction changes status (e.g.: to Pago when paid, Não pago when not paid, or Não autorizado for unauthorized transactions). The example below covers the minimum required fields to be submitted for authorization:


 "MerchantOrderId": "20191123",
  "Name":"QRCode Test"
   "Capture": false
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
 "MerchantOrderId": "20191023",
  "Name":"QRCode Test"
   "Amount": 500,
   "Capture": false
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Yes
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 255 No
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. Currently only available for “Cielo”. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. In this case, “qrcode”. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount (greater than 0) in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.Capture Submit “true” for a transaction with auto capture. Boolean - No


 "MerchantOrderId": "20191023",
  "Name": "QRCode Test"
 "Payment": {
  "Capture": false,
  "AcquirerTransactionId": "52d641fb-2880-4024-89f4-7b452dc5d9cd",
  "QrCodeBase64Image": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAA(...)",
  "PaymentId": "403dba6-23e3-468b-92f8-f9af56d3b9d7",
  "Type": "QrCode",
  "Amount": 100,
  "ReceivedDate": "2019-10-23 21:30:00",
  "Provider": "Cielo30",
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "Status": 12,
  "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Successfully generated QRCode",
  "Links": [
    "Method": "GET",
    "Rel": "self",
    "Href": "http://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/4031dba6-23e3-468b-92f8-f9af56d3b9d7"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
 "MerchantOrderId": "20191023",
  "Name": "QRCode Test"
  "Capture": false,
  "AcquirerTransactionId": "52d641fb-2880-4024-89f4-7b452dc5d9cd",
  "QrCodeBase64Image": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAA(...)",
  "PaymentId": "403dba6-23e3-468b-92f8-f9af56d3b9d7",
  "Type": "QrCode",
  "Amount": 100,
  "ReceivedDate": "2019-10-23 21:30:00",
  "Provider": "Cielo30",
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "Status": 12,
  "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Successfully generated QRCode",
  "Links": [
    "Method": "GET",
    "Rel": "self",
    "Href": "http://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/4031dba6-23e3-468b-92f8-f9af56d3b9d7"
Property Description Type Size Format
QrCodeBase64Image Base64 encoded QR code. The QR code image can be displayed on the page through an HTML code as follows:
<img src=”data:image/png;base64,{código da imagem em base 64}”>.
Text Variable Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field, required for operations such as query, capture and cancellation. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Status Transaction status. For transactions with QR Code, the initial status is “12” (Pending). Byte - 2
ReturnCode Acquirer’s return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReturnMessage Acquirer’s return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric


Registered Boleto

FEBRABAN, the Brazilian Federation of Banks, together with the banking network, launched the New Payment Slip-Registered Collections Platform. This new system was created in order to promote greater control and security to the boleto transactional in e-commerce, and to ensure more reliability and convenience to users.

Since July 21, 2018, all boletos issued in e-commerce must be registered. Click here to access the full announcement (available only in Portuguese).

Here is a list of the migration/membership procedures (in Portuguese) for each bank:

Creating a Boleto Transaction

To generate boletos, customer’s data such as ID number (CPF or CNPJ) and address must be provided. Below is an example of how to create a boleto as the payment method.

The Payment.FineRate and Payment.FineAmount parameters must not be used together. The same rule applies to the Payment.InterestRate and Payment.InterestAmount parameters. They are all marked with an “*” in the “REQUIRED” column,


        "Name": "shopper Name",
        "Identity": "12345678909",
        "IdentityType": "CPF",
            "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
            "Complement":"27th floor",
            "City":"São Paulo",
     "Type": "Boleto",
     "Assignor": "Test Company",
     "Demonstrative": "Desmonstrative Test",
     "ExpirationDate": "2017-12-31",
     "Identification": "12346578909",
     "Instructions": "Accept only until the due date.",
     "DaysToFine": 1,
     "FineRate": 10.00000,
     "FineAmount": 1000,
     "DaysToInterest": 1,
     "InterestRate": 5.00000,
     "InterestAmount": 500
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "Name": "shopper Name",
        "Identity": "12345678909",
        "IdentityType": "CPF",
            "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
            "Complement":"27th floor",
            "City":"São Paulo",
     "Type": "Boleto",
     "Assignor": "Test Company",
     "Demonstrative": "Desmonstrative Test",
     "ExpirationDate": "2017-12-31",
     "Identification": "12346578909",
     "Instructions": "Accept only until the due date.",
     "DaysToFine": 1,
     "FineRate": 10.00000,
     "FineAmount": 1000,
     "DaysToInterest": 1,
     "InterestRate": 5.00000,
     "InterestAmount": 500
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId Store identifier at Braspag. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication at Braspag. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed Yes
Customer.Name Customer’s name. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed Yes
Customer.Identity Customer ID like RG, CPF or CNPJ number. Text 14 No
Customer.IdentityType Customer’s ID document Type (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 No
Customer.Address.Street Customer’s contact address. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed Yes
Customer.Address.Number Customer’s contact address number. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed Yes
Customer.Address.Complement Customer’s contact address complement. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed No
Customer.Address.ZipCode Customer’s contact address zip code. Text 8 No
Customer.Address.District Customer’s contact address district. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed Yes
Customer.Address.City Customer’s contact address city. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed Yes
Customer.Address.State Customer’s contact address state. Text 2 Yes
Customer.Address.Country Customer’s contact address country. Text 35 No
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. See table annexed to access the list of providers. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. In this case, “Boleto”. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.BoletoNumber Boleto number (“Nosso Número”). If filled, overrides the value set on the payment method. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed No
Payment.Assignor Name of the assignor. If filled, overrides the value set on the payment method. Text 200 No
Payment.Demonstrative Statement text. If filled, overrides the value set on the payment method. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). Text see table annexed No
Payment.ExpirationDate Boleto’s expiration date. If you are not previously registered with the payment method, this field is required. If sent on request, overrides the value set on the payment method. Date YYYY-MM-DD No
Payment.Identification Assignor’s CNPJ. If filled, overrides the value set on the payment method. Text 14 No
Payment.Instructions Boleto’s instructions. If filled, overrides the value set on the payment method. The rule varies according to the provider used (see table annexed). To break lines in this text always use the <br> HTML tag. Text see table annexed No
Payment.NullifyDays Deadline for automatic annulment of the boleto. After the number of days set in this field from the due date, the boleto will be automatically canceled. E.g.: a boleto due on Dec 15th which has 5 “nullify days” can be paid until Dec 20th; after this date the title is canceled. Note: Feature valid only for Banco Santander registered boletos. Number 2 No
Payment.DaysToFine Optional and only applicable for Bradesco2 provider. Number of days (an integer) after the due date to charge a fine amount. E.g.: 3. Number 15 No
Payment.FineRate Optional and only applicable for Bradesco2 provider. Amount of fine (in percentage) after due date, based on the boleto total amount (%). Permits decimal with up to 5 decimal places. Do not submit if using FineAmount. E.g.: 1012345 = 10.12345%. Number 15 No*
Payment.FineAmount Optional and only applicable for Bradesco2 provider. Amount of fine (in cents) after due date in absolute value. Do not submit if using FineRate. E.g.: 1000 = R$ 10.00. Number 15 No*
Payment.DaysToInterest Optional and only applicable for Bradesco2 provider. Number of days (an integer) after due date to start charging daily interest based on the boleto total amount. E.g.: 3. Number 15 No
Payment.InterestRate Optional and only applicable for Bradesco2 provider. Monthly interest amount (in percentage) after due date , based on the boleto total amount (%). Interest is charged pro rata per day (monthly divided by 30). Permits decimal with up to 5 decimal places. Do not submit if using InterestAmount. E.g.: 10.12345. Number 15 No*
Payment.InterestAmount Optional and only applicable for Bradesco2 provider. Absolute value (in cents) for daily interest after due date. Do not submit if using InterestRate. E.g.: 1000 = R$ 10.00. Number 15 No*


  "MerchantOrderId": "2017091101",
    "Name":"Shopper Name",
      "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
      "Complement":"27th floor",
      "City":"São Paulo",
      "Country": "BRA"
    "Instructions": "Accept only until the due date.",
    "ExpirationDate": "2017-12-31",
    "Demonstrative": "Desmonstrative Test",
    "Url": "https://homologacao.pagador.com.br/post/pagador/reenvia.asp/d24b0aa4-21c9-449d-b85c-6279333f070f",
    "BoletoNumber": "2017091101",
    "BarCodeNumber": "00091739000000100000494250000000263400656560",
    "DigitableLine": "00090.49420 50000.000260 34006.565609 1 73900000010000",
    "Assignor": "Test Company",
    "Address": "Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 160",
    "Identification": "12346578909",
    "PaymentId": "d24b0aa4-21c9-449d-b85c-6279333f070f",
    "Type": "Boleto",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 16:42:55",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "InterestAmount": 1,
    "FineAmount": 5,
    "DaysToFine": 1,
    "DaysToInterest": 1,
    "Links": [
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/d24b0aa4-21c9-449d-b85c-6279333f070f"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "MerchantOrderId": "2017091101",
    "Name":"Shopper Name",
      "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
      "Complement":"27th floor",
      "City":"São Paulo",
    "Instructions": "Accept only until the due date.",
    "ExpirationDate": "2017-12-31",
    "Demonstrative": "Desmonstrative Test",
    "Url": "https://homologacao.pagador.com.br/post/pagador/reenvia.asp/d24b0aa4-21c9-449d-b85c-6279333f070f",
    "BoletoNumber": "2017091101",
    "BarCodeNumber": "00091739000000100000494250000000263400656560",
    "DigitableLine": "00090.49420 50000.000260 34006.565609 1 73900000010000",
    "Assignor": "Test Company",
    "Address": "Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 160",
    "Identification": "12346578909",
    "PaymentId": "d24b0aa4-21c9-449d-b85c-6279333f070f",
    "Type": "Boleto",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 16:42:55",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "InterestAmount": 1,
    "FineAmount": 5,
    "DaysToFine": 1,
    "DaysToInterest": 1,
    "Links": [
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/d24b0aa4-21c9-449d-b85c-6279333f070f"
Property Description Type Size Format
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ExpirationDate Expiration date. Text 10 2014-12-25
Url Boleto URL generated. string 256 https://…/pagador/reenvia.asp/8464a692-b4bd-41e7-8003-1611a2b8ef2d
BoletoNumber “NossoNumero” generated. Text 50 2017091101
BarCodeNumber Numerical representation of the barcode. Text 44 00091628800000157000494250100000001200656560
DigitableLine Digitable line. The ‘DigitableLine’ parameter is not returned for Banco do Brasil boleto. Texto 256 00090.49420 50100.000004 12006.565605 1 62880000015700
Address Store address registered in the issuer. Text 256 E.g.: Av. Teste, 160
Status Transaction status. See status list annexed. Byte 2 E.g.: 1

Boleto Conciliation

In order to update the status of a Boleto to Pago (meaning paid), the Pagador must receive CNAB files with the related settlements from the banks. To enable your store to receive bank files, simply follow the procedure described on this article (written in Portuguese).

Specific Rules by Issuer

The following is a list of properties and their size specifications, related to different rules for each issuer and their respective providers:

Property Bradesco Banco do Brasil Itaú Shopline Santander Caixa Econômica Citibank
Provider Bradesco2 BancoDoBrasil2 ItauShopline Santander2 Caixa2 Citibank2
MerchantOrderId 27 (*1) 50 8 50 11 (*2) 10 (*2)
Payment.BoletoNumber 11 (*3) 9 (*4) 8 (*5) 13 (*3) 12 (*6) 11 (*7)
Customer.Name 34 60 (*8) 30 40 40 50 (*9)
Customer.Address.Street; Customer.Address.Number; Customer.Address.Complement; Customer.Address.District Street: 70
Number: 10
Complement: 20
District: 50
Total up to 60 characters (*8) Street, Number and Complement must total up to 40 characters
District: 15
Street, Number and Complement must total up to 40 characters
District: 15
Street, Number e Complement must total up to 40 characters
District: 15
Street, Number e Complement must total up to 40 characters
District: 50 (*9)
Customer.Address.City 50 18 (*8) 15 30 15 50 (*9)
Payment.Instructions 450 450 N/A 450 450 450
Payment.Demonstrative 255 N/A N/A 255 255 255
Remarks Details
*1 Only letters, numbers, and characters like “_” and “$”.
*2 If it exceeds 11 digits, the API will generate an incremental number from the defined configuration.
*3 The value must be unique, i.e., the bank does not allow repeating previously used values.
*4 When submitted with over 9 positions, the API considers the last 9 digits.
*5 Must always be the same as the order number (MerchantOrderId).
*6 The API automatically concatenates the value “14” + 12 free digits + check digit, before sending it to the bank. If the total exceeds 14 digits, the API considers the last 14 digits.
*7 When the number sent exceeds the maximum number, the API generates a random number.
*8 The following are accepted as valid characters: numbers, letters A to Z (UPPERCASE) and conjunction special characters (hyphen “-“ and apostrophe “’”. When used, there must be no space between letters. Correct examples: D’EL-REI / D’ALCORTIVO / SANT’ANA. Incorrect examples: D’EL - REI / a space between words.
*9 Special characters and diacritics will be removed automatically.

E-Wallet (Digital Wallet)

E-wallets are electronic safes (repositories) of cards and payment data for the physical and e-commerce customers. Digital wallets allow a customer to register their payment details, making the purchase process more convenient and secure.

Contact the provider of your choice for further information on how to contract the service.

Available E-Wallets

Pagador currently supports the main digital wallets available in the market, which are listed below:

E-Wallet Integration

Refer to our E-Wallets guide for more details about how to integrate the e-wallets in your checkout.


Creating a Voucher Transaction

A transaction with a voucher card is similar to a debit card transaction; only without the authentication process.

Currently, Alelo and Ticket providers are supported.

Provider Characteristics
Alelo - Automatic capture when PaymentCapture = true or not informed;
- Does not allow posterior capture;
- Allow total canceling;
Ticket - Automatic capture when PaymentCapture = true or posterior capture (pre-authorization) when PaymentCapture = false.
- Allows total and partial canceling/refund. See more information at Canceling/Refunding a Transaction.

Important: when performing pre-authorization for voucher Ticket, the API will return PaymentStatus = 1 and will not return parameters Payment.CapturedAmount and Payment.PaidDate.


      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Alelo",
      "Type": "DebitCard",
      "Amount": 10,
      "Installments": 1,
      "DebitCard": {
         "CardNumber": "****4903",
         "Holder": "TesteBraspag",
         "ExpirationDate": "02/2019",
         "SecurityCode": "***",
         "Brand": "Elo"
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Alelo",
      "Type": "DebitCard",
      "Amount": 10,
      "Installments": 1,
      "DebitCard": {
         "CardNumber": "****4903",
         "Holder": "TesteBraspag",
         "ExpirationDate": "02/2019",
         "SecurityCode": "***",
         "Brand": "Elo"
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Currently only “Cielo” supports this form of payment via Pagador. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. In this case, “DebitCard”. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.ReturnUrl URL to which the user will be redirected after the end of the payment. Text 1024 Yes
DeditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 16 Yes
DeditCard.Holder Name of the cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
DebitCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in the MM/YYYY format. Note: “Ticket” vouchers do not have an expiration date printed on the card. Send a date previous to the current date to process the transaction. Text 7 Yes
DebitCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on back of card. Text 4 Yes
DebitCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes


            "CardNumber": "527637******4903",
            "Holder": "TestBraspag",
            "ExpirationDate": "02/2019",
            "Brand": "Elo"
        "ProofOfSale": "004045",
        "AcquirerTransactionId": "c63fb9f7-02ad-42b3-a182-c56e26238a00",
        "AuthorizationCode": "128752",
        "Eci": "0",
        "PaymentId": "562a8563-9181-4f12-bee8-0ccc89c8f931",
        "Type": "DebitCard",
        "Amount": 10,
        "ReceivedDate": "2018-02-21 10:59:57",
        "CapturedAmount": 10,
        "CapturedDate": "2018-02-21 11:00:48",
        "Provider": "Alelo",
        "ReturnUrl": "http://www.braspag.com.br",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 2,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transaction successfully captured",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
            "CardNumber": "527637******4903",
            "Holder": "TestBraspag",
            "ExpirationDate": "02/2019",
            "Brand": "Elo"
        "ProofOfSale": "004045",
        "AcquirerTransactionId": "c63fb9f7-02ad-42b3-a182-c56e26238a00",
        "AuthorizationCode": "128752",
        "Eci": "0",
        "PaymentId": "562a8563-9181-4f12-bee8-0ccc89c8f931",
        "Type": "DebitCard",
        "Amount": 10,
        "ReceivedDate": "2018-02-21 10:59:57",
        "CapturedAmount": 10,
        "CapturedDate": "2018-02-21 11:00:48",
        "Provider": "Alelo",
        "ReturnUrl": "http://www.braspag.com.br",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 2,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "00",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Transaction successfully captured",
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DDHH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved
AuthenticationUrl URL to which the holder will be redirected for authentication. Text 56 https://qasecommerce.cielo.com.br/web/index.cbmp?id=13fda1da8e3d90d3d0c9df8820b96a7f


Unlike traditional credit card or boleto payments, recurring payments are automatically repeated for periods and at specified intervals, always charging the same amount from the same card or account.

It is widely used for magazine subscriptions, monthly fees, software licenses, among others. In addition to the technical integration, it is necessary for the customer’s merchant to be enabled with the acquirer to receive recurring payments.

The merchant counts with features that can be used to shape their charging system in accordance with their business. Some of these features are: parameterization and change of periodicity, start and end date, number of attempts and interval between attempts. To learn more details about Recurrence, refer to our article in Portuguese.

Recurrence Authorization

Authorizing a Credit Card Recurrence

Add the RecurrentPayment node to the Payment node to schedule future recurrences when authorizing a transaction for the first time in the recurrence series.

The Payment.RecurrentPayment.Interval and Payment.RecurrentPayment.DailyInterval parameters, marked with an “*” in the “REQUIRED” column, must not be used together.


      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Installments": 1,
      "CreditCard": {
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
      "RecurrentPayment": {
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Installments": 1,
      "CreditCard": {
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
      "RecurrentPayment": {
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.RecurrentPayment.EndDate Recurring end date. Text 10 No
Payment.RecurrentPayment.Interval Recurrence interval. Must not be used together with DailyInterval.
Monthly (default) / Bimonthly / Quarterly / SemiAnnual / Annual
Text 10 No*
Payment.RecurrentPayment.DailyInterval Pattern of recurrence in days. Must not be used together with Interval. Number 2 No*
Payment.RecurrentPayment.AuthorizeNow “true” - authorizes right at request. / “false” - for future scheduling. Boolean Yes
CreditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 19 Yes
CreditCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in the MM/YYYY format. Text 7 Yes
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes


    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
    "ProofOfSale": "5646418",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511045646418",
    "AuthorizationCode": "100024",
    "PaymentId": "067f73ce-62fb-4d76-871d-0bcbb88fbd22",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 16:56:46",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "RecurrentPayment": {
      "RecurrentPaymentId": "808d3631-47ca-43b4-97f5-bd29ab06c271",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
      "NextRecurrency": "2017-06-11",
      "Interval": "Monthly",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
    "ProofOfSale": "5646418",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511045646418",
    "AuthorizationCode": "100024",
    "PaymentId": "067f73ce-62fb-4d76-871d-0bcbb88fbd22",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 16:56:46",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "RecurrentPayment": {
      "RecurrentPaymentId": "808d3631-47ca-43b4-97f5-bd29ab06c271",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
      "NextRecurrency": "2017-06-11",
      "Interval": "Monthly",
Property Description Type Size Format
RecurrentPaymentId ID that represents the recurrence, used for future queries and changes. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
NextRecurrency Date when the next recurrence will happen. Text 10 2019-12-11 (YYYY-MM-DD)
EndDate End of recurrence date. Text 10 2019-12-31 (YYYY-MM-DD)
Interval Interval between recurrences. Text 10 Monthly / Bimonthly / Quarterly / SemiAnnual / Annual
AuthorizeNow Whether the first recurrence will already be authorized or not. Boolean “true” or “false”

Recurrence Schedule

Scheduling an Authorization

Unlike the previous recurrence, this example does not authorize immediately, but schedules a future authorization.

To schedule the first transaction in the recurrence series, pass the Payment.RecurrentPayment.AuthorizeNow parameter as “false” and add the Payment.RecurrentPayment.StartDate parameter.


      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.RecurrentPayment.StartDate Recurrence start date. Text 10 No
Payment.RecurrentPayment.EndDate Recurrence end date. Text 10 No
Payment.RecurrentPayment.Interval Recurrence Interval.
Monthly (Default) / Bimonthly / Quarterly / SemiAnnual / Annual.
Text 10 No
Payment.RecurrentPayment.AuthorizeNow “true” - authorizes right at request. / “false” - for future scheduling. Boolean Yes
CreditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 19 Yes
CreditCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in the MM/YYYY format. Text 7 Yes
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes


    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "Brand": "Undefined"
    Status 20
    "RecurrentPayment": {
      "RecurrentPaymentId": "32703035-7dfb-4369-ac53-34c7ff7b84e8",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
      "NextRecurrency": "2017-12-31",
      "StartDate": "2017-12-31",
      "Interval": "Monthly",
      "AuthorizeNow": false
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "Brand": "Undefined"
    "RecurrentPayment": {
      "RecurrentPaymentId": "32703035-7dfb-4369-ac53-34c7ff7b84e8",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
      "NextRecurrency": "2017-12-31",
      "StartDate": "2017-12-31",
      "Interval": "Monthly",
      "AuthorizeNow": false
Property Description Type Size Format
RecurrentPaymentId Field identifier of the next recurrence. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
NextRecurrency Date of next recurrence. Text 7 05/2019 (MM/YYYY)
StartDate Start date of recurrence. Text 7 05/2019 (MM/YYYY)
EndDate End date of recurrence. Text 7 05/2019 (MM/YYYY)
Interval Interval between recurrences. Text 10 Monthly / Bimonthly / Quarterly / SemiAnnual / Annual
AuthorizeNow Whether the first recurrence will already be authorized or not. Boolean “true” / “false”

Data Alteration

Changing Customer Data

To change customer data in an existing recurrence, simply make a PUT call to the specified endpoint. In response to your request, the API will return an HTTP Status code, informing whether the operation was successful or not.


  "Name": "Another Shopper Name",
  "IdentityType": "CPF",
      "Street":"Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima",
      "Complement":"AP 201",
      "City":"São Paulo",
      "Street":"Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima",
      "Complement":"AP 201",
      "City":"São Paulo",
--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/Customer"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Name": "Another Shopper Name",
    "IdentityType": "CPF",
    "Street":"Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima",
      "Complement":"AP 201",
      "City":"São Paulo",
    "Street":"Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima",
      "Complement":"AP 201",
      "City":"São Paulo",
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 255 Yes
Customer.Email Customer’s email. Text 255 No
Customer.Birthdate Customer’s date of birth. Date 10 No
Customer.Identity Customer’s ID, CPF or CNPJ number. Text 14 No
Customer.IdentityType Customer’s ID document type (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 No
Customer.Address.Street Customer’s contact address. Text 255 No
Customer.Address.Number Customer’s contact address number. Text 15 No
Customer.Address.Complement Customer’s contact address additional information. Text 50 No
Customer.Address.ZipCode Customer’s contact address zip code. Text 9 No
Customer.Address.City Customer’s contact address city. Text 50 No
Customer.Address.State Customer’s contact address state. Text 2 No
Customer.Address.Country Customer’s contact address country. Text 35 No
Customer.Address.District Customer’s contact address neighborhood. Text 50 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Delivery address street. Text 255 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Delivery address number. Text 15 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Delivery address additional information. Text 50 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Delivery address zip code. Text 9 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Delivery address city. Text 50 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Delivery address state. Text 2 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Delivery address country. Text 35 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Delivery address neighborhood. Text 50 No


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Changing Recurrence End Date

To change the end date of the existing recurrence, just make a PUT call as in the example.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/EndDate"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
EndDate End date of recurrence. Text 10 Yes


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Changing Recurrence Interval

To change the range of an existing recurrence, just make a PUT call as shown in the example.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/Interval"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
Interval Recurrence Interval.
Monthly / Bimonthly / Quarterly / SemiAnnual / Annual.
Text 10 Yes


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Changing Recurrence Day

Take the following API updating rules into account when modifying the expiration day of an existing recurrence:

1- If the newly entered day comes after the current day, we will update the recurrence day with effect on the next recurrence.
E.g.: Today is May 5, and the next recurrence is on May 25. When I update it to day 10, the next recurrence date will be May 10.

2- If the newly entered day comes before the current day, we will update the recurrence day, but this will take effect only after the next recurrence is successfully executed.
E.g.: Today is May 5, and the next recurrence is on May 25. When I update it to day 3, the next recurrence will remain on May 25. Once it has run, the next recurrence will be scheduled for June 3.

3- If the newly entered day comes before the current day, but the next recurrence is in another month, we will update the recurrence day with effect on the coming recurrence.
E.g.: Today is May 5, and the next recurrence is September 25. When I upgrade to day 3, the next recurrence date will be September 3.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/RecurrencyDay"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
RecurrencyDay Recurrence Day. Number 2 Yes


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Changing Recurrence Transaction Amount

To modify the transaction value of an existing recurrence, simply make a PUT call as shown in the example.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/Amount"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
Payment.Amount Order value in cents (156 equals R$ 1.56). Number 15 Yes


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Changing Next Payment Date

To change only one next payment date, make a PUT call as shown in the example.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/NextPaymentDate"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
NextPaymentDate Date of next recurrence payment. Text 10 Yes


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Changing Recurrence Payment Data

During the life cycle of a recurrence, you can change:


   "Amount": "20000",
   "Country": "USA",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
   "Credentials": {
      "username": "#Braspag2018@NOMEDALOJA#",
      "signature": "001"
--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/Payment"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
   "Amount": "20000",
   "Country": "USA",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
   "Credentials": {
      "username": "#Braspag2018@NOMEDALOJA#",
      "signature": "001"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)
Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
SoftDescriptor Text to be printed on the credit card invoice. Text 13 No
CreditCard.CardNumber Card number. Text 19 Yes
CreditCard.Holder Card holder name. Text 25 Yes
CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card. Text 7 Yes
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
Credentials.Code Affiliation generated by the acquirer. Text 100 Yes
Credentials.Key Affiliation key/token generated by the acquirer. Text 100 Yes
Credentials.Username User generated during the accreditation with the acquirer (providers like Rede and Getnet need a username and password for communicating, so this field is required). Text 50 No
Credentials.Password Password generated during the accreditation with the acquirer (providers like Rede and Getnet need a username and password for communicating, so this field is required). Text 50 No
Credentials.Signature Submit the TerminalID from Global Payments. E.g.: 001. For Safra, include establishment name, city and state concatenated with a semicolon “;”. E.g.: StoreName;Sao Paulo;SP. Text 3 No


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Order Deactivation

Deactivating a Recurring Order

To deactivate a recurring request, simply make a PUT call as shown in the example.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/Deactivate"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Order Reactivation

Reactivating a Recurring Order

To reactivate a recurring request, simply make a PUT call as shown in the example.


--request PUT "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}/Reactivate"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID number. Text 50 Yes (through endpoint)


HTTP Status 200

Refer to the HTTP Status Code annex for a list of all HTTP status codes possibly returned by the API.

Transaction with Renova Fácil

Renova Fácil was developed by CIELO together with issuers. It’s a service which aims in increasing the conversion rate of recurring credit card sales.

It identifies expired cards during the transaction and goes through the authorization using a new card, which is then returned for storage.

To use Renova Fácil, the service must be enabled at CIELO. No extra information must be sent in the authorization request, but the response will have one more node as shown in the example response.

<aside class=”notice>Participating Banks: Bradesco, Banco do Brasil, Santander, Panamericano, Citibank.</aside>


    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187* *** **0183",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2016",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0512105630844",
    "NewCard": {
      "CardNumber": "4551870000512353",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "ExpirationDate": "05/2020",
      "Brand": "Visa"
    "PaymentId": "ca81c3c9-2dfa-4e6e-9c77-37e33a77ac84",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-12 10:56:30",
    "ReasonCode": 15,
    "ReasonMessage": "CardExpired",
    "Status": 3,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "57",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Card Expired",
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187* *** **0183",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2016",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0512105630844",
    "NewCard": {
      "CardNumber": "4551870000512353",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "ExpirationDate": "05/2020",
    "PaymentId": "ca81c3c9-2dfa-4e6e-9c77-37e33a77ac84",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-12 10:56:30",
    "ReasonCode": 15,
    "ReasonMessage": "CardExpired",
    "Status": 3,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "57",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Card Expired",
Property Description Type Size
NewCard.CardNumber Customer’s new card number. Text 16
NewCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the new card. Text 25
NewCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the new card. Text 7
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4
NewCard.Brand New card brand. Text 10

Saving and Reusing Cards

With Cartão Protegido, you can safely save your client’s credit card in accordance with the PCI standards. The card information is saved as a token (excluding the card CVV), making transaction process easier by replacing its data in a future transaction from the same shopper, while keeping the integrity of the saved cards.

In addition to generating a card token, you can associate a name (identifier in text format) with the saved card. This identifier will be the Alias.

Saving a Card During an Authorization


To save a credit card used in a transaction, simply send the Payment.SaveCard parameter as true in the standard authorization request. The card number to be used can be validated through the technique exaplained in this article, in Portuguese.

      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
CreditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 19 Yes
CreditCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the card. Text 25 Yes
CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card, in the MM/YYYY format. Text 7 Yes
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
CreditCard.SaveCard “true” - saves the card. / “false” - does not save the card. Boolean 10 No (default “false”)
CreditCard.Alias Credit card alias. Text 64 No

The CreditCard.CardToken parameter will return the token to be saved for future transactions with the same card.

    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "SaveCard": true,
      "CardToken": "250e7c7c-5501-4a7c-aa42-a33d7ad61167",
      "Alias": "Customer1"
    "ProofOfSale": "3519928",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511023519928",
    "AuthorizationCode": "536934",
    "PaymentId": "3af00b2d-dbd0-42d6-a669-d4937f0881da",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 14:35:19",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
      "SaveCard": true,
      "CardToken": "250e7c7c-5501-4a7c-aa42-a33d7ad61167",
      "Alias": "Customer1"
    "ProofOfSale": "3519928",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511023519928",
    "AuthorizationCode": "536934",
    "PaymentId": "3af00b2d-dbd0-42d6-a669-d4937f0881da",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 14:35:19",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved
CreditCard.CardToken Cartão Protegido token, representing the card data. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Creating a Card Token Transaction

This is an example of how to use the previously saved card token to create a transaction. For security reasons, a card token doesn’t include the Security Code (CVV). Therefore, you must request this information from the holder for each new transaction. If your merchant location is set to “recurring”, you can submit transactions without the CVV.

The CreditCard node within the Payment node will change as shown in the example.


      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Simulado",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Installments": 1,
      "Interest": "ByMerchant",
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
      "Recurrent": false,
      "SoftDescriptor": "Mensagem",
      "CreditCard": {
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Simulado",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Installments": 1,
      "Interest": "ByMerchant",
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
      "Recurrent": false,
      "SoftDescriptor": "Mensagem",
      "CreditCard": {
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
CreditCard.CardToken Cartão Protegido token, representing the card data. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. To make transactions without the CVV, you must request permission with your acquirer. Text 4 No
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
    "ProofOfSale": "124305",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511030124305",
    "AuthorizationCode": "065964",
    "PaymentId": "23cd8bf5-2251-4991-9042-533ff5608788",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 15:01:24",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "ProofOfSale": "124305",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511030124305",
    "AuthorizationCode": "065964",
    "PaymentId": "23cd8bf5-2251-4991-9042-533ff5608788",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 15:01:24",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved

Creating a Transaction with Alias

This is an example of how to use the previously saved alias to create a transaction. For security reasons, an alias does not include the Security Code. Therefore, you must request this information from the holder for each new transaction. If your merchant location is set to recurring, you can submit transactions without CVV.


      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Simulado",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Installments": 1,
      "Interest": "ByMerchant",
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
      "Recurrent": false,
      "SoftDescriptor": "Mensagem",
      "CreditCard": {
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name":"Nome do Comprador",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
   "Payment": {
      "Provider": "Simulado",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Installments": 1,
      "Interest": "ByMerchant",
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
      "Recurrent": false,
      "SoftDescriptor": "Mensagem",
      "CreditCard": {
Property Description Type Size Required?
Payment.Provider Name of the payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
CreditCard.CardToken Cartão Protegido token, representing the card data. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. To make transactions without the CVV, you must request permission with your acquirer. Text 4 No
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
CreditCard.Alias Credit card alias. Text 64 No
            "Alias": "Customer1",
    "ProofOfSale": "124305",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511030124305",
    "AuthorizationCode": "065964",
    "PaymentId": "23cd8bf5-2251-4991-9042-533ff5608788",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 15:01:24",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
            "Alias": "Customer1",
    "ProofOfSale": "124305",
    "AcquirerTransactionId": "0511030124305",
    "AuthorizationCode": "065964",
    "PaymentId": "23cd8bf5-2251-4991-9042-533ff5608788",
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-11 15:01:24",
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    "Status": 1,
    "ProviderReturnCode": "4",
    "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",

Property Description Type Size Format
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
ProofOfSale Proof of sale reference. Text 20 Alphanumeric
AuthorizationCode Authorization code from the acquirer. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
ReasonCode Operation return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1
ProviderReturnCode Code returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 32 57
ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by the payment provider (acquirer or issuer). Text 512 Transaction Approved

Exporting and importing card tokens

You are able to export card tokens (CardToken) stored in Braspag vault to use in other payment providers and also to import card tokens created in any other tokenization service to Braspag.

For security reasons, Braspag uses PGP encryption. Download the public key Braspag/Cielo for importing card tokens.

Payments with Fraud Analysis

You can verify whether a transaction is likely to be a fraud or not during an authorization. This verification can be triggered in different stages of the transaction, according to the rules defined by the client. The fraud analysis will have a different behavior for each type of integration, as described below :

Integration Type Description Required Parameters
Pre-authorization analysis Before the transaction is submitted for authorization, the fraud analysis assesses whether it is of high risk or not. This avoids risky transactions being sent for authorization. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AnalyseFirst”
Analysis after authorization Before the transaction is sent to the fraud analysis, it will be sent for authorization. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AuthorizeFirst”
Analysis of authorized transactions The fraud analysis is only triggered to analyze transactions with the “authorized” status. This avoids the cost of unauthorized transactions analyses. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AuthorizeFirst” and FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria is “OnSuccess”
Analysis in any event Regardless of the transaction status after authorization, the fraud analysis will examine the risks. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AuthorizeFirst”, FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria is “Always”
Authorization in any event Regardless of the transaction fraud score, it will always be submitted for authorization. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AnalyseFirst”, FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria is “Always”
Capture secure transactions After the fraud analysis, an authorized transaction is automatically captured if tagged as low risk. In the case of manual review, the transaction will be automatically captured as soon as Braspag is notified of the new status “Accept”. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AuthorizeFirst”, FraudAnalysis.CaptureOnLowRisk is “true”, Payment.Capture is “false”
Cancel a suspect transaction If the fraud analysis sets high risk for an already authorized or captured transaction, it will be immediately canceled or reversed. In the case of manual review, the transaction will be automatically canceled or reversed as soon as Braspag is notified of the new status “Reject”. FraudAnalysis.Sequence is “AuthorizeFirst”, FraudAnalysis.VoidOnHighRisk is “true”

If not otherwise specified during authorization, Braspag will process your transaction through the following flow:

Implementing Cybersource Fraud Analysis

For the CyberSource fraud analysis to be performed during a credit card transaction, you must add the following nodes to the authorization agreement: FraudAnalysis, Cart, MerchantDefinedFields and Travel (this one only for airline tickets).

During the Cybersource deployment, additional information can be stored through MDDs (Merchand Defined Data). MDDs are fields numbered 0 through N used to store unique merchant information. This article (in Portuguese) has details on how to fill these fields.


      "Name": "shopper Name",
      "Identity": "12345678910",
      "IdentityType": "CPF",
      "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
      "Phone": "5521976781114",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
         "SaveCard": "false"
      "FraudAnalysis": {
         "Sequence": "AnalyseFirst",
         "SequenceCriteria": "Always",
         "Provider": "Cybersource",
         "CaptureOnLowRisk": false,
         "VoidOnHighRisk": false,
         "TotalOrderAmount": 10000,
            "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
            "IpAddress": "",
            "Type": "Chrome"
         "Cart": {
            "IsGift": false,
            "ReturnsAccepted": true,
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
               "Id": 2,
               "Value": "100"
               "Id": 4,
               "Value": "Web"
               "Id": 9,
            "Addressee":"João das Couves",
            "DepartureTime":"2018-01-09 18:00",
                  "Name":"Passenger Test",
--request POST "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name": "shopper Name",
      "Identity": "12345678910",
      "IdentityType": "CPF",
      "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
      "Phone": "5521976781114",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
         "SaveCard": "false"
      "FraudAnalysis": {
         "Sequence": "AnalyseFirst",
         "SequenceCriteria": "Always",
         "Provider": "Cybersource",
         "CaptureOnLowRisk": false,
         "VoidOnHighRisk": false,
         "TotalOrderAmount": 10000,
            "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
            "IpAddress": "",
            "Type": "Chrome"
         "Cart": {
            "IsGift": false,
            "ReturnsAccepted": true,
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
               "Id": 2,
               "Value": "100"
               "Id": 4,
               "Value": "Web"
               "Id": 9,
            "Addressee":"João das Couves",
            "DepartureTime":"2018-01-09 18:00",
                  "Name":"Passenger Test",
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId Store identifier at Braspag. GUID 36 Yes
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication with Braspag. Text 40 Yes
RequestId Store-defined request identifier. GUID 36 No
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Yes
Customer.Name Customer’s full name. Text 120 Yes
Customer.Identity Customer’s ID number. Text 16 Yes
Customer.IdentityType Customer’s ID document type.
Possible values: CPF / CNPJ.
Text 255 No
Customer.Email Customer’s email address. Text 100 Yes
Customer.Birthdate Customer’s date of birth.
E.g.: 1991-01-10.
Date 10 Yes
Customer.Phone Customer’s phone number.
E.g.: 5521976781114.
Text 15 Yes
Customer.Address.Street Billing address street. Text 54 Yes
Customer.Address.Number Billing address number. Text 5 Yes
Customer.Address.Complement Billing address additional information. Text 14 No
Customer.Address.ZipCode Billing address zip code. Text 9 Yes
Customer.Address.City Billing address city. Text 50 Yes
Customer.Address.State Billing address status. Text 2 Yes
Customer.Address.Country Billing address country.
For details, refer to ISO 2-Digit Alpha Country Code.
Text 2 Yes
Customer.Address.District Billing address neighborhood. Text 45 Yes
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Delivery address street. Text 54 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Delivery address number. Text 5 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Delivery address additional information. Text 14 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Delivery address zip code. Text 9 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Delivery address city. Text 50 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Delivery address state. Text 2 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Delivery address country.
For details, refer to ISO 2-Digit Alpha Country Code.
Text 2 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Delivery address neighborhood. Text 45 No
Payment.Provider Name of authorization provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Type of payment method.
Note: Only “CreditCard” type works with fraud analysis.
Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Financial transaction amount in cents.
E.g.: 150000 = $ 1,500.00.
Number 15 Yes
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount Applicable to airlines only. Amount of the authorization to be allocated to service fee.
Note: This amount is not added to the authorization value.
Number 15 No
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made.
Possible values: BRL / USD / MXN / COP / PLC / ARS / PEN / EUR / PYN / UYU / VEB / VEF / GBP.
Text 3 No
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text 3 No
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.Interest Installment type.
Possible values: “ByMerchant” / “ByIssuer”.
Text 10 No
Payment.Capture Indicates if the authorization will use automatic capture.
Possible values: true / false (default).
Note: Check with the acquirer about the availability of this feature.
Note2: This field must be completed in accordance with the fraud analysis flow.
Boolean No
Payment.Authenticate Indicates if the transaction will be authenticated.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
Note: Check with the acquirer about the availability of this feature.
Boolean No
Payment.Recurrent Indicates if the transaction is of recurring type.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
Note: “true” will not create a recurrence, but only allow a transaction to continue without the need to send the CVV. It will also indicate to the acquirer that it’s the charging of a recurrence transaction.
Note2: For Cielo transactions only.
Note3: The Payment.Authenticate field must be “false” when this one is “true”.
Boolean No
Payment.SoftDescriptor Text that will be printed on the bearer’s invoice.
Note: The value of this field must be clear and easy for the bearer to identify the place of purchase as it is one of the main chargeback offenders.
Text 13 No
Payment.DoSplit Indicates if the transaction will be split among multiple participants.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
To use the split payment functionality, you must contract the solution with Braspag.
Boolean No
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Name Extra field identifier to be sent. Text 50 No
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Value Extra field value to be sent. Text 1024 No
Payment.Credentials.Code Affiliation generated by the acquirer. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Credentials.Key Affiliation key/token generated by the acquirer. Text 100 Yes
Payment.Credentials.Username User generated by the Getnet acquirer.
Note: The field must be submitted if the transaction is directed to Getnet.
Text 50 No
Payment.Credentials.Password Password generated with the Acquirer Getnet
Note: The field must be submitted if the transaction is directed to Getnet.
Text 50 No
Payment.Credentials.Signature Terminal ID with the Global Payments acquirer.
Note: This field must be submitted if the transaction is directed to Global Payments.
Text 3 No
Payment.CreditCard.CardNumber Credit card number. Text 19 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.Holder Holder name printed on credit card. Note: Size regulation may vary depending on the acquirer. Text 25 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.ExpirationDate Credit card expiration date. Text 7 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the credit card. Text 4 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.Brand Credit card brand. Text 10 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.SaveCard Indicates if the credit card data will be stored in Cartão Protegido. Boolean No
Payment.CreditCard.Alias Credit card alias saved to Cartão Protegido. Text 64 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Sequence Fraud analysis flow type.
Possible values: “AnalyseFirst” / “AuthorizeFirst”.
Text 14 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria Fraud analysis flow criteria.
Possible values: “OnSuccess” / “Always”.
Text 9 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Provider Anti-fraud analysis provider.
Possible value: “Cybersource”
Text 10 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.CaptureOnLowRisk Indicates if the transaction will be captured after the fraud analysis.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default)
Note: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as low risk (“Accept”) the previously authorized transaction will be captured.
Note2: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as “Review” the transaction will be authorized. It will be captured after Braspag receives notification of the status change to low risk (“Accept”).
Note: To use this parameter, the sequence of the risk analysis flow (FraudAnalysis.Sequence) must be “AuthorizeFirst”.
Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.VoidOnHighRisk Indicates if the transaction will be captured after the fraud analysis.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
Note: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as of high risk (“Reject”) the previously authorized transaction will be canceled.
Note2: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as “Review” the transaction will remain authorized. It will be cancelled after Braspag receives notification of the status change to high risk (“Reject”).
Note: To use this parameter, the sequence of the risk analysis flow (FraudAnalysis.Sequence) must be “AuthorizeFirst”.
Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.TotalOrderAmount Order total value in cents.
E.g.: 123456 = R $ 1,234.56
Number 15 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.FingerPrintId Identifier used to crosscheck information obtained from the shopper’s device. This same identifier must be used to generate the value to be assigned to the session_id field of the script, which will be included in the checkout page.
Note: This identifier can be any value or order number, but must be unique for 48 hours.
Text 100 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.HostName Host name entered by the shopper’s browser and identified through the HTTP header. Text 60 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.CookiesAccepted Identifies if the shopper’s browser accepts cookies.
Possible values: “true” / “false”. (default)
Boolean Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.Email Email registered in the shopper’s browser. May differ from store registration email (Customer.Email). Text 100 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.Type Name of browser used by the shopper and identified via HTTP header.
E.g.: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.
Text 40 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.IpAddress Shopper’s IP address. IPv4 or IPv6 format. Text 45 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.IsGift Indicates if the order placed by the shopper is a gift. Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.ReturnsAccepted Indicates if the shopper’s order can be returned to the store.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.GiftCategory Identifies the evaluation of the billing and delivery addresses for different cities, states or countries.
Value List - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items {n} .GiftCategory
Text 9 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.HostHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of shopper’s IP address and email address.
Value List - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items {n }.HostHedge
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.NonSensicalHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the meaningless shopper’s data checks.
List of Values - Cart.Items {n}.NonSensicalHedge
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.ObscenitiesHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the checks on shopper’s data containing obscenity.
Value List - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items {n} .ObscenitiesHedge
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.PhoneHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the checks on shopper’s phone numbers.
List of Values - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items {n} .PhoneHedge
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Name Product Name Text 255 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Quantity Product quantity. Number 15 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Sku SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product. Text 255 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.UnitPrice Unit price.
E.g.: 10950 = $ 109.50.
Number 15 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Risk Product risk level associated with the amount of chargebacks.
List of Values - Payment.Fraudanalysis.CartI.tems {n}.Risk
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.TimeHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of time of the day the order was placed.
List of Payments - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items {n }.TimeHedge
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Type Product category.
Value List - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items {n}.Type
Text 19 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.VelocityHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of shopper’s purchase frequency within the previous 15 minutes.
List of Values - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Cart.Items { n}.VelocityHedge
Text 6 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Id ID of additional information to be sent.
Tabela de MDDs
Número 2 Sim
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Id Value of additional information to be sent.
MDDs table
Text 255 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Addressee Full name of the responsible for receiving the product at the shipping address. Text 120 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Method Shipping delivery method.
Lista de Valores - Payment.Fraudanalysis.Shipping.Method
Texto 8 Não
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Phone Phone number of the responsible for receiving the product at the shipping address.
E.g.: 552121114700.
Text 15 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType Trip type.
Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType
Texto 32 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.DepartureTime Date and time of departure.
E.g.: 2018-03-31 19:16:38.
DateTime No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Name Passenger’s full name. Text 120 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Identity Passenger’s document number. Text 32 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Status Airline rating.
List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers {n}.Status
Text 15 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Rating Passenger type.
Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers {n}.PassengerType
Text 13 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Email Passenger’s email. Text 255 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Phone Passenger’s phone.
E.g.: 552121114700
Text 15 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Origin Departure airport code. More information at IATA 3-Letter Codes. Text 3 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Destination Arrival airport code. More information at IATA 3-Letter Codes. Text 3 No


      "Name": "shopper Name",
      "Identity": "12345678910",
      "IdentityType": "CPF",
      "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
      "Phone": "5521976781114"
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
         "SaveCard": "false"
      "FraudAnalysis": {
         "Sequence": "AnalyseFirst",
         "SequenceCriteria": "Always",
         "Provider": "Cybersource",
         "CaptureOnLowRisk": false,
         "VoidOnHighRisk": false,
         "TotalOrderAmount": 10000,
            "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
            "IpAddress": "",
            "Type": "Chrome"
         "Cart": {
            "IsGift": false,
            "ReturnsAccepted": true,
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
               "Id": 2,
               "Value": "100"
               "Id": 4,
               "Value": "Web"
               "Id": 9,
            "Addressee":"João das Couves",
            "DepartureTime":"2018-01-09 18:00",
                  "Name":"Passenger Test",
        "Id": "0e4d0a3c-e424-4fa5-a573-4eabbd44da42",
        "Status": 1,
        "FraudAnalysisReasonCode": 100,
        "ReplyData": {
            "BinCountry": "us",
            "CardIssuer":"FIA CARD SERVICES, N.A.",
            "IpRoutingMethod": "Undefined",
            "ScoreModelUsed": "default_lac",
            "CasePriority": 3,
      "PaymentId": "c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925",
      "ProofOfSale": "20170510053219433",
      "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510053219433",
      "AuthorizationCode": "936403",
      "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
      "CapturedAmount": 10000,
      "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
      "Status": 2,
      "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
      "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
      "Links": [{
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925"
        "Method": "PUT",
        "Rel": "void",
        "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925/void"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "Name": "shopper Name",
      "Identity": "12345678910",
      "IdentityType": "CPF",
      "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
      "Phone": "5521976781114"
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27th floor",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Country": "BR",
         "Holder": "Cardholder Name",
         "SaveCard": "false"
      "FraudAnalysis": {
         "Sequence": "AnalyseFirst",
         "SequenceCriteria": "Always",
         "Provider": "Cybersource",
         "CaptureOnLowRisk": false,
         "VoidOnHighRisk": false,
         "TotalOrderAmount": 10000,
            "Email": "shopper@braspag.com.br",
            "IpAddress": "",
            "Type": "Chrome"
         "Cart": {
            "IsGift": false,
            "ReturnsAccepted": true,
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
                  "GiftCategory": "Undefined",
                  "HostHedge": "Off",
                  "NonSensicalHedge": "Off",
               "Id": 2,
               "Value": "100"
               "Id": 4,
               "Value": "Web"
               "Id": 9,
            "Addressee":"João das Couves",
            "DepartureTime":"2018-01-09 18:00",
                  "Name":"Passenger Test",
        "Id": "0e4d0a3c-e424-4fa5-a573-4eabbd44da42",
        "Status": 1,
        "FraudAnalysisReasonCode": 100,
        "ReplyData": {
            "BinCountry": "us",
            "CardIssuer":"FIA CARD SERVICES, N.A.",
            "IpRoutingMethod": "Undefined",
            "ScoreModelUsed": "default_lac",
            "CasePriority": 3,
      "PaymentId": "c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925",
      "ProofOfSale": "20170510053219433",
      "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510053219433",
      "AuthorizationCode": "936403",
      "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
      "CapturedAmount": 10000,
      "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 17:32:19",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
      "Status": 2,
      "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
      "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
      "Links": [{
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925"
        "Method": "PUT",
        "Rel": "void",
        "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/c374099e-c474-4916-9f5c-f2598fec2925/void"
Property Description Type
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text
Customer.Name Shopper’s full name. Text
Customer.Identity Shopper’s identification number. Text
Customer.IdentityType Shopper’s ID type. Text
Customer.Email Shopper’s email. Text
Customer.Birthdate Shopper’s date of birth. Date
Customer.Phone Shopper’s phone number. Text
Customer.Address.Street Billing address street. Text
Customer.Address.Number Billing address number. Text
Customer.Address.Complement Billing address additional information. Text
Customer.Address.ZipCode Billing address postcode. Text
Customer.Address.City Billing address city. Text
Customer.Address.State Billing address state. Text
Customer.Address.Country Billing address country. Text
Customer.Address.District Billing address neighborhood. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Delivery address street. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Delivery address number. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Delivery address additional information. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Delivery address zip code. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Delivery address city. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Delivery address status. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Delivery address country. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Delivery address neighborhood. Text
Payment.Provider Name of authorization provider. Text
Payment.Type Type of payment method. Text
Payment.Amount Transaction amount in cents. Number
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount Amount of authorization amount to be used for service charge. Number
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made. Text
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number
Payment.Interest Installment type. Text
Payment.Capture Indicates if authorization will have automatic capture. Boolean
Payment.Authenticate Indicates if the transaction will be authenticated. Boolean
Payment.Recurrent Indicates if the transaction is of recurring type. Boolean
Payment.SoftDescriptor Text that will be printed on the invoice. Text
Payment.DoSplit Indicates if the transaction will be split among multiple participants. Boolean
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Name Extra field identifier to be sent. Text
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Value Extra field value to be sent. Text
Payment.Credentials.Code Affiliation generated by the acquirer. Text
Payment.Credentials.Key Affiliation key / token generated by the acquirer. Text
Payment.Credentials.Username User generated on accreditation with the Getnet acquirer. Text
Payment.Credentials.Password Password generated on accreditation with the Getnet acquirer. Text
Payment.Credentials.Signature Terminal ID in accreditation with the Global Payments acquirer. Text
Payment.CreditCard.CardNumber Credit card number. Text
Payment.CreditCard.Holder Holder’s name printed on the credit card. Text
Payment.CreditCard.ExpirationDate Credit card expiration date. Text
Payment.CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the credit card. Text
Payment.CreditCard.Brand Credit card brand. Text
Payment.CreditCard.SaveCard Indicates if the credit card data will be stored in Cartão Protegido. Boolean
Payment.CreditCard.Alias Credit card alias saved in Cartão Protegido. Text
Payment.CreditCard.CardToken Credit card identifier saved in Cartão Protegido. GUID
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Sequence Fraud analysis flow type. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria Fraud analysis flow criteria. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Provider Anti-fraud analysis provider. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.CaptureOnLowRisk Indicates if transaction will be captured after the fraud analysis. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.VoidOnHighRisk Indicates if the transaction will be canceled after the fraud analysis. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.TotalOrderAmount Total order value in cents. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.FingerPrintId Identifier used to crosscheck information obtained from the shopper’s device. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.HostName Host name entered by the shopper’s browser and identified through the HTTP header. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.CookiesAccepted Identifies if the shopper’s browser accepts cookies. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.Email Email registered in the shopper’s browser. May differ from the store registration email (Customer.Email). Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.Type Name of browser used by shopper and identified through the HTTP header. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.IpAddress Shopper’s IP address. IPv4 or IPv6 format. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.IsGift Indicates if the order placed by the shopper is a gift. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.ReturnsAccepted Indicates if the order placed by the shopper can be returned to the store. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.GiftCategory Identifies the evaluation of the billing and delivery addresses for different cities, states or countries. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.HostHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the shopper’s IP and email addresses. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.NonSensicalHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the meaningless shopper’s data checks. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.ObscenitiesHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the shopper’s data checks with obscenity. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.PhoneHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of the shopper’s phone number checks. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Name Product name. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Quantity Product quantity. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Sku SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.UnitPrice Unit price of the product. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Risk Product risk level associated with the amount of chargebacks. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.TimeHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of time of the day in which the shopper placed the order. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Type Product category. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.VelocityHedge Importance level, in the fraud analysis, of shopper’s purchase frequency within the previous 15 minutes. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Id ID of the additional information to be sent. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Value Value of the additional information to be sent. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Addressee Full name of the responsible for receiving the product at the shipping address. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Method Order delivery. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Phone Phone number of the responsilbe for receiving the product at the shipping address. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType Trip type. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.DepartureTime Date and time of departure. DateTime
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Name Passenger’s full name. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Identity Passenger’s document number. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Status Airline classification. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Rating Passenger type. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Email Passenger’s email. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Phone Passenger’s phone. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Origin Departure airport code. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Destination Arrival airport code. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Id Anti-fraud analysis transaction ID Braspag GUID
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Status Braspag anti-fraud analysis transaction status.
List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Status.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.FraudAnalysisReasonCode Cybersouce return code
List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.FraudAnalysisReasonCode
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.AddressInfoCode Codes indicate incompatibilities between shopper’s billing and delivery addresses.
Codes are concatenated using a ^ character. E.g.: COR-BA^MM-BIN.
List of Payments - Payment. FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.AddressInfoCode.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.FactorCode Codes that affected the analysis score.
Codes are concatenated using the ^ character. E.g.: B^D^R^Z.
List of Values - ProviderAnalysisResult.AfsReply.FactorCode.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.Score Score from the fraud analysis. Value between 0 and 100. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.BinCountry Card BIN country code used in the analysis. More information at ISO 2-Digit Alpha Country Code. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.CardIssuer Name of the bank or credit card issuer. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.CardScheme Card brand. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.HostSeverity Shopper’s email domain risk level, from 0 to 5, where 0 is undetermined risk and 5 represents the highest risk. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.InternetInfoCode Codes that indicate problems with the email address, IP address, or billing address.
Codes are concatenated using the ^ character. E.g.: FREE-EM^RISK-EM
List of Payments - Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.InternetInfoCode.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.IpRoutingMethod Shopper’s routing method obtained from the IP address.
Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.IpRoutingMethod.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.ScoreModelUsed Name of the score model used in the analysis. In case you have no template defined, the default template from Cybersource is used. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.CasePriority Defines the priority level of merchant rules or profiles. The priority level ranges from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest) and the default value is 3; and this will be assigned if you have not set the priority of rules or profiles. This field is only returned if the store subscribes to Enhanced Case Management. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.ProviderTransactionId Transaction ID in Cybersource. Text
Payment.PaymentId Transaction identifier in Pagador. GUID
Payment.AcquirerTransactionId Transaction identifier at the acquirer. Text
Payment.ProofOfSale Voucher number at the acquirer (NSU - Unique Transaction Sequence Number). Text
Payment.AuthorizationCode Authorization code at the acquirer. Text
Payment.ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Pagador.
E.g.: 2018-01-16 16:38:19.
Payment.CapturedDate Date the transaction was captured at the acquirer.
E.g.: 2018-01-16 16:38:20.
Payment.CapturedAmount Amount captured in the transaction, in cents.
E.g.: 123456 = $ 1,234.56.
Payment.ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator. Code generated in a credit transaction with external authentication. Text
Payment.ReasonCode Operation return code. Text
Payment.ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text
Payment.Status Transaction Status on Pagador.
Transaction Status List.
Payment.ProviderReturnCode Code returned by acquirer or issuer. Text
Payment.ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by acquirer or issuer. Text

Configuring Fingerprint

The fingerprint is an important component of the anti-fraud analysis. It is a script that must be added to your website in order to capture important data about the device being used for the transaction, such as the machine IP, browser version and operating system used. Sometimes only the cart information is not enough to guarantee an assertive analysis. The data collected by the fingerprint adds on to the analysis, making sure your store is better protected.

This page describes how to integrate and set up fingerprint in your checkout and mobile page.

Checkout Integration

In order to integrate the fingerprint technology into your checkout page, you must add two tags to its source code:

Filling in the URL

Two variables must be filled in the Javascript URL: the org_id and the session_id. The org_id variable has a preset value, while the session_id variable holds the concatenation of the ProviderMerchantId and FraudAnalysis.FingerPrintId parameters, as shown below:

Variable Description
org_id for Sandbox = “1snn5n9w”
for Production = “k8vif92e”
session_id ProviderMerchantId(Your store identifier at Cybersource. Contact Braspag in case you don’t have one.)
FraudAnalysis.FingerPrintId (Identifier used to crosscheck information obtained from the shopper’s device.)

Note: This identifier can have any value or be the order number, but it must be unique for 48 hours.
Applying the Script

This is the script template:

Example Code

After being properly filled in, the variables will provide a URL as in the example below:

Url Example

Mobile Apps Integration

Implementing ACI Worldwide Analysis

In the fraud analysis request with ACI Worldwide, submit the Payment.FraudAnalysis.Provider field as “RedShield”.


      "Name":"Comprador Teste",
      "Phone": "5521976781114",
      "mobile": "5511940028922",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
            "Addressee":"Nome do destinatario",
            "DepartureTime":"2018-01-09 18:00",
                  "Name":"Passenger Test",
      "Name":"Comprador Teste",
      "Phone": "5521976781114",
      "mobile": "5511940028922",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Street":"Alameda Xingu",
         "Complement":"27 andar",
         "City":"São Paulo",
         "Holder":"Nome do Portador",
            "Addressee":"Nome do destinatario",
            "DepartureTime":"2018-01-09 18:00",
                  "Name":"Passenger Test",
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Yes
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 120 Yes
Customer.Identity Customer’s ID number. Text 16 Yes
Customer.IdentityType Customer’s ID document type (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 No
Customer.Email Customer’s email address. Text 100 Yes
Customer.Birthdate Customer’s date of birth.
E.g.: 1991-01-10.
Date 10 Yes
Customer.Phone Customer’s phone number.
E.g.: 5521976781114.
Text 15 Yes
Customer.Mobile Customer’s mobile phone number.
E.g.: 5521976781114.
Text 15 Yes
Customer.Address.Street Customer’s address street. Text 54 Yes
Customer.Address.Number Customer’s address number. Text 5 Yes
Customer.Address.Complement Customer’s address additional information. Text 14 No
Customer.Address.ZipCode Customer’s address zip code. Text 9 Yes
Customer.Address.City Customer’s address zip code. Text 9 Yes
Customer.Address.State Customer’s address state. Text 2 Yes
Customer.Address.Country Customer’s country
More information in ISO 2-Digit Alpha Country Code.
Text 2 Yes
Customer.Address.District Customer’s neighborhood. Text 50 Yes
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Delivery address street. Text 255 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Delivery address number. Text 15 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Delivery address additional information. Text 50 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Delivery address zip code. Text 9 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Delivery address city. Text 50 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Delivery address state. Text 2 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Delivery address country
More information in ISO 2-Digit Alpha Country Code.
Text 2 No
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Delivery address neighborhood. Text 50 No
Payment.Provider Name of payment method provider. Text 15 Yes
Payment.Type Payment method type.
Note: Only “CreditCard” works with fraud analysis.
Text 100 Yes
Payment.Amount Order amount in cents. Number 15 Yes
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made.
Possible values: BRL / USD / MXN / COP / CLP / ARS / PEN / EUR / PYN / UYU / VEB / VEF / GBP.
Text 3 No
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text 3 No
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 Yes
Payment.Interest Installment type - Store (“ByMerchant”) or Issuer (“ByIssuer”). Text 10 No
Payment.Capture Indicates whether the authorization will use automatic capture (“true”) or not (“false”).
1st note: Please check with acquirer about the availability of this feature.
2nd note: This field should be filled according to the fraud analysis flow.
Boolean No
Payment.Authenticate Indicates whether the transaction will be authenticated (“true”) or not (“false”).
1st note: Please check with acquirer about the availability of this feature.
2nd note: The Payment.Recurrent field should be “true” when this one is “false”.
Boolean No
Payment.Recurrent Indicates whether the transaction is of recurring type (“true”) or not (“false”)
1st note: The “true” value will not set a new recurrence, it will only allow the execution of a transaction without the need to send CVV.
2nd note: Only for Cielo transactions.
3rd note:Authenticate must be “false” when Recurrent is “true”.
Boolean No
Payment.SoftDescriptor Text to be printed on shopper’s invoice.
Note: The value of this field should make it easy for the cardholder to identify the establishment where the purchase was made, as it is one of the main offenders for chargeback.
Text 13 No
Payment.DoSplit Indicates whether the transaction will be split between multiple accounts (“true”) or not (“false”).
To use the payment split functionality, it is necessary to contract the solution with Braspag.
Boolean No
Payment.CreditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 19 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.Holder Name of cardholder printed on the card. Note: The size of the field can change depending on the acquirer. Text 25 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card. Text 7 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.SecurityCode Security code printed on the back of the card. Text 4 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10 Yes
Payment.CreditCard.SaveCard Indicates if the credit card data will be stored in Cartão Protegido. Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Sequence Fraud analysis flow type.
Possible values: “AnalyseFirst” / “AuthorizeFirst”.
Text 14 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria Fraud analysis flow criteria.
Possible values: “OnSuccess” / “Always”.
Text 9 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Provider Anti-fraud analysis provider.
Possible value for ACI Worldwide: “RedShield”
Text 10 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.CaptureOnLowRisk Indicates if the transaction will be captured after the fraud analysis.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default)
Note: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as low risk (“Accept”) the previously authorized transaction will be captured.
Note2: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as “Review” the transaction will be authorized. It will be captured after Braspag receives notification of the status change to low risk (“Accept”).
Note: To use this parameter, the sequence of the risk analysis flow (FraudAnalysis.Sequence) must be “AuthorizeFirst”.
Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.VoidOnHighRisk Indicates if the transaction will be captured after the fraud analysis.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
Note: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as of high risk (“Reject”) the previously authorized transaction will be canceled.
Note2: When sent as “true” and the fraud analysis returns it as “Review” the transaction will remain authorized. It will be cancelled after Braspag receives notification of the status change to high risk (“Reject”).
Note: To use this parameter, the sequence of the risk analysis flow (FraudAnalysis.Sequence) must be “AuthorizeFirst”.
Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.TotalOrderAmount Order total value in cents.
E.g.: 123456 = R $ 1,234.56
Number 15 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.FingerPrintId Identifier used to crosscheck information obtained from the shopper’s device. This same identifier must be used to generate the value to be assigned to the session_id field of the script, which will be included in the checkout page.
Note: This identifier can be any value or order number, but must be unique for 48 hours.
Text 100 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.CookiesAccepted Identifies if the shopper’s browser accepts cookies.
Possible values: “true” / “false”. (default)
Boolean Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.IpAddress Shopper’s IP address. IPv4 or IPv6 formats. Text 45 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.IsGift Indicates if the order made by the shopper is a gift. Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.ReturnsAccepted Indicates if the shopper’s order can be returned to the store.
Possible values: “true” / “false” (default).
Boolean No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Name Product Name Text 255 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Quantity Product quantity. Number 15 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Sku SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product. Text 255 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.UnitPrice Unit price.
E.g.: 10950 = $ 109.50.
Number 15 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Id ID of additional information to be sent.
MDD Table
Number 2 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Value Value of additional information to be sent.
MDD Table.
Text 255 Yes
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Addressee Full name of the responsible for receiving the product at the shipping address. Text 120 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Method Shipping delivery method.
List of Values - Shipping Method.
Text 8 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Phone Phone number of the responsible for receiving the product at the shipping address.
E.g.: 552121114700.
Text 15 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType Trip type.
List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType
Text 32 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.DepartureTime Date and time of departure.
E.g.: 2018-03-31 19:16:38.
DateTime No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Name Passenger’s full name. Text 120 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Identity Passenger’s document number. Text 32 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Status Airline rating.
List of Values - Status.
Text 15 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Rating Passenger type.
List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers {n}.PassengerType
Text 13 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Email Passenger’s email. Text 255 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Phone Passenger’s phone number.
E.g.: 552121114700
Text 15 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Origin Departure airport code. More information at IATA 3-Letter Codes. Text 3 No
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Destination eparture airport code. More information at IATA 3-Letter Codes. Text 3 No


    "MerchantOrderId": "123456",
    "Customer": {
        "Name": "Comprador Teste",
        "Identity": "12345678910",
        "IdentityType": "CPF",
        "Email": "comprador@braspag.com.br",
        "Phone": "5521976781114",
        "Birthdate": "1991-01-02",
        "Address": {
            "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
            "Number": "512",
            "Complement": "27 andar",
            "ZipCode": "12345987",
            "City": "São Paulo",
            "State": "SP",
            "Country": "BR",
            "District": "Alphaville",
            "AddressType": "NotInformed"
        "DeliveryAddress": {
            "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
            "Number": "512",
            "Complement": "27 andar",
            "ZipCode": "12345987",
            "City": "São Paulo",
            "State": "SP",
            "Country": "BR",
            "District": "Alphaville",
            "AddressType": "NotInformed"
        "Mobile": "5511940028922"
    "Payment": {
        "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
        "Installments": 1,
        "Interest": "ByMerchant",
        "Capture": true,
        "Authenticate": false,
        "Recurrent": true,
        "CreditCard": {
            "CardNumber": "455184******0181",
            "Holder": "Nome do Portador",
            "ExpirationDate": "12/2028",
            "SaveCard": true,
            "Brand": "Visa"
        "ProofOfSale": "836045",
        "AcquirerTransactionId": "0527060143139",
        "AuthorizationCode": "095614",
        "SoftDescriptor": "Mensagem",
        "SentOrderId": "20220527180141FEC711",
        "FraudAnalysis": {
            "Sequence": "AnalyseFirst",
            "SequenceCriteria": "OnSuccess",
            "FingerPrintId": "074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2",
            "Provider": "RedShield",
            "CaptureOnLowRisk": false,
            "VoidOnHighRisk": false,
            "TotalOrderAmount": 10000,
            "IsRetryTransaction": false,
            "MerchantDefinedFields": [
                    "Id": "26",
                    "Value": "nomedousuario"
                    "Id": "27",
                    "Value": "120"
                    "Id": "28",
                    "Value": "12"
                    "Id": "29",
                    "Value": "WEB"
            "Cart": {
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                "ReturnsAccepted": true,
                "Items": [
                        "Name": "ItemTeste1",
                        "Sku": "20170511",
                        "UnitPrice": 20000,
                        "Quantity": 2
                        "Name": "ItemTeste2",
                        "Sku": "20170512",
                        "UnitPrice": 10000,
                        "Quantity": 1
            "Travel": {
                "DepartureTime": "2018-01-09T18:00:00",
                "JourneyType": "OneWayTrip",
                "Passengers": [
                        "Name": "Passenger Test",
                        "Identity": "212424808",
                        "Status": "Gold",
                        "Rating": "Adult",
                        "Email": "email@mail.com",
                        "Phone": "5564991681074",
                        "TravelLegs": [
                                "Destination": "GIG",
                                "Origin": "AMS"
            "Browser": {
                "CookiesAccepted": true,
                "IpAddress": ""
            "Shipping": {
                "Addressee": "Nome do destinatario",
                "Phone": "551121840540",
                "Method": "LowCost"
            "Id": "3c31b840-30f0-49a5-40c1-08da39ba639e",
            "Status": 1,
            "StatusDescription": "Accept",
            "ReplyData": {
                "FactorCode": "000.000.000",
                "ProviderTransactionId": "153322379407",
                "ReturnMessage": "Transaction succeeded",
                "ProviderOrderId": "000591000001XAA20220527170142439",
                "ReturnCode": "0100"
        "DoSplit": false,
        "PaymentId": "b705b792-e5c0-4386-9f44-b07a791fb972",
        "Type": "CreditCard",
        "Amount": 10000,
        "ReceivedDate": "2022-05-27 18:01:41",
        "CapturedAmount": 10000,
        "CapturedDate": "2022-05-27 18:01:43",
        "Currency": "BRL",
        "Country": "BRA",
        "Provider": "Simulado",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 2,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
        "Links": [
                "Method": "GET",
                "Rel": "self",
                "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/b705b792-e5c0-4386-9f44-b07a791fb972"
                "Method": "PUT",
                "Rel": "void",
                "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/b705b792-e5c0-4386-9f44-b07a791fb972/void"
    "MerchantOrderId": "123456",
    "Customer": {
        "Name": "Comprador Teste",
        "Identity": "12345678910",
        "IdentityType": "CPF",
        "Email": "comprador@braspag.com.br",
        "Phone": "5521976781114",
        "Birthdate": "1991-01-02",
        "Address": {
            "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
            "Number": "512",
            "Complement": "27 andar",
            "ZipCode": "12345987",
            "City": "São Paulo",
            "State": "SP",
            "Country": "BR",
            "District": "Alphaville",
            "AddressType": "NotInformed"
        "DeliveryAddress": {
            "Street": "Alameda Xingu",
            "Number": "512",
            "Complement": "27 andar",
            "ZipCode": "12345987",
            "City": "São Paulo",
            "State": "SP",
            "Country": "BR",
            "District": "Alphaville",
            "AddressType": "NotInformed"
        "Mobile": "5511940028922"
    "Payment": {
        "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
        "Installments": 1,
        "Interest": "ByMerchant",
        "Capture": true,
        "Authenticate": false,
        "Recurrent": true,
        "CreditCard": {
            "CardNumber": "455184******0181",
            "Holder": "Nome do Portador",
            "ExpirationDate": "12/2028",
            "SaveCard": true,
            "Brand": "Visa"
        "ProofOfSale": "836045",
        "AcquirerTransactionId": "0527060143139",
        "AuthorizationCode": "095614",
        "SoftDescriptor": "Mensagem",
        "SentOrderId": "20220527180141FEC711",
        "FraudAnalysis": {
            "Sequence": "AnalyseFirst",
            "SequenceCriteria": "OnSuccess",
            "FingerPrintId": "074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2",
            "Provider": "RedShield",
            "CaptureOnLowRisk": false,
            "VoidOnHighRisk": false,
            "TotalOrderAmount": 10000,
            "IsRetryTransaction": false,
            "MerchantDefinedFields": [
                    "Id": "26",
                    "Value": "nomedousuario"
                    "Id": "27",
                    "Value": "120"
                    "Id": "28",
                    "Value": "12"
                    "Id": "29",
                    "Value": "WEB"
            "Cart": {
                "IsGift": true,
                "ReturnsAccepted": true,
                "Items": [
                        "Name": "ItemTeste1",
                        "Sku": "20170511",
                        "UnitPrice": 20000,
                        "Quantity": 2
                        "Name": "ItemTeste2",
                        "Sku": "20170512",
                        "UnitPrice": 10000,
                        "Quantity": 1,
            "Travel": {
                "DepartureTime": "2018-01-09T18:00:00",
                "JourneyType": "OneWayTrip",
                "Passengers": [
                        "Name": "Passenger Test",
                        "Identity": "212424808",
                        "Status": "Gold",
                        "Rating": "Adult",
                        "Email": "email@mail.com",
                        "Phone": "5564991681074",
                        "TravelLegs": [
                                "Destination": "GIG",
                                "Origin": "AMS"
            "Browser": {
                "CookiesAccepted": true,
                "IpAddress": ""
            "Shipping": {
                "Addressee": "Nome do destinatario",
                "Phone": "551121840540",
                "Method": "LowCost"
            "Id": "3c31b840-30f0-49a5-40c1-08da39ba639e",
            "Status": 1,
            "StatusDescription": "Accept",
            "ReplyData": {
                "FactorCode": "000.000.000",
                "ProviderTransactionId": "153322379407",
                "ReturnMessage": "Transaction succeeded",
                "ProviderOrderId": "000591000001XAA20220527170142439",
                "ReturnCode": "0100"
        "DoSplit": false,
        "PaymentId": "b705b792-e5c0-4386-9f44-b07a791fb972",
        "Type": "CreditCard",
        "Amount": 10000,
        "ReceivedDate": "2022-05-27 18:01:41",
        "CapturedAmount": 10000,
        "CapturedDate": "2022-05-27 18:01:43",
        "Currency": "BRL",
        "Country": "BRA",
        "Provider": "Simulado",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
        "Status": 2,
        "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
        "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
        "Links": [
                "Method": "GET",
                "Rel": "self",
                "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/b705b792-e5c0-4386-9f44-b07a791fb972"
                "Method": "PUT",
                "Rel": "void",
                "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/b705b792-e5c0-4386-9f44-b07a791fb972/void"
Property Description Type
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text
Customer.Name Shopper’s full name. Text
Customer.Identity Shopper’s identification number. Text
Customer.IdentityType Shopper’s ID type. Text
Customer.Email Shopper’s ID type. Text
Customer.Birthdate Shopper’s date of birth. Date
Customer.Phone Shopper’s phone number. Text
Customer.Address.Street Billing address street. Text
Customer.Address.Number Billing address number. Text
Customer.Address.Complement Billing address additional information. Text
Customer.Address.ZipCode Billing address postcode. Text
Customer.Address.City Billing address city. Text
Customer.Address.State Billing address state. Text
Customer.Address.Country Billing address country. Text
Customer.Address.District Billing address neighborhood. Text
Customer.Address.AddressType Billing address type. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Delivery address street. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Delivery address number. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Delivery address number. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Delivery address zip code. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Delivery address city. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Delivery address state. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Delivery address country. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Delivery address neighborhood. Text
Customer.DeliveryAddress.AddressType Delivery address type. Texto
Customer.Mobile Shopper’s phone number. Text
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount Name of authorization provider. Text
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number
Payment.Interest Installment type. Text
Payment.Capture Indicates if authorization will have automatic capture. Boolean
Payment.Authenticate Indicates if the transaction will be authenticated. Boolean
Payment.Recurrent Indicates if the transaction is of recurring type. Boolean
Payment.CreditCard.CardNumber Credit card number. Text
Payment.CreditCard.Holder Holder’s name printed on the credit card. Text
Payment.CreditCard.ExpirationDate Credit card expiration date. Text
Payment.CreditCard.SaveCard Indicates if the credit card data will be stored in Cartão Protegido. Boolean
Payment.CreditCard.Brand Credit card brand. Text
Payment.ProofOfSale Receipt number (NSU - Número Sequencial Único). Text
Payment.AcquirerTransactionId Transaction identifier at acquirer. Text
Payment.AuthorizationCode Authorization code at acquirer. Text
Payment.SoftDescriptor Text that will be printed on the invoice. Text
Payment.SentOrderId Additional number to the MerchantOrderId generated for the order and used during the transaction. This number (SentOrderId) will only be different in case of compliance with the acquirer’s rules or in case of repeated order identification numbers (MerchantOrderId). Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Sequence Fraud analysis flow type. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.SequenceCriteria Fraud analysis flow criteria. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.FingerPrintId Identifier used to cross information obtained from the shopper’s device. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Provider Antifraude provider. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.CaptureOnLowRisk Indicates if transaction will be captured after the fraud analysis. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.VoidOnHighRisk Indicates if the transaction will be canceled after the fraud analysis. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.TotalOrderAmount Total order value in cents. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.IsRetryTransaction Retry of an analysis, and must be sent with a value equal to TRUE when the return code in the first attempt is equal to BP900. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Id ID of the additional information to be sent. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.MerchantDefinedFields.Value Value of the additional information to be sent. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.IsGift Indicates whether the order placed by the shopper is for a gift. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.ReturnsAccepted Indicates whether the order placed by the shopper can be returned to the store. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Name Product name. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Sku SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.UnitPrice Unit price of the product. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items.Quantity Product quantity. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.DepartureTime Date and time of departure. DateTime
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType Trip type. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Name Passenger’s full name. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Identity Passenger’s document number. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Name Passenger’s full name. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Identity Passenger’s document number. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Email Passenger’s email. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.Phone Passenger’s phone. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Destination Arrival airport code. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers.TravelLegs.Origin Departure airport code. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.CookiesAccepted Identifies if the shopper’s browser accepts cookies. Boolean
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Browser.IpAddress Shopper’s IP address. IPv4 or IPv6 format. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Addressee Full name of the responsible for receiving the product at the shipping address. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Phone Phone number of the responsilbe for receiving the product at the shipping address. Number
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Method Order delivery. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Id Antifraude analysis transaction ID Braspag GUID
Payment.FraudAnalysis.Status Braspag anti-fraud analysis transaction status.
List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Status.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.StatusDescription Status description. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.FactorCode Codes that affected the analysis score.
Codes are concatenated using the ^ character. E.g.: B^D^R^Z.
List of Values - ProviderAnalysisResult.AfsReply.FactorCode.
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.ProviderTransactionId Transaction ID at ACI Worldwide. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.ReturnMessage Message returned by Antifraud provider Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.ProviderOrderId Order ID at ACI Worldwide. Text
Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.ReturnCode Code returned by the payment method provider (acquirer or issuer). Text
Payment.DoSplit Indicates whether the transaction will be split between several participants. Boolean
Payment.PaymentId Transaction identifier in Pagador Braspag. GUID
Payment.Type Payment method type. Note: Only the “CreditCard” type works with fraud analysis. Text
Payment.Amount Financial transaction amount, in cents. Ex.: 150000 = BRL 1,500.00. Text
Payment.ReceivedDate Date on which the transaction was received at Pagador Braspag.
E.g.: 2018-01-16 16:38:19.
Payment.CapturedAmount Amount captured from the transaction, in cents.
E.g.: 123456 = BRL 1,234.56.
Payment.CapturedDate Date the transaction was captured at the acquirer.
E.g.: 2018-01-16 16:38:20.
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made. Possible values: “BRL” / “USD” / “MXN” / “COP” / “CLP” / “ARS” / “PEN” / “EUR” / “PYN” / “UYU” / “VEB” / “VEF” / “GBP”. No
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text
Payment.Provider Authorization provider name. Text
Payment.ReasonCode Operation return code. Text
Payment.ReasonMessage Operation return message. Text
Payment.Status Transaction status in Pagador.
Transaction Status List.
Payment.ProviderReturnCode Code returned by acquirer or issuer. Text
Payment.ProviderReturnMessage Message returned by acquirer or issuer. Text

Fingerprint with ACI

The Fingerprint is the digital identification of the shopper’s device. This identification is made up of a series of data collected on the checkout page of the website or application. To set up Fingerprint with ACI, see the Antifraud Gateway manual.


You can query a transaction for up to 18 months after it was created. Here are different ways to perform a sale or transaction query, depending on its lifetime:

Up to 5 months Via API or Admin Braspag panel.
From 5 to 18 months Via Admin Braspag panel with the “History” option selected.

Querying a Transaction via PaymentID

In order to include the Chargeback node in your response, Braspag must receive your store’s chargebacks. You will be able to either accept or dispute the operations, and then track their progress in the Admin Braspag panel. Your store can be informed of the transactions with issued chargebacks through the Notification Post. The operations displayed in the Admin Braspag panel are also available in the Risk Notification API.

In order to include the FraudAlert node in your response, Braspag must receive your store’s fraud alerts. They will be available in the Admin Braspag panel. Your store will be informed of the transactions with issued fraud alerts through the Notification Post.

Credit Card Transaction

In order to query a credit card transaction via PaymentID, you must send an HTTP message through the GET method to the Payment resource, as in the example:


--request GET "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
PaymentId Payment identification number. Text 36 Yes (through endpoint)


   "MerchantOrderId": "2017051001",
   "Customer": {
      "Name": "Nome do Cliente",
      "Identity": "01234567789",
      "Email": "cliente@email.com.br",
      "Address": {
         "Street": "GONCALO DA CUNHA",
         "Number": "111",
         "ZipCode": "04140040",
         "City": "SAO PAULO",
         "State": "SP",
         "Country": "BRA",
         "District": "CHACARA INGLESA"
   "Merchant": {
      "Id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "TradeName": "Lojas Teste"
   "Payment": {
      "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "Installments": 1,
      "Interest": "ByMerchant",
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
      "Recurrent": false,
      "CreditCard": {
         "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
         "Holder": "Nome do Portador",
         "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
         "Brand": "Visa"
      "ProofOfSale": "2539492",
      "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510042539492",
      "AuthorizationCode": "759497",
      "Eci": "0",
      "Refunds": [
            "Amount": 10000,
            "Status": 3,
            "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-15 16:25:38"
      "Chargebacks": [
            "Amount": 10000,
            "CaseNumber": "123456",
            "Date": "2017-06-04",
            "ReasonCode": "104",
            "ReasonMessage": "Outras Fraudes - Cartao Ausente",
            "Status": "Received",
            "RawData": "Client did not participate and did not authorize transaction"
      "FraudAlert": {
         "Date": "2017-05-20",
         "ReasonMessage": "Uso Ind Numeração",
         "IncomingChargeback": false
      "VelocityAnalysis": {
         "Id": "f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725",
         "ResultMessage": "Accept",
         "Score": 0
      "PaymentId": "f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 16:25:38",
      "CapturedAmount": 10000,
      "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 16:25:38",
      "VoidedAmount": 10000,
      "VoidedDate": "2017-05-15 16:25:38",
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Provider": "Simulado",
      "ProviderDescription": "Simulado",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "Status": 1,
      "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725"
            "Method": "PUT",
            "Rel": "capture",
            "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/capture"
            "Method": "PUT",
            "Rel": "void",
            "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/void"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
   "MerchantOrderId": "2017051001",
   "Customer": {
      "Name": "Nome do Cliente",
      "Identity": "01234567789",
      "Email": "cliente@email.com.br",
      "Address": {
         "Street": "GONCALO DA CUNHA",
         "Number": "111",
         "ZipCode": "04140040",
         "City": "SAO PAULO",
         "State": "SP",
         "Country": "BRA",
         "District": "CHACARA INGLESA"
   "Merchant": {
      "Id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "TradeName": "Lojas Teste"
   "Payment": {
      "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
      "Installments": 1,
      "Interest": "ByMerchant",
      "Capture": true,
      "Authenticate": false,
      "Recurrent": false,
      "CreditCard": {
         "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
         "Holder": "Nome do Portador",
         "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
         "Brand": "Visa"
      "ProofOfSale": "2539492",
      "AcquirerTransactionId": "0510042539492",
      "AuthorizationCode": "759497",
      "Eci": "0",
      "Refunds": [
            "Amount": 10000,
            "Status": 3,
            "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-15 16:25:38"
      "Chargebacks": [
            "Amount": 10000,
            "CaseNumber": "123456",
            "Date": "2017-06-04",
            "ReasonCode": "104",
            "ReasonMessage": "Outras Fraudes - Cartao Ausente",
            "Status": "Received",
            "RawData": "Client did not participate and did not authorize transaction"
      "FraudAlert": {
         "Date": "2017-05-20",
         "ReasonMessage": "Uso Ind Numeração",
         "IncomingChargeback": false
      "VelocityAnalysis": {
         "Id": "f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725",
         "ResultMessage": "Accept",
         "Score": 0
      "PaymentId": "f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725",
      "Type": "CreditCard",
      "Amount": 10000,
      "ReceivedDate": "2017-05-10 16:25:38",
      "CapturedAmount": 10000,
      "CapturedDate": "2017-05-10 16:25:38",
      "VoidedAmount": 10000,
      "VoidedDate": "2017-05-15 16:25:38",
      "Currency": "BRL",
      "Country": "BRA",
      "Provider": "Simulado",
      "ProviderDescription": "Simulado",
      "ReasonCode": 0,
      "Status": 1,
      "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725"
            "Method": "PUT",
            "Rel": "capture",
            "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/capture"
            "Method": "PUT",
            "Rel": "void",
            "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/void"
Property Description Type Size Format
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.Identity Customer’s ID. Text 14 Alphanumeric text
Customer.IdentityType Type of customer’s ID document (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 “CPF” / “CNPJ”
Customer.Email Customer’s email. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.Birthdate Customer’s date of birth. Date 10 format YYYY-MM-DD
Customer.Address.Street Customer’s contact address. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.Number Customer’s contact number. Text 15 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.Complement Customer’s contact address additional information. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.ZipCode Customer’s contact address zip code. Text 9 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.City Customer’s contact address city. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.State Customer’s contact address status. Text 2 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.Country Customer’s contact address country. Text 35 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.District Customer’s contact address neighborhood. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Order delivery address. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Order delivery address number. Text 15 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Order delivery address additional information. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Order delivery address zip code. Text 9 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Order delivery address city. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Order delivery address status. Text 2 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Order delivery address country. Text 35 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Orde delivery address neighborhood. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Merchant.Id MerchantID where the transaction was made. GUID 36 “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
Merchant.TradeName Store name. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Payment.Provider Name of the payment provider. Text 15 Check list of providers in the annexes.
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text 3 “BRA”
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 E.g.: “CreditCard”
Payment.Amount Order value in cents. Number 15 “10000”
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount Amount of authorization amount to be used for service charge. Note: This value is not added to the authorization value. Number 15 “10000”
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made. Text 3 BRL/USD/MXN/COP/PLC/ARS/PEN/EUR/PYN/UYU/VEB/VEF/GBP
Payment.Installments Number of installments. Number 2 “6”
Payment.Interest Installment type. Text 10 “ByMerchant” (store) / “ByIssuer” (issuer)
Payment.Capture Indicates whether the authorization will have automatic capture or not. Note: Check with the acquirer for the availability of this feature. Boolean “true” / “false” (default)
AcquirerTransactionId Transaction ID of the payment method provider. Text 40 Alphanumeric
Payment.Authenticate Indicates whether the transaction will be authenticated or not. Note: Check with the acquirer for the availability of this feature. Boolean “true” / “false” (default)
Payment.Recurrent Indicates whether the transaction is recurring or not. Note: “true” will not create a recurrence, but only allow a transaction to continue without the need to send the CVV.
Note2: For Cielo transactions only.
Note3: The Payment.Authenticate field must be “false” when this one is “true”.
Boolean “true” / “false” (default)
Payment.SoftDescriptor Text to be printed on the invoice. Text 13 Alphanumeric text
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Name Name of the extra data field. Text 50 Alphanumeric text
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Value Value of the extra data field. Text 1024 Alphanumeric text
ProofOfSale Proof of sale number. Text 20 Alphanumeric
Payment.AuthorizationCode Authorization code. Text 300 Alphanumeric text
Payment.Refunds.Amount Refunded amount in cents. Number 15 “10000”
Payment.Refunds.Status Refund status. Number 1 Received = “1”, Sent = “2”, Approved = “3”, Denied = “4”, Rejected = “5”
Payment.Refunds.ReceivedDate Refund date. E.g.: “2018-06-19 01:45:57” Text 19 AAAA-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
Payment.Chargebacks [n].Amount Chargeback amount. Number 15 10000
Payment.Chargebacks [n].CaseNumber Chargeback-related case number. Text 16 Alphanumeric text
Payment.Chargebacks [n].Date Chargeback date. Date 10 YYYY-MM-DD
Payment.Chargebacks [n].ReasonCode Chargeback reason code. Text 10 Alphanumeric
Payment.Chargebacks [n].ReasonMessage Chargeback reason message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Payment.Chargebacks [n].Chargeback Status Value List - Payment.Chargebacks {n}.Status. Text 32 Text
Payment.Chargebacks [n].RawData Data sent by the acquirer (cardholder or other message). Text 512 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text 19 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
Payment.ReasonCode Acquisition return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
Payment.ReasonMessage Acquisition return message. Text 512 Alphanumeric
Payment.CapturedAmount Valor capturado. Número 15 10000
Payment.CapturedDate Data da captura. E.g.: “2018-06-19 01:45:57”. Texto 19 AAAA-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
Payment.VoidedAmount Valor cancelado/estornado. Número 15 10000
Payment.VoidedDate Data do cancelamento/estorno. E.g.: “2018-06-19 01:45:57”. Texto 19 AAAA-MM-DD HH:mm:SS
Payment.Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: “1”
Payment.Provider Provider used. Texto 32 “Simulado”
Payment.ProviderDescription Name of the acquirer. Texto 512 “Simulado”
CreditCard.CardNumber Customer’s card number. Text 19
CreditCard.Holder Name of the cardholder printed on the card. Text 25
CreditCard.ExpirationDate Expiration date printed on the card. Text 7
CreditCard.Brand Card brand. Text 10
CreditCard.SaveCard Identifies whether the card will be saved to generate the token (CardToken). Boolean “true” / “false” (default)

Registered Boleto Transaction

In order to query a registered boleto transaction via PaymentID, you must send an HTTP message through the GET method to the Payment resource, as in the example:


--request GET "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/{PaymentId}"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
PaymentId Payment identification number. GUID 36 Yes (through endpoint)


  "MerchantOrderId": "2017051001",
    "Name": "Customer Name",
        "Street": "GONCALO DA CUNHA",
        "Number": "111",
        "ZipCode": "04140040",
        "City": "SAO PAULO",
        "District": "CHACARA INGLESA"
     "Instructions": "",
     "ExpirationDate": "2018-06-27",
     "Demonstrative": "",
     "Url": "https://www.pagador.com.br/post/pagador/reenvia.asp/3fda2279-1c45-4271-9656-XXXXXXXXXX",
     "BoletoNumber": "123464",
     "BarCodeNumber": "9999990276000001234864001834099999999",
     "DigitableLine": "99999.39027 60000.012348 64001.834007 7 75680999999999",
     "Assignor": "RAZAO SOCIAL DA LOJA LTDA.",
     "Address": "",
     "Identification": "01234567000189",
     "CreditDate": "2018-06-28",
     "PaymentId": "99992279-1c45-4271-9656-ccbde4ea9999",
     "Type": "Boleto",
     "Amount": 182000,
     "ReceivedDate": "2018-06-26 23:33:07",
     "CapturedAmount": 182000,
     "CapturedDate": "2018-06-27 01:45:57",
     "Provider": "Bradesco2",
     "ReturnUrl": "https://www.loja.com.br/notificacao",
     "ExtraDataCollection": [],
     "ReasonCode": 0,
     "Status": 2,
    "Links": [
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725"
        "Method": "PUT",
        "Rel": "capture",
        "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/capture"
        "Method": "PUT",
        "Rel": "void",
        "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/void"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "MerchantOrderId": "2017051001",
    "Name": "Customer Name",
        "Street": "GONCALO DA CUNHA",
        "Number": "111",
        "ZipCode": "04140040",
        "City": "SAO PAULO",
        "District": "CHACARA INGLESA"
     "Instructions": "",
     "ExpirationDate": "2018-06-27",
     "Demonstrative": "",
     "Url": "https://www.pagador.com.br/post/pagador/reenvia.asp/3fda2279-1c45-4271-9656-XXXXXXXXXX",
     "BoletoNumber": "123464",
     "BarCodeNumber": "9999990276000001234864001834099999999",
     "DigitableLine": "99999.39027 60000.012348 64001.834007 7 75680999999999",
     "Assignor": "RAZAO SOCIAL DA LOJA LTDA.",
     "Address": "",
     "Identification": "01234567000189",
     "CreditDate": "2018-06-28",
     "PaymentId": "99992279-1c45-4271-9656-ccbde4ea9999",
     "Type": "Boleto",
     "Amount": 182000,
     "ReceivedDate": "2018-06-26 23:33:07",
     "CapturedAmount": 182000,
     "CapturedDate": "2018-06-27 01:45:57",
     "Provider": "Bradesco2",
     "ReturnUrl": "https://www.loja.com.br/notificacao",
     "ExtraDataCollection": [],
     "ReasonCode": 0,
     "Status": 2,
    "Links": [
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725"
        "Method": "PUT",
        "Rel": "capture",
        "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/capture"
        "Method": "PUT",
        "Rel": "void",
        "Href": "https://apisandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/f8078b32-be17-4c35-b164-ad74c3cd0725/void"
Property Description Type Size Format
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.Name Customer’s name. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.Identity Customer’s ID number (CPF or CNPJ). Text 14 Alphanumeric text
Customer.IdentityType Type of customer’s ID document (CPF or CNPJ). Text 255 “CPF” / “CNPJ”
Customer.Email Customer’s email. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.Birthdate Customer’s date of birth. Date 10 format YYYY-MM-DD
Customer.Address.Street Customer’s contact address. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.Number Customer’s contact number. Text 15 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.Complement Customer’s contact address additional information. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.ZipCode Customer’s contact address zip code. Text 9 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.City Customer’s contact address city. Text 50 Alphanumeric text
Customer.Address.State Customer’s contact address status. Text 2 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.Country Customer’s contact address country. Text 35 Alphanumeric
Customer.Address.District Customer’s contact address neighborhood. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Street Order delivery address. Text 255 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Number Order delivery address number. Text 15 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Complement Order delivery address additional information. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.ZipCode Order delivery address zip code. Text 9 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.City Order delivery address city. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.State Order delivery address status. Text 2 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.Country Order delivery address country. Text 35 Alphanumeric
Customer.DeliveryAddress.District Order delivery address neighborhood. Text 50 Alphanumeric
Payment.Provider Name of the payment provider. Text 15 Check list of providers in the annexes.
Payment.Type Payment method type. Text 100 E.g.: Boleto
Payment.Amount Order value in cents. Number 15 “10000”
Payment.CapturedAmount Boleto paid amount in cents. Number 15 “10000”
Payment.Instructions Any specific statement for the boleto. Text Check Specific Rules by Issuer. E.g.: “Do not pay after expiration date”
Payment.Demonstrative Any specific information for the boleto. Text Check Specific Rules by Issuer. E.g: “Boleto for the Order #99999”
Payment.Url URL for displaying the boleto. Text - E.g.: “https://www.pagador.com.br/post/pagador/reenvia.asp/3fda2279-1c45-4271-9656-XXXXXXXXXX”
Payment.BoletoNumber Our number. Text Check Specific Rules by Issuer. E.g.: “12345678”
Payment.BarCodeNumber Boleto’s bar code. Text 44 E.g.: “99999390276000001234864001834007775680099999”
Payment.DigitableLine Boleto’s digitable line. Text 54 E.g.: “99999.39027 60000.012348 64001.834007 7 75680000199999”
Payment.Assignor Name of the assignor. Text 200 E.g.: “SHOP LTDA SOCIAL REASON”
Payment.Address Address of the assignor. Text 160 E.g.: “Alameda Xingu 512”
Payment.Identification CNPJ of the assignor. Text 18 E.g.: “11.355.111/0001-11”
Payment.ExpirationDate Boleto’s expiration date. Text YYYY-MM-DD E.g.: “2018-06-21”
Payment.CreditDate Boleto’s liquidation date. Text YYYY-MM-DD E.g.: “2018-06-19”
Payment.CapturedDate Bill payment date. Text YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS E.g.: “2018-06-19 01:45:57”
Payment.ReceivedDate Date the transaction was received by Braspag. Text YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS “2018-06-19 01:45:57”
Payment.ReturnUrl URL of the store to which the customer is redirected. Text - E.g.: “https://www.loja.com.br”
Payment.Currency Currency in which the payment will be made. Text 3 BRL/USD/MXN/COP/PLC/ARS/PEN/EUR/PYN/UYU/VEB/VEF/GBP
Payment.Country Country in which the payment will be made. Text 3 “BRA”
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Name Name of the extra data field. Text 50 Alphanumeric text
Payment.ExtraDataCollection.Value Value of the extra data field. Text 1024 Alphanumeric text
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
Payment.ReasonCode Acquirer’s return code. Text 32 Alphanumeric
Payment.Status Transaction status. Byte 2 E.g.: 1

Querying a Sale by the Store Identifier

It is not possible to query a payment directly by the identifier submitted by the store (MerchantOrderId), but it is possible to obtain all PaymentIds associated with the identifier.

In order to query a sale by the store identifier, you must send an HTTP message through the GET method to the /sales resource, as in the example:


--request GET "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.brv2/sales?merchantOrderId={merchantOrderId}"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
MerchantOrderId Order ID number. Text 36 Yes (through endpoint)


    "Payment": [
            "PaymentId": "5fb4d606-bb63-4423-a683-c966e15399e8",
            "ReceveidDate": "2015-04-06T10:13:39.42"
            "PaymentId": "6c1d45c3-a95f-49c1-a626-1e9373feecc2",
            "ReceveidDate": "2014-12-19T20:23:28.847"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "ReasonCode": 0,
    "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
    Payments: [
            "PaymentId": "5fb4d606-bb63-4423-a683-c966e15399e8",
            "ReceveidDate": "2015-04-06T10:13:39.42"
            "PaymentId": "6c1d45c3-a95f-49c1-a626-1e9373feecc2",
            "ReceveidDate": "2014-12-19T20:23:28.847"
Property Description Type Size Format
PaymentId Order identifier field. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Querying a Recurring Order

In order to query a recurring order, you must send an HTTP message through the GET method as in the example:


--request GET "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/{RecurrentPaymentId}"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "MerchantId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
--header "MerchantKey: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Property Description Type Size Required?
MerchantId API store identifier. GUID 36 Yes (through header)
MerchantKey Public key for dual authentication in API. Text 40 Yes (through header)
RequestId Store-defined request identifier used when the merchant uses different servers for each GET/POST/PUT. GUID 36 No (through header)
RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence identifier field. Text 36 Yes (through endpoint)


    "Name": "Customer Name"
  "RecurrentPayment": {
    "RecurrentPaymentId": "f5a83c14-0254-4e73-bdd3-9afba1007266",
    "NextRecurrency": "2017-06-11",
    "StartDate": "2017-05-11",
    "Interval": "Monthly",
    "CreateDate": "2017-05-11T00:00:00",
    "CurrentRecurrencyTry": 1,
    "OrderNumber": "2017051120",
    "RecurrencyDay": 11,
    "SuccessfulRecurrences": 1,
    "Links": [
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/f5a83c14-0254-4e73-bdd3-9afba1007266"
    "RecurrentTransactions": [
        "PaymentNumber": 0,
        "RecurrentPaymentId": "f5a83c14-0254-4e73-bdd3-9afba1007266",
        "TransactionId": "cd694ffb-c0c4-47db-9390-737df70a2012",
        "TryNumber": 1,
        "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/cd694ffb-c0c4-47db-9390-737df70a2012"
    "Status": 1
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "RequestId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "Name": "Customer Name"
  "RecurrentPayment": {
    "RecurrentPaymentId": "f5a83c14-0254-4e73-bdd3-9afba1007266",
    "NextRecurrency": "2017-06-11",
    "StartDate": "2017-05-11",
    "Interval": "Monthly",
    "CreateDate": "2017-05-11T00:00:00",
    "CurrentRecurrencyTry": 1,
    "OrderNumber": "2017051120",
    "RecurrencyDay": 11,
    "SuccessfulRecurrences": 1,
    "Links": [
        "Method": "GET",
        "Rel": "self",
        "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/RecurrentPayment/f5a83c14-0254-4e73-bdd3-9afba1007266"
    "RecurrentTransactions": [
        "PaymentNumber": 0,
        "RecurrentPaymentId": "f5a83c14-0254-4e73-bdd3-9afba1007266",
        "TransactionId": "cd694ffb-c0c4-47db-9390-737df70a2012",
        "TryNumber": 1,
        "Links": [
            "Method": "GET",
            "Rel": "self",
            "Href": "https://apiquerysandbox.braspag.com.br/v2/sales/cd694ffb-c0c4-47db-9390-737df70a2012"
    "Status": 1
Property Description Type Size Format
RecurrentPaymentId Identifies the next recurrence. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
NextRecurrency Date of the next recurrence. Text 7 05/2019 (MM/YYYY)
StartDate Start date of recurrence. Text 7 05/2019 (MM/YYYY)
EndDate End date of the recurrence. Text 7 05/2019 (MM/YYYY)
Interval Interval between recurrences. Text 10 MonthlyBimonthlyQuarterly SemiAnnual Annual
CurrentRecurrencyTry Indicates the current recurrency retry number. Number 1 1
OrderNumber Store order ID. Text 50 2017051101
Status Recurring order status. Number 1 1- Active / 2- Finished / 3,4,5- Inactive
RecurrencyDay The day of recurrence. Number 2 22
SuccessfulRecurrences Quantity of successful recurrences. Number 2 5
RecurrentTransactions.RecurrentPaymentId Recurrence ID. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
RecurrentTransactions.TransactionId Payment transaction ID generated on recurrence. GUID 36 xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
RecurrentTransactions.PaymentNumber Recurrence number. The first one is zero. Number 2 3
RecurrentTransactions.TryNumber Number of the current attempt at a specific recurrence. Number 2 1

Notification Post

To receive notifications of status changes, you must have configured the URL Status Payment field during registration of your store at Braspag. The parameters will be sent to the registered URL as shown in the example below.

Sent Notification

   "RecurrentPaymentId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
   "PaymentId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
   "ChangeType": 2
Property Description Type Size Required?
RecurrentPaymentId Identifier representing the recurring order (only applicable for ChangeType 2 or 4). GUID 36 No
PaymentId Identifier representing the transaction. GUID 36 Yes
ChangeType Specifies the notification type. Note: See table below. Number 1 Yes
ChangeType Description
1 Payment status change.
2 Recurrence created.
3 Anti-fraud status change.
4 Recurring payment status change (e.g.: automatic deactivation).
5 Refund denied (applicable to Rede).
6 Underpaid registered boleto.
7 Chargeback notification.
For more details, refer to the Risk Notification guide.
8 Fraud alert.

Expected Response

The expected response from the store is: HTTP Status Code 200 OK.

If the above response is not returned, there will be two more attempts to send the Notification Post.


List of Providers

The following lists refer to providers for the REST API integration:

Providers for Credit Card

Provider Brand Description
Simulado Sandbox Provider. Click here for more details about cards for tests.
Cielo30 Visa, Master, Amex, Elo, Aura, Jcb, Diners, Discover, Hipercard, Hiper Provider for transactions on the Cielo 3.0 e-commerce platform.
Rede2 Visa, Master, Hipercard, Hyper, Diners, Link, Amex Provider for transactions in e-commerce platform Rede (e-Rede) in REST version.
Getnet Visa, Master, Elo, Amex Provider for transactions on Getnet e-commerce platform.
GlobalPayments Visa, Master, Elo, Hiper, Hipercard, Cabal, Amex Provider for transactions on Global Payments e-commerce platform.
Stone Visa, Master, Hipercard, Elo Provider for transactions on e-commerce platform Stone.
Safra2 Visa, Master, Hipercard, Elo Provider for transactions on new e-commerce platform Safra.
FirstData Visa, Master, Elo, Hipercard, Cabal, Amex Provider for Guarani (PYG), Argentine Pesos (ARG) and Real (BRL) transactions on the First Data e-commerce platform.
Sub1 Visa, Master, Diners, Amex, Discover, Cabal, Orange and Nevada Provider for Argentine Peso (ARG) transactions on the Sub1 First Data legacy platform.
Banorte Visa, Master, Carnet Provider for Mexican Peso (MXN) transactions on Banorte e-commerce platform.
Credibanco Visa, Master, Diners, Amex, Credential Provider for Colombian Peso (COP) transactions on Credibanco e-commerce platform.
Transbank2 Visa, Master, Diners, Amex Provider for Chilean pesos (CLP) transactions on Transbank e-commerce platform.
Banese Banese Provider for transaction with the BaneseCard network.
BrasilCard BrasilCard Provider for transaction with the BrasilCard network.
Credz Credz Private Label Brand System.
DMCard Private Label Brand System.

Providers for Debit Card

Provider Brand Description
Cielo Visa, Master Provider for debit transactions on legacy platform Cielo 1.5.
Cielo30 Visa, Master Provider for debit transactions on e-commerce platform Cielo 3.0.
Rede2 Visa, Master Provider for transactions on Rede e-commerce platform.
Safra2 Visa, Master Provider for debit transactions on e-commerce Safra platform.
Getnet Visa, Master Provider for transactions on Getnet e-commerce platform.
FirstData Visa, Master Provider for debit transactions on the First Data e-commerce platform.
GlobalPayments Visa, Master Provider for transactions on Global Payments e-commerce platform.

Providers for Voucher

Provider Brand Description
Alelo Elo Provider for voucher (meal and food) transactions on the Alelo platform.
Ticket Ticket Provider for voucher (meal and food) transactions on the Ticket platform.

Providers for Zero Auth via VerifyCard

Simulado, Cielo30 (Cielo 3.0), Rede2 (REST e-Rede), Getnet, FirstData, GlobalPayments

Providers for BIN Query via VerifyCard

Simulado, Cielo30 (Cielo 3.0)

Providers for Registered Boleto

Braspag, Bradesco2, BancoDoBrasil2, BancoDoBrasil3, ItauShopline, Itau2, Santander2, Caixa2, CitiBank2, BankOfAmerica

Providers for Electronic Transfer (Online Debit)

SafetyPay, PayMeeRedirectCheckout, PayMeeSemiTransparent

Providers for Pix

Cielo30, Bradesco2

Transaction Status List

List of statuses returned by the API:

Code Payment status Payment method Description
0 NotFinished All Failed to process the payment.
Possible causes: incorrect data, error in the request, acquirer timeout, some processing instability.
In case of debit transaction, the buyer may have abandoned the purchase.
1 Authorized All Payment methods able to be captured or paid (boleto).
For a boleto transaction, it means that the boleto was successfully generated.
For a card transaction, it means that there was approval by the issuing bank. However, this does not mean that the transaction has been completed - for this, a second step is required, capturing the transaction or making the payment.
2 PaymentConfirmed All Payment confirmed and completed.
3 Denied Credit and debit cards (electronic transfer) and e-wallets. Payment denied by authorizer.
Possible causes: insufficient limit, lack of payment on the card, unavailable brand, blocking due to fraud, among others.
To find out the real reason for the denial, it is necessary to look at the return code generated during the transaction.
10 Voided All, except boleto Payment canceled.
It is the suspension of the transaction, exempting from fees or amounts charged. Pre-authorized transactions can be canceled even after 23:59 on the authorization date. Captured transactions can be canceled up to 11:59 pm on the same day of authorization, after which time the amount will be reversed.
11 Refunded Credit and debit cards and e-wallets. Payment cancelled/reversed.
Means that the cancellation of the transaction was requested, which may occur from 0:00 am on the day after the creation of the transaction. Regardless of the amount, it is only possible to make one reversal request per transaction. This can happen due to incorrect data or at the request of the shopper.
12 Pending Credit and debit cards (electronic transfer), e-wallets and pix. Awaiting return from financial institution.
Means that the transaction was sent to Cielo in the pre-authorization process, awaiting a response from the issuing bank to validate it.
13 Aborted All Payment canceled due to processing failure.
Means that the transaction was canceled due to processing failure. It can also be aborted if Anti-Fraud denies the transaction before authorization.
20 Scheduled Credit card and e-wallets. Scheduled recurrence.
Means that the transaction will have a scheduled recurrence, that is, the purchase amount will be collected on the day it was scheduled by the store.

Anti-Fraud Status List

Code Description
0 Unknown
1 Accept
2 Reject
3 Review
4 Aborted
5 Unfinished

MerchantDefinedData Table

A risk strategy is designed in accordance with your business needs, taking into consideration the level of relevance of the Merchant Defined Data (MDD) fields. Even if those fields are not sent, they will still be charged during the validation of the test transactions. For this reason, we request that a prior analysis of the documentation is carried out and the store informs the fields that cannot be sent.

The MDD fields 1, 4, 9, 83 e 84 are required during the validation of the test transactions. If your ecommerce is unable to send one or more MDD fields, you must inform Braspag which fields will not be sent.

Level of Relevance of the MDD Fields

1- Relevant
2- Very Relevant
3- Extremely Relevant

ID Value Type Relevance Level Segment Required
1 Customer who logged in. Possible values: “{customer_login}” (if the final customer logs in to purchase on the site) / “Guest” (if the final customer makes the purchase as a visitor). Note: Do not submit the field if the sale is made directly by a third party (e.g.: an agent). string 2 All Yes
2 How long (in days) the customer has been your customer. E.g.: 314. int 3 All No
3 Quantity of order installments. int 3 All No
4 Sales channel. Possible values: “Call Center” (phone purchase) / “Web” (web purchase) / “Portal” (purchase through agent) / “Kiosk” (kiosk purchase) / “Mobile” (cell phone or tablet purchases). Note: When “Call Center”, the submission of field 39(call center user name) is required. string 3 All Yes
5 Coupon/discount code in case the customer uses it in the purchase. string 1 All No
6 How long (in days) since customer’s last purchase. E.g.: 55. int 3 All No
7 Seller’s code or name. string 1 All No
8 Number of customer’s attempts to pay one same order, which may have been using different credit cards and/or other payment methods. int 2 All No
9 Identifies if the customer will pick up the product in the store. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. Note: When “YES”, the submission of field 22(code of pick up store) is required. string 3 Retail or Cosmetics Yes
10 Identifies whether payment will be made by someone not present on the trip or package. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 3 Air or Tourism No
11 Hotel category (star rating). Possible values: “1” (simple) / “2” (budget) / “3” (tourism) / “4” (superior) / “5” (luxury). int 3 Tourism No
12 How long (in days) from purchase date to hotel check-in. E.g.: 123. int 3 Tourism No
13 Number of nights at the hotel. E.g.: 5. int 3 Tourism No
14 Trip or package category.
Possible values: “National” / “International” / “National/International”.
string 3 Air or Tourism No
15 Name of airline / car rental /hotel. Note: Name each company name, separated by a “/”. string 2 Air or Tourism No
16 Reservation PNR code. When there is a reservation change for this PNR to an earlier flight date, it is important to apply a new fraud analysis by resubmitting this PNR. string 3 Air No
17 Identifies if the reservation was brought forward. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. Note: When “YES”, the submission of field 16 (reservation PNR code) is required. string 3 Air No
18 Rented vehicle category. Possible values: “1” (basic) / “2” (sport) / “3” (prime) / “4” (utility) / “5” (armored). string 3 Tourism No
19 Identifies if the package refers to a cruise. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 2 Tourism No
20 Decision of fraud review for the latest purchase. Possible values: “ACCEPT” / “REJECTED”. string 3 All No
21 Shipping cost. E.g.: 10599 = $ 105.99 long 1 Retail or Cosmetics No
22 Code of pick up store. Note: This field must be sent when field 9 is “YES”. string 3 Retail or Cosmetics No
23 Credit card suffix (last 4 digits). int 1 All No
24 How long in days since first customer purchase. E.g.: 150. int 3 All No
25 Gender of the customer. Possible values: “F” (female) / “M” (male). string 2 All No
26 Credit card bin (first 6 digits). int 1 All No
27 Delivery address street type. Possible values: “R” (residential) / “C” (commercial). string 2 All No
28 Average time taken by the customer to make the purchase. int 2 All No
29 Number of retries the customer made to log in. int 2 All No
30 Number of web pages the customer visited within the 30 minutes before the purchase. int 2 All No
31 Number of changes of credit card number the customer made to make the order payment. int 2 All No
32 Identifies whether the email was pasted or typed. Possible values: “Typed” / “Pasted”. string 3 All No
33 Identifies whether the credit card number was pasted or entered. Possible values: “Typed / Pasted”. string 3 All No
34 Identifies if the email has been verified for account activation. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 2 All No
35 Identifies the type of customer. Possible values: “Local” / “Tourist”. string 2 Tourism No
36 Identifies whether a giftcard was used as the payment method. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 1 All No
37 Order delivery method. Possible values: “Sedex” / “Sedex 10” / “1 day” / “2 days” / “Motoboy” / “Same day”. string 3 Retail or Cosmetics No
38 Customer phone number identified via caller ID for a sale made through a “Call Center”. Format: DDIDDNumber - E.g.: 552121114720. string 3 All No
39 Call center username. Note: This field must be sent when field 4 is “Call Center”. string 1 All No
40 Comments added when the order is a gift. string 1 All No
41 Document type. Possible values: “CPF” / “CNPJ” / “Passport”. string 2 All No
42 Customer’s age. int 2 All No
43 Customer’s income range. E.g.: 100000 = $ 1,000.00. long 2 All No
44 Historical quantity of customer purchases. int 3 All No
45 Identifies if the purchase was made by an employee. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 2 All No
46 Name printed on the credit card (bearer). string 3 All No
47 Identifies whether it is a private label card. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 2 All No
48 Number of payment methods used to make the purchase. int 2 All No
49 Average value of the purchases made over the past 6 months. E.g.: 159050 = $ 1,590.99. long 3 All No
50 Current purchase value deviation factor over average of the past 6 months. 3 All No  
51 Identifies if you are a VIP client with special risk treatment or positive list. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 3 All No
52 Product category. Possible values: “Animals & Pets” / “Clothing & Accessories” / “Business & Industry” / “Cameras & Optics” / “Electronics” / “Food, Beverage & Cigarettes” / “Furniture” / “Tools” / “Health & Beauty” / “Home & Garden” / “Bags & Luggage” / “Adult” / “Guns & Ammo” / “Office Supplies” / “Religion & Ceremonials” / “Software” / “Sports Equipment” / “Toys & Games” / “Vehicles & Parts” / “Books” / “DVDs & Videos” / “Magazines & Newspapers” / “Music” / “Other Unspecified Categories”. string 2 All No
53 Identifies if there is an SMS phone confirmation routine. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 2 All No
54 2nd payment method. string 2 All No
55 3rd payment method. string 2 All No
56 If 2nd payment method is “credit card”, send brand. string 1 All No
57 If 3rd payment method is “credit card”, send brand. string 1 All No
58 If 2nd payment method, inform the amount paid. E.g.: 128599 = $ 1,285.99. long 2 All No
59 If 3rd payment method, inform the amount paid. E.g.: 59089 = R $ 590,89. long 2 All No
60 How long (in days) since last change. E.g.: 57. int 3 All No
61 Identifies if there was any registration information change. string 1 No  
62 Number of points redeemed in the latest purchase. long 3 Loyalty No
63 Amount of points left in balance. long 2 Loyalty No
64 Number of days since last points exchange. long 2 Loyalty No
65 Customer identifier in loyalty program. string 2 Loyalty No
66 Number of minutes recharged over the past 30 days. long 2 Digital Goods No
67 Number of top-ups performed over the past 30 days. long 2 Digital Goods No
68 Number of days between departure date and return date. int 2 Air No
69 Number of passengers traveling regardless of age group. int 2 Air No
70 Flight identifier. string 1 Air No
71 Number of infants traveling. int 2 Air No
72 Number of children traveling. int 2 Air No
73 Number of adults traveling. int 2 Air No
74 Identifies a frequent flyer. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 2 Air No
75 Frequent flyer number. string 2 Air No
76 Frequent flyer category. This category may vary according to the airline. int 2 Air No
77 Boarding day. Possible values: “Sunday” / “Monday” / “Tuesday” / “Wednesday” / “Thursday” / “Friday” / “Saturday”. string 2 Air No
78 Airline code. E.g.: “JJ” / “LA” / “AA” / “UA” / “G3” etc. string 1 Air No
79 Class of ticket fare. E.g.: “W” / “Y” / “N” etc. string 2 Air No
80 Passenger’s cell phone number. Format: DDIDDNumber - E.g.: 5521976781114. string 2 Air No
81 Identifies if the credit card holder will travel. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 3 Air No
82 Identifies if the seller will work with manual review. Possible values: “YES” / “NO”. string 1 All No
83 Business segment. E.g.: “Retail”. string 2 All Yes
84 Name of the platform integrated with the Gateway Braspag Anti-fraud API. For direct integrations between the store and Braspag, send the value “PROPRIA”. string 3 All Yes
85 to 89 Free fields defined with the anti-fraud provider, according to the business rules. - - - No
90 to 100 Reserved. - - - No

List of HTTP Status Code

200 Ok
201 Created
202 Accepted
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable

See some example scenarios for when each HTTP code may return:

Successful responses

Client error responses

Server error responses

Recurrence Status List

Code Description
1 Active.
2 Finished.
3 DisabledByMerchant.
4 DisabledMaxAttempts.
5 DisabledExpiredCreditCard.

ReasonCode/ReasonMessage List

Reason Code Reason Message
0 Successful.
1 AffiliationNotFound.
2 IssuficientFunds.
3 CouldNotGetCreditCard.
4 ConnectionWithAcquirerFailed.
5 InvalidTransactionType.
6 InvalidPaymentPlan.
7 Denied.
8 Scheduled.
9 Waiting.
10 Authenticated.
11 NotAuthenticated.
12 ProblemsWithCreditCard.
13 CardCanceled.
14 BlockedCreditCard.
15 CardExpired.
16 AbortedByFraud.
17 CouldNotAntifraud.
18 TryAgain.
19 InvalidAmount.
20 ProblemsWithIssuer.
21 InvalidCardNumber.
22 TimeOut.
23 CardProtectedIsNotEnabled.
24 PaymentMethodIsNotEnabled.
98 InvalidRequest.
99 InternalError.

API Error Codes

Error codes returned by the provider, identifying the reason for the error and their respective messages, in the parameters ProviderReturnCode and ProviderReturnMessage.

Provider Return Code Provider Return Message Description
0 Internal error Data sent exceeds field size.
100 RequestId is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
101 MerchantId is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
102 Payment Type is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
103 Payment Type can only contain letters Special characters not allowed.
104 Customer Identity is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
105 Customer Name is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
106 Transaction ID is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
107 OrderId is invalid or does not exist Submitted field exceeds size or contains special characters.
108 Amount must be greater or equal to zero Transaction value must be greater than “0”.
109 Payment Type is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
110 Invalid Payment Currency Submitted field is empty or invalid.
111 Payment Country is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
112 Invalid Payment Country Submitted field is empty or invalid.
113 Invalid Payment Currency Submitted field is empty or invalid.
114 The provided MerchantId is not in correct format The submitted MerchantId is not a GUID.
115 The provided MerchantId was not found MerchantID does not exist or belongs to another environment (EX: Sandbox).
116 The provided MerchantId is blocked Shop locked, contact support Braspag.
117 Credit Card Holder is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
118 Credit Card Number is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
119 At least one Payment is required “Payment” node not sent.
120 Request IP not allowed. Check your IP White List IP blocked for security reasons.
121 Customer is required “Customer” node not sent.
122 MerchantOrderId is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
123 Installations must be greater or equal to one Number of installments must be greater than 1.
124 Credit Card Number is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
125 Credit Card Expiration Date is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
126 Credit Card Expiration Date is invalid Submitted field is empty or invalid.
127 You must provide CreditCard Number Credit Card Number is required.
128 Card Number length exceeded Card number over 16 digits.
129 Affiliation not found Non-store payment method or invalid Provider.
130 Could not get Credit Card
131 MerchantKey is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
132 MerchantKey is invalid The submitted Merchantkey is not a valid.
133 Provider is not supported for this Payment Type Provider submitted does not exist.
134 FingerPrint length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
135 MerchantDefinedFieldValue length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
136 ItemDataName length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
137 ItemDataSKU length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
138 PassengerDataName length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
139 PassengerDataStatus length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
140 PassengerDataEmail length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
141 PassengerDataPhone length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
142 TravelDataRoute length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
143 TravelDataJourneyType length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
144 TravelLegDataDestination length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
145 TravelLegDataOrigin length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
146 SecurityCode length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
147 Address Street length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
148 Address Number length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
149 Address Complement length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
150 Address ZipCode length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
151 Address City length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
152 Address State length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
153 Address Country length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
154 Address District length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
155 Customer Name length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
156 Customer Identity length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
157 Customer IdentityType length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
158 Customer Email length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
159 ExtraData Name length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
160 ExtraData Value length exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
161 Boleto Instructions length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
162 Boleto Demostrative length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
163 Return Url is required Return URL is not valid - Paging or extensions (E.g.:PHP) in the return URL.
166 AuthorizeNow is required
167 Antifraud not configured Antifraud not linked to merchant registration.
168 Recurrent Payment not found Recurrence not found.
169 Recurrent Payment is not active Recurrence is not active. Paralyzed Execution.
170 Protected Card not configured Protected Card not linked to merchant registration.
171 Affiliation data not sent Order Processing Failed - Contact Braspag Support.
172 Credential Code is required Validation of submitted credentials failed.
173 Payment method is not enabled Payment method not linked to merchant registration.
174 Credit Card Number is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
175 EAN is required Submitted field is empty or invalid.
176 Payment Currency is not supported Submitted field is empty or invalid.
177 Card Number is invalid Submitted field is empty or invalid.
178 EAN is invalid Submitted field is empty or invalid.
179 The max number of installments allowed for recurring payment is 1 Submitted field is empty or invalid.
180 The provided Card PaymentToken was not found Cartão Protegido’s token not found.
181 The MerchantIdJustClick is not configured Cartão Protegido’s Token Locked.
182 Brand is required Card brand not sent.
183 Invalid customer birthdate Invalid or future date of birth.
184 Request could not be empty Failed to form this request. Check the code sent.
185 Brand is not supported by selected provider Flag not supported by API Braspag.
186 The selected provider does not support the options provided (Capture, Authenticate, Recurrent or Installments) Payment method does not support the command sent.
187 ExtraData Collection contains one or more duplicated names
188 Avs with CPF invalid
189 Avs with length of street exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
190 Avs with length of number exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
190 Avs with length of complement exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
191 Avs with length of district exceeded Submitted data exceeds field size.
192 Avs with zip code invalid Zip code sent is invalid.
193 Split Amount must be greater than zero Value for SPLIT must be greater than 0.
194 Split Establishment is Required SPLIT not enabled for store registration.
195 The PlataformId is required Platform Not Validated.
196 DeliveryAddress is required Required field not submitted.
197 Street is required Required field not submitted.
198 Number is required Required field not submitted.
199 ZipCode is required Required field not submitted.
200 City is required Required field not submitted.
201 State is required Required field not submitted.
202 District is required Required field not submitted.
203 Cart item Name is required Required field not submitted.
204 Cart item Quantity is required Required field not submitted.
205 Cart item type is required Required field not submitted.
206 Cart item name length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
207 Cart item description length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
208 Cart item sku length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
209 Shipping address sku length exceeded Data sent exceeds field size.
210 Shipping data cannot be null Required field not submitted.
213 Credit Card Number is invalid Credit card sent is invalid.
214 Credit Card Holder Must Have Only Letters Cardholder must not contain special characters.
215 Agency is required in Boleto Credential Required Field Not Submitted.
216 Customer IP address is invalid IP blocked for security.
300 MerchantId was not found
301 Request IP is not allowed
302 Sent MerchantOrderId is duplicated
303 Sent OrderId does not exist
304 Customer Identity is required
306 Merchant is blocked
307 Transaction not found Transaction not found or missing in environment.
308 Transaction not available to capture Transaction cannot be captured - Contact Braspag Support.
309 Transaction not available to void Transaction cannot be canceled - Contact Support Braspag.
310 Payment method do not support this operation Command sent not supported by payment method.
311 Refund is not enabled for this merchant Cancellation after 24 hours not released to retailer.
312 Transaction not available to refund Transaction does not allow cancellation after 24 hours.
313 Recurrent Payment not found Recurring transaction not found or not available in the environment.
314 Invalid Integration
315 Cannot change NextRecurrency with pending payment
316 Cannot set NextRecurrency to past date Not allowed to change recurrence data for a past date.
317 Invalid Recurrency Day
318 No transaction found
319 Smart recurrency is not enabled Recurrence not linked to merchant registration.
320 Cannot Update Affiliation Because this Recurrency not Affiliation saved
321 Cannot set EndDate to before next recurrency
322 Zero Dollar Auth is not enabled Zero Dollar not linked to merchant registration.
323 Bin Query is not enabled Bins Query not linked to merchant registration.

Test Cards (Simulado)

Simulado” is a payment method that emulates the use of Credit Card payments. With this payment method it is possible to simulate all Authorization, Capture and Cancellation flows.

For a better use of “Simulado” Payment Methods, you can use the provided test cards in the table below.

The transaction status will vary according to how each card is used.

Transaction Status Testing Cards Return Code Return Message
Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0000 / 0000.0000.0000.0001 / 0000.0000.0000.0004 4 Operação realizada com sucesso
Not Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0002 05 Not Authorized
Not Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0003 57 Expired Card
Not Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0005 78 Bloqued Card
Not Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0006 99 Time Out
Not Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0007 77 Canceled Card
Not Authorized 0000.0000.0000.0008 70 Problems with the Credit Card
Random Authorization 0000.0000.0000.0009 4 / 99 Operation Successful/Time Out

Security Code (CVV) and validity information can be random, preserving its size and format - “3 digits” (CVV) and “MM/YYYY” (Validity). Do not use dots or hyphens between the numbers in the card.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].GiftCategory

Value Description
Yes In case of divergence between billing and shipping addresses, assigns low risk to the order.
No In case of divergence between billing and shipping addresses, assigns high risk to the order (default).
Off Differences between billing and shipping addresses do not affect score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].HostHedge

Value Description
Low Low.
Normal Normal (default).
High High.
Off Does not affect the fraud analysis score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].NonSensicalHedge

Value Description
Low Low.
Normal Normal (default).
High High.
Off Does not affect the fraud analysis score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].ObscenitiesHedge

Value Description
Low Low.
Normal Normal (default).
High High.
Off Does not affect the fraud analysis score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].TimeHedge

Value Description
Low Low.
Normal Normal (default).
High High.
Off Does not affect the fraud analysis score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].PhoneHedge

Value Description
Low Low.
Normal Normal (default).
High High.
Off Does not affect the fraud analysis score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].VelocityHedge

Value Description
Low Low.
Normal Normal (default).
High High.
Off Does not affect the fraud analysis score.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Cart.Items [n].Type

Value Description
AdultContent Adult content.
Coupon Coupon applied to any order.
Default Default value for the product type. When no other value is sent, this type is assumed.
ElectronicGood Electronic product other than software.
ElectronicSoftware Software electronically distributed via download.
GiftCertificate Gift certificate.
HandlingOnly The fee you charge your customer to cover your sales administrative expenses. E.g.: Convenience fee / Installation fee.
Service Service to be performed for the customer.
ShippingAndHandling Shipping amount and fee you charge your customer to cover your sales administrative expenses.
ShippingOnly Shipping cost.
Subscription Subscription. E.g.: Video streaming / News subscription.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Shipping.Method

Value Description
SameDay Same day delivery.
OneDay Next day delivery.
TwoDay Two-day delivery.
ThreeDay Three-day delivery.
LowCost Low cost delivery.
Pickup Pick up on the store.
Other Other delivery method.
None No delivery since it is a service or subscription.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.JourneyType

Value Description
OneWayTrip One way trip.
RoundTrip Round Trip.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers [n].Rating

Value Description
Adult Adult.
Child Child.
Infant Infant.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Travel.Passengers [n].Status

Value Description
Standard Standard type.
Gold Gold type.
Platinum Platinum type.

List of Values - Payment.FraudAnalysis.Status

Value Description
Accept Transaction accepted after fraud analysis.
Review Transaction under review after fraud analysis.
Reject Transaction rejected after fraud analysis.
Pendent Transaction pending, because there was a timeout in the response between Braspag and Cybersource during its submission to fraud analysis.
Unfinished Transaction not finalized for any contract validation reason or internal error.
ProviderError Transaction with a provider error during submission for analysis.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.FraudAnalysisReasonCode

Value Description
100 Operation successfully performed.
101 Transaction submitted for fraud analysis is missing one or more required fields. Check in response for the ProviderAnalysisResult.Missing field. Possible action: Resubmit the transaction with full information.
102 Transaction submitted for fraud analysis has one or more fields with invalid values. Check in response for the ProviderAnalysisResult.Invalid field. Possible action: Resubmit the transaction with the correct information.
150 Internal Error. Possible action: Wait a few minutes and try resubmitting the transaction.
151 The transaction was received, but timeout occurred on the server. This error does not include client-server timeout. Possible action: Please wait a few minutes and try resending the transaction.
152 The request was received but timeout occurred. Possible action: Please wait a few minutes and try resending the transaction.
202 Transaction declined because card has expired or expiration date does not match. Correct action: Request another card or other payment method.
231 Transaction declined because card is invalid. Possible action: Request another card or other payment method.
234 Cybersource store configuration issue possible. Action: Please contact support to fix the configuration issue.
400 Fraud score exceeds threshold. Possible action: Review shopper’s transaction.
480 The transaction has been marked for review by the Decision Manager (DM).
481 The transaction was rejected by the Decision Manager (DM).

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.AddressInfoCode

Value Description
COR-BA Billing address can be standardized.
COR-SA Shipping address can be standardized.
INTL-BA Billing address country is outside the US.
INTL-SA Shipping address country is outside the US.
MIL-USA Military address in the USA.
MM-A Billing and shipping addresses use different street names.
MM-BIN Card BIN (first six digits of card number) does not match country.
MM-C Billing and shipping addresses use different cities.
MM-CO Billing and shipping addresses use different countries.
MM-ST Billing and shipping addresses use different states.
MM-Z Billing and shipping addresses use different postal codes.
UNV-ADDR Address is unverifiable.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.FactorCode

Value Description
A Excessive address change. Shopper has changed billing address two or more times in the last six months.
B BIN of the card or risk authorization. Risk factors related to credit card BIN and/or card authorization checks.
C High number of credit cards. Shopper has used more than six credit card numbers in the last six months.
D Impact of email address. Shopper uses a free email provider or the email address is risky.
E Positive list. Shopper is on your positive list.
F Negative list. The account number, address, email address or IP address for this purpose appears in your negative list.
G Geolocation inconsistencies. Shopper’s email address or domain, phone number, billing address, shipping address, or IP address is suspicious.
H Excessive name changes. Shopper has changed billing address two or more times in the past six months.
I Internet inconsistencies. IP address and email domain are not consistent with billing address.
N Meaningless input. Shopper’s name and address fields contain meaningless words or language.
O Obscenities. Shopper’s data contains obscene words.
P Identity morphing. Multiple values of an identity element are linked to a value of a different identity element. For example, multiple phone numbers are linked to a single account number.
Q Phone inconsistencies. Shopper’s phone number is suspicious.
R Risky order. Transaction, shopper and merchant show high risk correlated information.
T Time coverage. Shopper is attempting a late purchase.
U Unverifiable address. Billing or shipping address cannot be verified.
V Card has been used many times in the past 15 minutes.
W Marked as suspicious. The billing or shipping address is similar to an address previously marked as suspicious.
Y The address, city, state, or country of the billing and shipping addresses do not match.
Z Invalid value. Because the request contains an unexpected value, a default value has been overridden. Although the transaction can still be processed, carefully examine the request for anomalies.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.InternetInfoCode

Value Description
FREE-EM Shopper’s email address is from a free email provider.
INTL-IPCO Shopper’s email address country is outside the US.
INV-EM Shopper’s email address is invalid.
MM-EMBCO Shopper’s email address domain is not consistent with billing address country.
MM-IPBC Shopper’s email address is not consistent with city of billing address.
MM-IPBCO Shopper’s email address is not consistent with billing address country.
MM-IPBST Shopper’s IP address is not consistent with the state in the billing address. However, this information code cannot be returned when the inconsistency is between immediately adjacent states.
MM-IPEM Shopper’s email address is not consistent with IP address.
RISK-EM Shopper’s email domain (for example, mail.example.com) is associated with high risk.
UNV-NID Shopper’s IP address is from an anonymous proxy. These entities completely hide IP address information.
UNV-RISK IP address is from risk place.
UNV-EMBCO Email address country does not match billing address country.

Value List - Payment.FraudAnalysis.ReplyData.IpRoutingMethod

Value Description
Anonymizer IP addresses are hidden because the shopper is extremely cautious, either absolute privacy or fraudulent.
AOL, AOL dialup, AOL POP and AOL proxy AOL members. In most cases, the country can be identified, but the state and city cannot.
Proxy cache Proxy used through an internet accelerator or service content distribution. Shopper may be located in a country other than IP address.
Fixed The IP address is near or in the same place as the shopper.
International proxy Proxy that contains traffic from various countries. The shopper may be located in a country other than that indicated by the IP address. In many cases, corporate networks are routing international office traffic through a central hub, often corporate headquarters.
Mobile gateway Gateway for connecting mobile devices to the internet. Many carriers, especially in Europe, serve more than one country and traffic occurs through centralized network hubs. Shopper may be located in a country other than IP address.
POP Buyer dialing at a regional ISP probably near IP address location, but possibly across geographic boundaries.
Regional proxy Proxy that contains multi-state traffic within a single country. The shopper may be located in a country other than that indicated by the IP address. In many cases, corporate networks are routing international office traffic through a central hub, often corporate headquarters.
Satellite Satellite connections. If uplink and downlink are registered, the routing method is considered standard because the sender is known. However, if the downlink is not registered, the shopper may be anywhere within the standard satellite beam, which may span one continent or more.
SuperPOP The shopper is dialing from a multi-state or multinational ISP that is unlikely to find the IP address location. Shopper may be dialing across geographic boundaries.
No value returned Routing type is unknown.

Value List - Payment.Chargebacks [n].Status

Value Description
Received Chargeback received from acquirer.
AcceptedByMerchant Chargeback accepted by store. In this case the store understands that it has indeed suffered a chargeback and will not contest it.
ContestedByMerchant Chargeback contested by store. In this case the store has sent the necessary documents to try to reverse the chargeback.